Supplements and Beards and Rick Bayless, Oh My!

You all, I don’t even know how to begin this post. Really truly, SO MUCH TO SAY.

Let’s talk about my quick trip to New York last week. It was utterly fantastic. I was invited as a guest of Nutrilite to attend a two-day meeting about health, fitness, and supplements. To be honest, I probably would have attended this meeting if it was in a Motel 6 in Tucumcari because the above-mentioned subjects are tops in my book. Supplements have always intrigued me, and after much research, I started taking a few on a daily basis earlier this year. (I talk about the specific supplements I take in the latest Mama Said video, if you are interested.) Combine that interest with my current half-marathon training, and I was giddy at the thought of getting one-on-one time with fitness experts and doctors.

Little did I know that it was only the tip of the iceberg. So, after missing my flight from LAX (405, you are dead to me) and finally arriving in New York Monday evening, I got a few hours of sleep before our meeting on Tuesday. When we arrived at our meeting place, we were whisked up an old elevator to the David Bouley test kitchen. Ohhhhh, this kitchen was really special, you guys. Music playing, a library full of books, copper pots gleaming, and many chefs expertly preparing meals.

The guests all marveled at the surroundings while getting to know each other, and in my case, catch up with some old blogging buddies. (That’s an entirely different post. In our free time, Angella, Ali and I managed to shop in Soho, visit the Freedom Tower, see the Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center, and do the prerequisite Times Square tourist shuffle.)

This photo is one of my favorites because everyone seems to be all “yes, this is a lovely meeting and we would enjoy learning more about supplements,” and then there’s, uh, me.


Shortly thereafter, we donned aprons and hit the kitchen for a few hours of cooking classes – how to truss a chicken, filet a fish, and make a perfect chocolate souffle.

(Again with the happy. Test kitchen! Food! Bearded chef!)

Friends, I would be remiss if I didn’t briefly call attention to the abundance of facial hair going on in this particular kitchen. In fact, when walking into the room for the first time, I whispered to Angella, “um, there are a lot of beards in here right now.” Namely, Ryan and Evan.

Many of you know that I have a Pinterest board entitled Beard Porn, and I felt it was my civic duty to capture a photo for my board. In between classes, I grabbed the two chefs, explained my Pinterest board, and asked them to give me their beard-porniest look. They complied.

What great sports they were. We need to make that photo the most pinned beard photo ever.

After they gave me a dose of Blue Steel, the team treated us to the most delicious 7-course meal ever. (For lunch, people. 3 desserts! Insanity.)

During lunch, I sat with Tom Sturgeon from Nutrilite and pretty much drilled him about the brand and their line of supplements. I’m a little embarrassed to say that I hadn’t heard of Nutrilite before the meeting, so I was super surprised to hear that they are the world’s #1 selling vitamin and dietary supplement brand. (Their top 4 sellers are the Daily Multivitamin, Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables, DOUBLE X® , and Balanced Health Omega-3.) Additionally, Nutrilite is fully committed to total quality control of its plant concentrates from seed to tablet: it offers the only global vitamin and mineral brand to grow, harvest, and process plants on its own certified organic farms in California, Washington, Mexico, and Brazil. Like that. A lot.

Later on that evening, we had the chance to talk to some health and fitness experts. Dr. Kip Johnson, Sean Foy, and Dr. Micheline Vargas. I still can’t get over how fully engaged these three were in regards to my health. I’ve unfortunately been dealing with some lower back pain from running, and I swear Sean was going to fix the problem right then and there. He spent so much time getting to know my exercise routine and nutrition, and had SO many tips to help eradicate my back issues. I left that evening with a whole new arsenal. Again, another post.

