Odds and Ends

Odds and Ends 10.2.2020

Odds and Ends 10.2.2020

1. Watching this man win over his aggressive dog with patience and love is just the best. (Yes, I’m now a dog person who watches dog videos and also shares dog videos. #wtf)

2. Pizza toppings? Sure. Racism? Not so much.

3. As someone who has reported on this country for decades and seen so much, this interview with Dan Rather is really good.

4. Kypris is one of those brands that rarely offers discounts or giveaways, but not today! Make a purchase on Integrity Botanicals’ website from now until Oct 4th and you’ll be entered to win $525 of Kypris products! No minimum purchase required – just enter “Kypris giveaway” in the COMMENTS section upon checkout. (Here is a list of my favorite Integrity Botanicals products.)

5. As a lifelong learner, I’m really enjoying diving into The Eco Well which gives a fully scientific perspective on the clean beauty movement. Lots to learn and un-learn!

6. I shared my very favorite eye products (mascara, eyeliners, and shadows) plus the best shade combinations in this post. Play those peepers up!

7. 5 things to do to keep your brain healthy. This is the perfect game for tip #1.

8. Welcome to adulthood. This is the truth.

9. Nordstrom just price-matched one of all my all-time favorite pairs of boots. I wear the woodstock shade all the time.

10. The jumpsuit addiction continues. This is my newest one for fall…y’all, it’s so cute and feels like pajamas. #winwin

11. It’s SO important to vote. Um, even if it’s on how foods should be eaten. #whoeatsakitkatallatonce

12. Love these photos of abandoned places. So spooky and beautiful.

13. 14,000 steps seem to be the ticket for Jessica Simpson. Love to see ladies in their 40s thriving.

Happy Friday to you! We’ve had the Better Homes and Gardens team at our home this week photographing an upcoming feature (squueeeeeeee!) so we are ready to do a whole lot of nothing this weekend. I hope you enjoy yours!

image credit: massimo colonna


One thought on “Odds and Ends
  1. Chelsea

    October 3, 2020 at 10:24 pm

    The Eco Well! Thank you so much for sharing about this. I have recently found myself confronting this topic in the food industry too. I’ve been following FoodScienceBabe on Instagram to learn more. I’m looking forward to diving into The Eco Well.