House Renovation Update #6

1 here. 2 here. 3 here. 4 here. 5 here.

Man, I just can’t seem to get these renovation updates done on time, but here’s the latest! The floors are done, and we are in looooove. Ripping out the floor in the kitchen and dining area and re-framing was the best idea ever – now instead of that weird ridge, it’s a continuous floor throughout.

The color of the floors turned out exactly as we had hoped. So happy.

Hello, open and airy!

The painters arrive this morning and will start prepping and painting the entire house which should take the next week or two. (After creating a trillion custom whites, we went with Dunn Edwards “White.” Typical.) The kitchen will be installed shortly after, and then DRUMROLL, we will move in. Let’s just keep our fingers crossed because we are out of our current home by December 1st regardless. (I can’t believe we are moving in 3 weeks! ACK! Packing? What’s packing? Do you remember how efficient I was at packing for the last move?)

Also, here are some photos of the bedrooms – you know, just in case you were wondering what 40-year-old carpet looks like.

The master bedroom.

Wito’s room. (Such a great room.)

Wita’s room. (Her view ain’t too shabby, either. Also, perfect window for sneaking out? Noted.)

We also replaced the kids’ bathroom floor because, well, it was fairly new, but heinous. (Obviously, the walls and casing have yet to be painted.)

All in all, we are on schedule. D and I are off to pick out material for the formal living room fireplace this morning.

We’re thinking grey marble with white veining to complement the white Calacatta marble in the kitchen, and frankly, I can’t think of a better way to spend my anniversary.

(HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, D! 8 years, baby!)

I’ll try to post one more update before move-in, but we are almost there, you all. SO EXCITING.

Happy Monday!

  1. Schmutzie

    November 5, 2012 at 7:59 am

    I’ve been painting our new apartment, and the brighter paint colours were easy to pick compared to the white. There are so many whites, and I realized that the white I chose would change how all our furniture and the other paint colours would look. I finally went with Benjamin Williams Calming Cream.

    PS. LOVE your floors.

  2. sizzle

    November 5, 2012 at 8:34 am

    Those windows are pretty awesome (and, yes, good for sneaking out). It’s coming along so beautifully! I’m excited for you all.

  3. Lori

    November 5, 2012 at 10:03 am

    Looks good! I don’t think the kids bathroom floor was ‘heinous’. I think I would get rid of the blue tile counter before the floor! I can just see kids and toothpaste in all those little tile grout lines!

  4. Sarah

    November 5, 2012 at 10:08 am

    I am loving the progression! And I love what you are doing – you guys make it seem easy and clean – I really can’t get over how clean this renovation is.

    Happy anniversary!

  5. Jennifer

    November 5, 2012 at 10:58 am

    Looks great.

  6. Ninabi

    November 5, 2012 at 12:33 pm

    The house looks wonderful- what a difference in the space,so open and light now. I don’t envy you the DIY move- did that 2x a few years ago but knowing we were headed to our new house made all that packing worthwhile.

    Thanks for sharing the photographs with us.

  7. Amti'b

    November 5, 2012 at 3:31 pm


  8. meg

    November 5, 2012 at 6:05 pm

    So you filled us in on the paint color but which of the 52,000 wood stains did you (D) end up choosing for the floor? I love the color. Or maybe you did say in an older update, and I just missed it?!

  9. Chandler Glass Repair

    November 8, 2012 at 3:09 pm

    Great job! Nice work!