The next morning was a big one for me. Chef Rick Bayless was going to give us a private cooking lesson. RICK BAYLESS, PEOPLE. Not only am I a huge fan of Top Chef Master, but Chef Bayless was born and raised in Oklahoma City (like yours truly), and moved on to Chicago (like yours truly). D and I loved eating at Frontera while we lived there, and he’s always seemed like such a great person. Imagine me sipping on my tea early in the morning, only to see Chef Bayless about three feet from me. (I think something to the effect of “ohmygodrickbaylessisrighttere…there isrickbaylesswhatishedoingiaminaweahmygahhhhhhh came out of my mouth.) Now, it was kind of funny because a few of the guests didn’t know who Rick Bayless was (CRIMINY!), so I was sure to tell everyone about my borderline obsession with his cooking. After a few of the ladies gave me the proverbial kick in the pants, I walked right over to introduce myself. He was really lovely – we chatted about Oklahoma and Chicago, all while trying to soak up some of his cooking genius.

During the cooking presentation, Chef Bayless really stressed the importance of cooking with color – the top 5 reasons why good health begins with a daily dose of color are phytonutrient protection, energy, weight control, mental health, and variety. It’s so important to get multiple servings of fruits and vegetables every day (actually between 9 and 13, whoah), and cooking with fresh produce is huge. However (and a BIG however), I just can’t get that many servings via food every day and hence the supplements.

What’s your take on supplements? Are you getting all you need from food alone? You know I’d love to hear your thoughts, as well as what exact supplements you’re taking, if you are. (p.s. – If you are interested in nutritional supplements, but don’t know where to start, this 13-question assessment can point you in the right direction.)

Lastly, I’m leaving you with Chef Bayless’s recipe that he prepared for us that morning. Super delicious and super easy. Thanks to Nutrilite for such a fun and enlightening trip to New York!

Swiss Chard (or Spinach) Tacos with Caramelized Onion, Fresh Cheese and Red Chile (serves 4)

12-ounce bunch of Swiss chard (or collared, mustard, or beet greens), thick lower stems cut off
1 1/2 tablespoons vegetable oil, olive oil, fresh rendered lard or bacon drippings
1 large white or red onion, sliced 1/4 inch thick
3 garlic cloves, peeled and finely chopped or crushed through a garlic press
About 1 teaspoon chile flakes
1/2 cup chicken broth, vegetable broth or water
12 warm corn tortillas
About 3/4 cup Smoky Chipotle Salsa or Guajillo Chile Salsa—or bottled salsa or hot sauce, for serving
1 cup crumbled Mexican queso fresco or other fresh cheese like feta or goat cheese, for serving


Cut the chard crosswise in 1/2-inch slices. In a large skillet, heat the oil over medium-high. Add the onion and cook, stirring frequently, until browned but still crunchy, about 4 to 5 minutes. Add the garlic and chile flakes, stir for a few seconds until aromatic, then add the broth or water, 1/2 teaspoon salt and the greens. Reduce the heat to medium-low, cover the pan and cook until the greens are almost tender, anywhere from 2 minutes for tender spinach to 7 or 8 minutes for thick collard greens—Swiss chard needs about 5 minutes.

Uncover the pan, raise the temperature to medium-high and cook, stirring occasionally, until the mixture is nearly dry. Taste and season with additional salt if you think necessary.

Serve with warm tortillas, salsa and crumbled cheese for making soft tacos.

Seven Things

1. I want to dress like those illustrations. image via Paper Fashion

2. The first thing I read this morning was this. Um, kind of a bummer, right? I need to get my hands on the actual study, but runners, what do you think?

3. The house is almost finished – we ended up postponing the move for a week, though. We decided it would be smart to let the house off-gas for a good number of days before moving in. Next Friday it is!

4. Have you seen The Golden Door of Happiness? I am so in love.

5. Good thing we aren’t moving tomorrow since I still have tons of packing to do. Hey, you know a fantastic way to procrastinate? Fly across the country! Yep, I leave for New York early Monday morning, so I best be getting things wrapped up around here in the next two days.

6. You guys, the Great Bootie Search of 2012 rages on. I’m putting together another post featuring four (FOUR) more pairs that I tried. Did I find the perfect one? You will soon see. OH, THE SHOE SUSPENSE.

7. Hey, if you are looking to splurge on gifts for the lady in your life, please let me help you with that. I’m down with spending other people’s money.

