Parenting Confessional

1. I still wear my special sexpot lipstick combination (NARS Dolce Vita and Chanel Pagoda Glossimer) when I visit the hot pediatrician.

2. I’ve completely stopped trying to feed Wito vegetables and I don’t feel the slightest bit guilty.

3. I only live 20 minutes away, but I still haven’t taken Wito to Disneyland. (A colossal SoCal parent no-no. Quelle horreur!)

4. The Backyardigans is on my television WAY too much. (Proof.)

5. If I go on one more preschool tour, I’m going to vomit.

I already feel better. Feel free to add your personal confession and you will be absolved completely. Peace be with you.

  1. Catlin

    May 12, 2009 at 10:13 am

    The last time I baby sat, I gave the 8 y/o boy french fries for lunch and french fries for dinner.

  2. hala

    May 12, 2009 at 1:30 pm

    LOOL.. Man I have been gone way too long. Thank you for that.

    1- SoCal mom here too – no Disneyland yet, and no plans to go until he knows EXACTLY what Disneyland is and can appreciate the value of the ticket price :p (And then pay me back by doing chores around the house)

    2- I let my son eat a chocolate muffin for breakfast the other day and felt nothing but absolute joy as I watched him get high. (on sugar) and try to feed chocolate muffin pieces to the poor innocent birds pecking for food off the sidewalk

    3- I sometimes secretly think that it’s absolutely adorable when my son does things I consider annoying from other kids, so I don’t always make him sit down at Soup Plantation when he turns around to face then proceeds to interrupt and chat up the poor childless couple sitting in the booth behind us. More time for me to enjoy my salad. And soup.

  3. Grammar Snog

    May 13, 2009 at 5:59 pm

    I don’t understand why when asked to get turkey for sandwiches my husband brings home some $4/pound turkey gelatinized loafy sort of something. It’s NOT turkey and it’s awful and it irritates me far more than it should.

    Feel so much better!!!

  4. Amanda

    May 15, 2009 at 12:03 pm

    These are great. Seriously, I could read them all day long. Here’s some of my favorite mama secrets.
    1. I have a secret stash of chocolate (no secret to anyone really, but everyone knows it’s mine). I do not share and Jack knows that it’s “mommy’s medicine”.
    2. We have made a rule that Jack isn’t allowed to get up before 7am. So when he does, we tell him it’s not time to get up yet and we won’t take down the gate (yeah, we have to gate him in his room… otherwise he sneaks downstairs at night and turns the computer on). It works for naps too.
    3. Sometimes we have ice cream for dinner because that’s what I feel like eating.
    4. I have a favorite child.
    5. I have been known to bring the kids into bed with me, turn the TV on and go back to sleep.

  5. Bumbling

    May 18, 2009 at 8:25 am

    Sarah, you should pick up a copy of “Mother on Fire’ by Sandra Tsing Loh. It’s all about a California mom’s quest to find the perfect preschool for her daughter. A great read.

    Bumbling’s last blog post..Conversations