Rocky Mountain High

Wow. That is the cheesiest post title I have ever written. (Although, Zeus? Hera? Where’s the God of Teeth when you need him? and Memories, Light The Corner Of My Mind are additional fine options.)

I just don’t know where to begin. I mean, do you all even KNOW ME anymore? No, no, I don’t think you do, and the only way to remedy the situation is a quick post filled with written diarrhea.

Let’s see. I just returned from a quick trip to Denver and Boulder. As you may or may not know, my husband graduated from the University of Colorado and we wanted to check out his old stomping grounds while meeting up with his brother’s family. (Which included the most delicious 6-month-old ever.) The weather was beautiful, the leaves were starting to change, the air was crisp and the food was tasty.

We poked around neighborhoods and parks and generally fell over dead when we saw the housing prices. Houses that would easily be over the 2 million dollar mark in my beach community were literally, dare I say, remotely AFFORDABLE. Frankly, it makes me wonder, is the beach that worth it? Is the year-round perfect weather that worth it? Will I live in a small bungalow FOREVER AND EVER, GOD HELP ME?

Wait! That’s not all! The women? At the beautiful Colorado parks? Were NATURALLY attractive. NOT shot up with Botox, sporting blond extensions and Juicy Couture track suits! I did not see one bright yellow Hummer or flaming red Aston Martin. The people were friendly! With not a hint of passive aggressiveness!

OH MY GOD, Orange County, you are slowly killing my will to live.

(See? This is when I think I should continue not updating my blog. Do you really want to read this drivel?)

Also, I’m not the least bit ashamed to admit that I am almost physically ill that I finished reading the Twilight series. What in the hell am I supposed to do now? Blog or something? I love Edward and Bella, and I could care less if people think it was a poorly-written series because I could NOT put it down. Being a huge Anne Rice fan, I thought I would scoff at these books, but I loved them, oh how I loved them. Is there going to be a 5th book? Please, someone MAKE THE PAIN GO AWAY. If you absolutely loved Twilight, do you have any other books that you recommend I read? I belong to Goodreads, but I get lost in all of the millions and trillions of suggestions.

(Also, does anyone else wonder if by reading and thinking about vampires, you are sending out some sort of other-worldly wavelength for the vampires to come find you? No? Just forget I mentioned it.)

Now, if you are looking for something to make you laugh your ever-loving ass off, might I recommend Cringe by the lovely Sarah Brown? It’s a compilation of grade and high school journal entries that are some of the most hilarious pages I’ve read in any book.

(But I don’t WANT funny now! I want Edward and Bella! Wah.)

Help me find some sort of substitute before I am forced to read The Witching Hour for the fifth time.

  1. Rhi

    September 24, 2008 at 8:35 am

    Have you read Christopher Moore? He has some vampire books, that are good – and he’s a very clever writer, I think.

    Also, I am STILL ON TWILIGHT. I’ve been meaning to take it to the gym so I can read while I’m on the treadmill, but I KEEP FORGETTING and so I’m forced to just watch E! instead.


  2. Rebecca (Bearca)

    September 24, 2008 at 8:37 am

    I have lived several other places (all in California), and Orange County IS the oddest. People are very superficial and flaunty here.

    However, there are nice people too. :) I know some! And I am one! Plus you need to STAAAAAY HERE because I would miss you if you left. Hi! I’m selfish!

    Unrelated, I think I need to check out this Twilight thing everyone is talking about. Have become obsessed with vampires since I started watching True Blood.

    I have the books if you want to borrow them!

  3. Laurie

    September 24, 2008 at 8:45 am

    Wish I could help I am sort of floundering now myself…so I am just re-reading the series…

  4. kylei

    September 24, 2008 at 8:54 am

    I highly recomend Laurell K hamilton, it starts a little slow but there it really heats up…
    It about a booty kicking vampire slayer / raiser of the dead.


  5. rosalicious

    September 24, 2008 at 8:59 am

    You failed to mention the awesomely hot MEN here? Yum yum. Although you are married to one so….yeah, you know the Colorado goods :)

    Glad you had a great trip!