Happy weekend!

Ebooks I’m Loving Right Now

1. From Your Freezer To Your Family: Slow Cooker Freezer Recipes

I don’t even know where to begin with this eCookbook because I love it so much. It’s like the perfect trifecta of slow cooker love, organization, and healthy meals. Now, if one of those three descriptors interests you, put this on your list, however, if two or more are your thing? BUY IT RIGHT NOW. You won’t be sorry.

Stephanie Brandt Cornais, from Mama and Baby Love, is a huge proponent of eating fresh, local, and organic, which she talks about in the book, but it’s her love of organization that won me over. Here’s the deal – we all have those weeks when it’s virtually impossible to devote time to making fresh meals in the evening, which is one of the reasons I love my slow cooker so much. Stephanie’s book has tons of really delicious slow cooker recipes, and she groups them together so you can prepare and freeze several meals on the same day.

Essentially, it works like this. Stephanie provides grocery lists for three meals, like so.

You buy your ingredients, prepare all three meals at the same time, put them in freezer bags, and store away. BOOM. Three great meals ready to go when you are. Just pop one in the slow cooker in the morning, and you’re good to go for dinner that night. Genius. Genius, I say!

You don’t have to prepare three at once, but when I’ve got a busy week coming up, that method is a godsend. Plus, Stephanie’s recipes are 95% grain-free, gluten-free and dairy-free. I could go on and on, but you can check out the eCookbook here, which has a list of all the recipes and more information. Best $9.99 you’ll spend, mark my words.

2. A Hip Handmade Holiday

I’ve made my love for Susan known, and her new Craft Pack venture is so cool. First up? A digital craft book (150+ page interactive PDF) with 18 projects, 9 instructional videos and over 100 printable gift tags, stickers, labels, stencils, and patterns. This holiday craft eBook is a gem, whether you are a crafting master or minor.

The book is broken up into sections: Gifts for Gents, Gifts for Ladies, Gifts for Four-Legged Friends, Gifts to Treasure, Gifts for the Home and Gifts In a Hurry, and each craft has short cuts for quicker crafting (awwww yeahhhh), as well as ideas on how to give each craft a personal touch.

I am totally making those gorgeous keychains, mark my words. You can purchase and download the craft book here.

3. 30 Braids in 30 Days

Remember when I posted 30 Days of Gorgeous Updos by Christina of Hair Romance? Love that book. Well, Christina is at it again with a new eBook totally dedicated to braids, called (you guessed it) 30 Braids in 30 Days. Ladies, everything you could possibly need to know about braiding is in this book. EVERYTHING. Braiding basics, how to prep you hair for braiding, and most importantly, full written instructions AND step-by-step picture tutorials. (Need the photo tutorials, thankyouverymuch.) Christina is my #1 gal for hair inspiration. If braids aren’t your thing, at least check out her great blog.

So! Great food, great crafts, and great hair. I think I’ve covered all the bases for today. Now, back to packing.

House Renovation Update #6

1 here. 2 here. 3 here. 4 here. 5 here.

Man, I just can’t seem to get these renovation updates done on time, but here’s the latest! The floors are done, and we are in looooove. Ripping out the floor in the kitchen and dining area and re-framing was the best idea ever – now instead of that weird ridge, it’s a continuous floor throughout.

The color of the floors turned out exactly as we had hoped. So happy.

Hello, open and airy!

The painters arrive this morning and will start prepping and painting the entire house which should take the next week or two. (After creating a trillion custom whites, we went with Dunn Edwards “White.” Typical.) The kitchen will be installed shortly after, and then DRUMROLL, we will move in. Let’s just keep our fingers crossed because we are out of our current home by December 1st regardless. (I can’t believe we are moving in 3 weeks! ACK! Packing? What’s packing? Do you remember how efficient I was at packing for the last move?)

Also, here are some photos of the bedrooms – you know, just in case you were wondering what 40-year-old carpet looks like.

The master bedroom.

Wito’s room. (Such a great room.)

