If I divulge my fave new lip gloss, will you forgive the sporadic posting?

So sorry for the lack of posting over the past two weeks! We’re knee deep in a ton of non-internet stuff right now, but hopefully things will be back on track next week.

In the meantime, might I tell you about my newest lip gloss purchase?

NARS lip gloss in Risky Business. A beautiful shimmering pinkish berry. (It’s described as a “shimmering berry red,” but I don’t get any sort of red vibe from it.) Perfect for every day paired with Estee Lauder automatic lip pencil in Fig.

Also, it’s official. I can NOT deal with eye or lip pencils that I must sharpen myself, for I am Pencil Sharpening Challenged. Automatic all the way, ladies.

From the Participant Reject Folder…

Wow. The last day of 2009! Happy New Year’s Eve, homies.

I’ve been trying to organize my list of HT participants over the past couple of days, and in doing so, have found some fine-looking ladies lurking in the depths of my email inbox. Although they requested my help, I think each and every one of these gals are doing just fine on their own.

Julianna’s perfectly placed purple.


Kristin’s crazy curls.


Amanda’s sexy shape and highlights.


Wendy has some luscious locks, YO.


Lauren nails the whole “piecey yet blunt” bangs effect.


Aiden’s beautiful highlights are 100% natural. (Never colored her hair!)


Keep rolling with it, chicas. And that’s my final answer.

Sedu Precious Metals Iron Giveaway!

Do you know what would make your holiday season 1,000 times better? Um, I DO.


A Sedu Styling Iron from the Precious Metals Collection! This iron is a new favorite of mine (be sure and check out the video I filmed using one), and apparently I’m not the only admirer. In fact, Tyra Banks just featured the iron today on her Top Holiday Picks show. Awww yeah.

The lovely folks at folica.com are providing not one but THREE Sedu irons for this fantastic giveaway. Once again, FOLICA DOT COM IS THE BOMB.

Leave a comment on this post before next Tuesday, December 22nd at 6pm PST and you will be entered to win one of these fantastic irons. Ready, set, GO!
