Update — Shuchita

Here’s an update from Shuchita!

Hey Sarah,

It’s been ages since you posted suggestions from me (volume 3.25) and after weeks of deliberating I finally went in for a slightly shorter version of the Penelope Cruz style. It’s super-easy to maintain (I air dry it 99% of the times) and can be “neatened” with a hair-band or pony-tail.

Thank you so much for the suggestions, I think once you posted aboutt me, it was like throwing my hat over the fence. I couldn’t keep sitting after all those people took the time out to vote !! Maybe once I muster up some more courage, I’ll try the rolled under bob – but right now, I’m happy with this.


Thanks, Shuchita! (I love your tunic, by the way.)

Lovely Locks — Demi Moore

I just received my new C Magazine in the mail yesterday and this cover photo of Demi Moore totally knocked the wind out of me.

Look at the woman.

SERIOUSLY, LOOK AT THAT WOMAN. She’s 46, for God’s sake! Gorgeous.

I’m totally going to track her down on Twitter and find out all of her hair secrets. The world must know!

(So, uh, hey. I know the makeovers have been few and far between lately, but the past month has been a doozy. Promise to catch up in April!)

Love Love Loving this Website!!

Introducing Jan, who has ahhhhh-mazing hair. (Twenty-six inches of never-colored, virtually uncut, thick, naturally wavy locks.)

For the month of March, Jan will style her hair differently every single day.

Then, she’s going to cut it all off.


You all MUST check out the website. Like right now. You won’t be disappointed!

The Oscar Look

I can’t believe I watched The Oscars in its entirety last night. Of course, I was also playing 4 games of Words With Friends on my iPhone and becoming completely entranced with the closed captioning on my grandparents’ television.


[upbeat instrumental music]

I have to say, Sandra Bullock looked gorgeous. GORGEOUS. That shiny, chocolate brown mane was hard to beat.

I’m also rushing out to purchase CHANEL Rouge Coco Lip Colour in Paris. (Other Bullock makeup tips from the night are over here.)

Who was your favorite from the evening? Did anyone make you squirm??

Click photo to enlarge image.

Keratin Coppola Smoothing Treatment

Ladies, the time has finally come. After dozens and dozens of emails with questions regarding Brazilian Blowouts and/or Keratin Coppola Smoothing Treatments, Tera documented a a step-by-step Keratin Coppola Smoothing Treatment in hopes to help explain the concept and show the amazing results from the treatment.

If you have questions for Tera, please leave a comment and she’ll do her best to answer you!

Now, let’s get to it!

This is Cindy. She has very curly, unruly hair. It is sometimes cooperative, and this is a pretty good day. Our goal was to eliminate all of her frizz and make her curls more manageable. She also hopes that with the smoothing treatment , she will be able to blow her hair out straight, something she hasn’t yet been able to master.

Here is Cindy pre-treatment.

After retouching Cindy’s color, we shampooed her hair with the Keratin Complex Clarifying Shampoo to remove any color residue or oils that could prevent the treatment from adhering to her hair. I then quickly dried her hair so I could begin to apply the treatment. Immediately following color is the best time for a treatment as it seals the hair so color stays vibrant, shiny and lasts longer.

I sectioned Cindy’s hair into sections and begin applying the Keratin Complex Smoothing Treatment. It is applied to the entire head.

The entire head is covered with the treatment. Next it is covered with a plastic cap and she will sit for 30 minutes. In this time the treatment is finding it’s way into the open spaces in the cuticle.

When thirty minutes has passed, the hair is again quickly blown dry with the treatment in it.

The hair is then flat ironed with a 450 degree iron in very fine sections. This is when the magic happens! An activator in the treatment reacts with the heat of the iron sealing the treatment into the hair. The hair becomes extremely smooth, shiny and soft.

The finished product! Cindy will not shampoo her hair or get it wet at all for 3 days. When she shampoos it, her hair will be 100% frizz free and slightly less curly. Her own hair but only better!!!


What about three days later, after washing and air-drying?

Still great curls without any of the frizz!

And three weeks later…

Remember how Cindy couldn’t blow dry her hair straight before the treatment? This photo was taken after she dried it straight with her fingers. (She didn’t even use a brush!!) Pretty damn impressive…

And here’s a more specific comparison of her curls before and after the treatment.

Absolutely lovely. I have had several personal friends do the Coppola treatment and they can’t stop raving about it. (Literally. I GET IT, PEOPLE.)

If this process is something that would be perfect for your hair type and you live in Southern California, Tera is offering the process for 20% off! ($280 instead of $350.) Additionally, if you add another service (cut or color), she will give you 25% off. You can book your appointments with Tera at her website.

Thanks for taking the time to do this, Tera! Don’t forget to leave your questions for Tera in the comments.