Wita’s room. (Her view ain’t too shabby, either. Also, perfect window for sneaking out? Noted.)

We also replaced the kids’ bathroom floor because, well, it was fairly new, but heinous. (Obviously, the walls and casing have yet to be painted.)

All in all, we are on schedule. D and I are off to pick out material for the formal living room fireplace this morning.

We’re thinking grey marble with white veining to complement the white Calacatta marble in the kitchen, and frankly, I can’t think of a better way to spend my anniversary.

(HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, D! 8 years, baby!)

I’ll try to post one more update before move-in, but we are almost there, you all. SO EXCITING.

Happy Monday!

10 Things

1. Above are two favorite pins from last week. One made me nod and one made me laugh, but truer words were never spoken. (Although, I just finished writing a post for Women & Co in an attempt to disprove #2. We’ll see.)

2. Things are really looking good at the house. I have a feeling Friday’s update will be a great one!

3. You guys. The tea recommendations are awesome. I’m going to sit down and make a list of all the potential greatness. Rooibos teas? Total game changer.

4. Speaking of tea, have you all heard of the company Honest Tea? D drinks some of their organic bottled teas, but I’m really excited about the line of juice pouches that they just reformulated for kids. We aren’t much of juice drinking family – it’s pretty much just water and milk for the kids over here, but I have been in some situations lately (namely soccer games) when it was my responsibility to bring snacks for the group, and you all, I just can’t be the mom who brings mini water bottles to the kids after they’ve been chugging water throughout the entire game. I remember that mom growing up – the one with carrot sticks – that mom soooo sucked.

If the kids are looking for fun snacks and juice post-game, that’s what they are going to get. This season, I’ve been doing individual packs of Trader Joe’s Kettle Corn (the kettle corn only contains four ingredients – popcorn, sunflower oil, sugar, and salt), and the Honest Tea team sent some juice pouches to try out. They were a total hit with all parties involved.  The juices are organic, contain no GMOs or HFCS, and the company just eliminated the organic cane sugar and replaced it with additional fruit juice, dropping the sugar amount to 9 grams. Plus, they taste good – not cloyingly sweet. Thank you, Honest Tea. You just made my life so much easier. You can check out all the flavors here. (I kind of want to mix vodka with the Tropical Tango Punch for a weekend cocktail. Is that weird?)

5. The Fitocracy group! Such a great group of girls. It’s the perfect place for us to keep track of our workouts, share tips and video links to great exercises, and most importantly, support each other. I just finished Week 7 of Run10K, and man, it wasn’t the most fun I’ve ever experienced. Running on a treadmill for over an hour is brutal, but I know my group has got my back. If you are serious about exercising, please join us. However, I do have one requirement for the group. If you’ve spent any time on exercise websites like Fitocracy, you probably know there are some sketchy half-naked peeps around. I will only approve you to join our private group if you have added your profile photo and put a sentence or two about yourself in the “About Me” section. It’s only fair that we know a little about you! If you are in, please join here, follow me (username is whoorl), and I’ll add you to the group. Also, if you have previously joined and haven’t received an invite to the group, please leave your username in the comments. (Also, like I mentioned, be sure that your information is filled out so I can add you.)

6. Sticking with the running topic, we got into a little discussion about Garmin watches at the Facebook page. Do you use a Garmin? They seem so great, but I plan to use the Runkeeper App on my iPhone instead, mainly because I will need my iPhone to listen to my Spotify playlist while running outdoors. So! I need advice on ways to run with my iPhone. I’m not a fan of armbands, but recently heard about the Spibelt? Has anyone used this? Pros? Cons? Does it bounce? Any other recommendations for running with an iPhone?

7. One more fitness thought, and I promise I’m done. I know some of you subscribe to the “Lululemon is over-priced and over-hyped” way of thinking, but I have got to tell you, there is just no comparison for me in regards to durability and style. No comparison, and trust me, I have tried everything under the sun, just wishing and hoping that something less expensive would be as cute and most importantly, as functional and durable because I didn’t want to be that girl. The Lululemon addict girl. Well, I am here to tell you that after years of wearing the heck out of my stuff, my Lululemon items are still kicking and still adorable, and I LOVE THEM, AMERICA. Do you hear me? I am addicted to Lululemon and I will proudly yell from the rooftops! I LOVE YOU, LULULEMON.

