1. I still wear my special sexpot lipstick combination (NARS Dolce Vita and Chanel Pagoda Glossimer) when I visit the hot pediatrician.
2. I’ve completely stopped trying to feed Wito vegetables and I don’t feel the slightest bit guilty.
3. I only live 20 minutes away, but I still haven’t taken Wito to Disneyland. (A colossal SoCal parent no-no. Quelle horreur!)
4. The Backyardigans is on my television WAY too much. (Proof.)
5. If I go on one more preschool tour, I’m going to vomit.
I already feel better. Feel free to add your personal confession and you will be absolved completely. Peace be with you.
May 7, 2009 at 12:05 pmSo I really really hate my ex husband and I keep hoping he dies. Or he would just figure out he’s a shitty father and let my fiancee adopt my daughter.
And I guess what I should hope for is that he’d grow up and become a stellar father but really I just want him to die a miserable death.
Am I absolved?
Ariel’s last blog post..I may have had a small glass of wine with lunch but that’s not why this is so FUNNY! (Or I LOVE JENNY THE BLOGGESS!)
May 7, 2009 at 12:10 pmThose Quorn vegetarian nuggets count as vegetables, right?
Ahh, absolution.
natalie’s last blog post..Summer Bob
May 7, 2009 at 12:13 pmI am reading your blog right now when I should be playing with my kids.
I let the baby eat cheerios off the floor, but only if they were from today, or yesterday. I carbon date my cheerios, yo!
Since I’m dieting my kids have been eating hot dogs, pizza, and mac-n-cheese while I eat grilled chicken and vegetables. To be honest I offer to share but they refuse.
May 7, 2009 at 12:15 pmWow, my confession is a little lighter than Ariel’s:
1. I actually love the Backyardigans, Imagination Movers and most of all Shaun the Sheep.
2. I’ve been known to listen to the above CD’s and “All About John Deere” while driving…without kids present.
3. I think my kids are the smartest ever! What 2yo knows the difference between a pentagon, hexagon and octogon? MINE, that’s who! What 5yo knows the difference between gas and diesel engines and how each excels at different jobs? Yup, MINE AGAIN!
Ahhhh. I feel better already. Thanks whoorl.
May 7, 2009 at 12:21 pm1. I spend way too much time on the computer while my child ‘plays’ on the floor and mommy yells encouragement from the couch.
2. Sometimes I just suck on the binky when it drops on the floor before giving it back to the baby instead of rinsing it out or finding a new one.
3. As much as I swear I’m going to sleep train the baby, I secretly love the middle of the night snuggle, and so I make an excuse about why ‘he’s not ready yet…’
Andrea’s last blog post..Grace in Small Things
May 7, 2009 at 12:27 pmI relish in the fact that my 3yo goes into the fridge, and brings me the milk and an empty cup on saturday mornings, instead of making me get out of bed. He even brings the milk back to the fridge. It’s truly blissful.
Stacy’s last blog post..Three Tid Bits
May 7, 2009 at 12:29 pm1. I have the same confession about no vegetables… it is a lot less frustrating not to care anymore.
2. My kids drink way too much juice and not enough milk.
3. I almost always have a kid song (Justin Roberts or Imagination Movers) stuck in my head. Never a song that I actually want to listen to myself.
4. Some days the kids and I stay in our jammies all day… and we like it!
Mimi’s last blog post..My Half Eff-It List
May 7, 2009 at 12:30 pm1. I don’t feed my 2 year old veggies either. I try, and sometimes he eats them, but he is good about eating fruit, so I don’t feel so guilty.
2. Our show that’s on too much is Yo Gabba Gabba. I’ll turn it on just so I can read blogs, or play games.
3. I’m too lazy to take my son outside to play. I HATE sitting outside, even though he loves it. Talk about guilt. Absolve me please?
hi kooky
May 7, 2009 at 12:36 pmSounds about right to me!
hi kooky’s last blog post..Birds and boys and worms
May 7, 2009 at 12:48 pmWhen the dudes wake up too early for my liking I tell them to go downstairs and turn on the TV so I can sleep longer.
And I gave up on veggies long ago…
May 7, 2009 at 12:55 pmThis is my first visit to new and improved! Whoorl! I likes it!
I am not a parent, but my confession? I took all the dirty dishes out of my sink and put them in plastic shopping bags (four of them!) and brought them over to my condo because it has a dishwasher and I’ll be damned if I’m handwashing a dish now that there is a working dishwasher that I own in a 20 mile vicinity.
Kristabella’s last blog post..Is It Called Sudafed Because Someone With A Stuffy Nose Tried To Say Stuffy Head?
Mama Bub
May 7, 2009 at 1:00 pmI keep lollipops in my purse and I’m not afraid to use them. It’s the only thing that gets me through Target.
We have annual passes to Disneyland and I actually don’t really love going. My husband occasionally takes him on Sunday mornings and I LIVE for the three hours of quiet. (However, if you do go, I would like to suggest California adventure. It’s quieter, calmer, and they have splash park that keeps them entertained for a very, very long time.
Amy - BiteTheRabbit
May 7, 2009 at 1:17 pmOh, feeling much better about the lack of veggies consumed by my 2.5 yr son.
I spend way too much time on the computer while my kids watch TV (including my 4 month old) – yikes!
Amy – BiteTheRabbit’s last blog post..Potty Training and Other Unrelated Items
Rebecca (Bearca)
May 7, 2009 at 1:29 pmI secretly like Yo Gabba Gabba.
Rebecca (Bearca)’s last blog post..
May 7, 2009 at 1:40 pmI really should spend more time on my stomach facing my son to encourage tummy time… but damn, Tickle Me Elmo does a much better job at keeping him entertained than I do! Plus, TME has more tolerance for hoursspent on our hardwood floors than I do.
I say skip Dland until after the summer rush. Nothing worse than a toddler melt down in 95* heat while surrounded by thousands of non-English speaking tourists all jostling for a spot at the Tiki Room. The beauty of being a SoCal dweller is being able to go to Dland in the middle of the week in October and just walking into any attraction that you want — no wait required. Just sayin’.