  6. Heather

    September 24, 2008 at 9:09 am

    I loved The Witching Hour series! After reading those books, I kept wishing I was a witch and had a mansion in the Garden District (and a huge fortune) just waiting for me. So I can understand the vampire thing!

  7. Rayshell

    September 24, 2008 at 9:21 am

    Delurking to say CO is a great place to live and raise a family. Glad you enjoyed your stay. We don’t have year round playground weather for Whoorlito but I’m sure he would LOVE the snow too! :)

  8. Photographer Lori

    September 24, 2008 at 9:56 am

    The husband and I just took a trip to Portland and OMG….what a place! I felt exactly the same thing about LA when we returned home. So Cal is really awesome in some ways and really sucks in others! We went to a few open houses while we were there…BIG mistake! We could get a 4 bedroom 3 bath, finished basement, big yard, living room, dining room, 2000 square foot home for what we paid for our bungalow.


  9. Lara

    September 24, 2008 at 10:15 am

    I love that you loved the Twilight books, as I also devoured them. Well, not in the same way that a vampire would devour them, he heh.

    Anyway, if you’re still in the mood for light and fluffy and impossible to put down but are willing to move away from the world of the undead, I really cannot rave enough about Megan McCafferty’s Sloppy Firsts (and then Second Helpings, Charmed Thirds, and there’s also a fourth book but I haven’t read it yet and heard it was disappointing).

  10. Miss Virginia

    September 24, 2008 at 10:16 am

    Where have I been? How have I missed all this Twilight hoopla? I must get me some right now!! (not that i’m such a fan of vampires or have even read or seen ONE THING VAMPIRE…but i’m not against them either).

    OK…so you have gazillions of comments on how great Twilight is…many on how weird the OC is…but where are all the COLORADO ROCKS people?? I for one am one of those. Even though I will forever “miss virginia” (the name of my blog that never came to fruition because well…I don’t know why…still hoping and trying to do it…yes, yes i am going to start my blog TODAY…but I digress) Colorado is an amazing place to live AND to raise a family.
    My husband and I both went to CU, too and caught the Colorado bug. We’ve lived other places (mostly in my beloved Virginia) but the rat race, the obnoxious people, the traffic, the high cost of living, etc…finally brought us here. The weather in Denver is fantastic, year round, the people are nice (and even have a decent sense of style!) and YES…you can have a REALLY NICE house for a REASONABLE price. (and we love obama!!)

  11. Mysh

    September 24, 2008 at 10:41 am

    Well, it’s not a BOOK series to help your Edward and Bella withdrawls, but if it is vampires you’re looking for, you can always go to http://www.hulu.com and watch both Buffy the Vampire Slayer(seasons 1 and 2) and Angel (season 1). The site is legal and completely free of any spyware/adware/viruses.

    Buffy and Angel had their own pretty good love story to sink your teeth into! :O)

  12. sunny

    September 24, 2008 at 12:29 pm

    Lullabies for Little Criminals
    Eat , Pray, Love
    Secret Life of Bees
    Dont Lets Go to the Dogs Tonight
    Scar Tissue (red hot chili pepper Anthony Kiedis’ autoB)
    Candy Girl (same chick who did Juno, release your inner stripper!)
    Washingtonienne (sp?)

  13. sunny

    September 24, 2008 at 12:31 pm

    COLORADO PUT YOUR HANDS UP! The beach is cool but Whoorl I could see you in those mountains.

  14. Andrea

    September 24, 2008 at 1:10 pm

    Ooooh, I second the commenter on 19 Minutes by Jodi Picoult – as well as My Sister’s Keeper by the same author :)

  15. SJ

    September 24, 2008 at 1:34 pm

    Okay so I don’t think I’ve ever commented, but I have to break my silence. COLORADO IS AWESOME.

    I moved to CO eleven years ago from Virginia, and to this day I’m still in love with the place. The mountains, the weather, the people – you name it. It’s a great place to live and raise a family.

    I’m glad you enjoyed your visit!!