I am also prepared to show you why no short in the world is as fantastic as their Turbo Run short. (Not that weird pattern, though. I prefer the all black ones, although did any of you see the pretty plum color that sold out in less than a week? I really wanted that color.) In fact, I might just have to post a photo comparison of three different brands. Which would mean I would actually have to photograph myself in running shorts on this here blog. THAT is scary, but I’ll dig in and do it for the team. (Also, I have no affiliation to Lululemon. Just a deep obsession.)

8. Speaking of obsessions, you all know I’m obsessed with beards, right? People think I love November because it’s my birthday and Thanksgiving, but no, it’s due to a little thing called Movember. Men donning facial hair all month long for a great cause. I can hardly wait. In the meantime, I’ve got a beard porn Pinterest board going on, and it’s pretty much the best thing ever.

9. If you haven’t noticed the 13,450,000 pins on Pinterest the last few weeks, it’s pumpkin season. Remember these pumpkin brownies from the days of yore? I’m totally making them this week, but let me just say, if you want a quicker pumpkin treat, the Trader Joe’s Pumpkin Bread and Muffin Mix is so damn good. I bought it on a whim last week, and we made the muffins this weekend. SO DAMN GOOD.

10. If you made it this far, you truly deserve a medal. I commend you, lovely person. But wait, one more thing! The winner of the Freshly Picked moccasin giveaway is #516, Rachel S. Congratulations, Rachel! Okay, I’m done. Run! Before I think of something else!

Oh, I’m doing it all, alright.

Hello! Guess what time I woke up today? 4:30am! So awesome, right? *death stare*

I woke up to little Wita crying and moaning. She didn’t feel warm, so we got up and took a little bath while the rest of the west coast slept. I guess you could say I was feeling a bit tired, considering I spent most of the night booby-trapping my house since D was out of town. A few hours later, I got the kids ready for school, dropped them off, and headed right back home because I had a myriad of posts that needed to be finished before 3pm school pickup.

The phone rang at 11:30am. It was Wita’s school. She had suddenly spiked a 102-degree fever and needed to be picked up immediately. I ran out the door as fast as I could, and when I got there, the poor little girl was passed out on a cot with a damp washcloth on her head while 20 toddlers sang songs and galloped around the room. I slowly and quietly roused her awake, picked up her sweaty body covered with goosebumps, and gently carried her to the car.

I was mentally planning how I could get her to the doctor in the afternoon, yet still pick up Wito when school dismissed. Pretty much impossible, and considering D was out of town, I figured the best thing to do was to pull Wito out of school early. (These are times when it’s painfully clear that not living by family is miserable.) We drove to his school, I carried Wita’s hot, limp body into the administrative office, signed him out, and was told I could find him outside at recess. Of course, I was having trouble finding him amidst the entire student body. Wita was sobbing in my ear, literally slipping out of my arms due to the combination of very hot weather and her feverish sweat.

I pulled my unwashed, tangled hair out of my face and kept looking for Wito. I hoped no one noticed I was wearing the same pants that I wore at yesterday’s pickup.

I finally found him (practicing his hula hoop skills), explained the situation, and we set off.

At 12:30pm, I walked into my dirty house with a very sick child, a very hyper child, multiple deadlines looming, and a husband in another state. A work day that should have been easy and quiet and productive had punched me right in the face.

This is all to say that I find it very humorous to be featured TODAY in a series entitled, “I Don’t Know How She Does It” at one of my favorite blogs, What Would Gywneth Do. Raluca wrote some really lovely things about me, and her words truly made me smile. Especially on a day like today.

I’m happy to say that Wita is resting comfortably, D will be home in a few hours, and I’m drinking a beer. I also brushed my hair.

Here’s to doing it all, mamas. And here’s to having it all.