I’m Breaking Rule #29

Have you seen Tony Pierce’s “Rules for Blogging”? Maliavale posted them earlier this week…

Well, I’m breaking #29 and apologizing for my lack of entries. I am currently working the last week of my job before my maternity leave begins. And I’m swamped.

I’m hoping to have plenty of time for this nonsense next week…I even have a poorly-made video of Whoorlito’s bizarro rocking/dancing antics in my belly. I know you all are waiting with bated breath over there.

Until then, Arrivederci!


Brief Whoorlito Update

I had my first cervical exam this morning and…


nothing has happened. My cervix is tightly closed- it looks like Whoorlito still has some cooking to do.

I was talking to one of my favorite nurses today in an office I call on for work, and I asked her to guess what day Whoorlito would make his arrival. I explained how my “official” due date was August 11th, but all of my 4 ultrasounds had shown a due date of August 5th-7th, which just MUST be more realistic considering the spinny-wheel LMP date is a crock considering I don’t ovulate anywhere near day 14…blah, blah, blah. Do you see where this was going? I was totally priming her for the “Oh, don’t worry, he will definitely come closer to the ultrasound date” response.

Instead, she looked me up and down and with no hesitation said, “August 15th- that baby isn’t coming out anytime soon”.

Thanks a LOT.


Let’s Play A Game

Or be a part of my non-scientific, double-blind, placebo-controlled, government-funded study!

Um, it’s really none of those things. But did you see how well that flowed from my fingers and translated on the written page? Seven years of pharmaceutical sales has taught me something, by God.

Mommies, tell me how many days +/- you delivered from your due date. Also, if you had two separate dates (like the lame LMP spinny-wheel date vs. what the ultrasounds predicted), which was closer? And non-mommies, I’m not discriminatory…tell me about your sisters, friends, etc.

And finally (TMI), did anyone have really bad breast pain in their last month? Like your nipple was struck by lightening?

Because OUCH.