Our Homebuying Moment Realized

This post is sponsored by Trulia, but the views expressed here are solely mine. To learn more click here.

Our house is finished. Well, okay, a house is NEVER truly finished, right? BUT we just completed the outdoor paint and landscaping, and it feels pretty good to sit back and take a breath. (To see the complete indoor renovation, click here.) I can’t believe we’ve been in our house for over a year now – in some ways, it seems time has flown by, yet I also feel like I’ve lived here forever.

I remember the first time we looked at this house. We saw it on Trulia, and figured what the heck, we’d make an appointment to check it out. The house was on the market for the first time in 40-something years, and frankly, it smelled like it.

Even D, who does this for a living, shook his head and said it was too much work. We walked away, yet the house stayed on our minds constantly for the next few weeks. During dinner or while bathing the kids, we would make little comments…”if we opened up that kitchen wall,” or “did you see the original light fixtures in the hallway…”

Fast forward two months from those evening conversations (and a bit of a roller coaster ride), and we had ourselves a home. We got straight to work on the interiors, and now, I’m proud to say the exterior is finished as well.


Happy happy joy joy.

Have you checked out Trulia? It’s a great website that makes it easy to find a home, a neighborhood and a real estate agent. Obviously, the home buying process is an emotional roller coaster. (What can I afford? Is it the right house? Is it a good neighborhood? What’s the best kind of mortgage? THE QUESTIONS.)  Trulia provides home buyers with information on neighborhoods, schools, crime, local amenities, agents, and financing so that they can answer those questions with confidence.

You can check out some more (oh-so-true) postcards and share your own crazy homebuying moments at Trulia’s website.

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Home Tour: Master Bedroom

The master bedroom of our home needed some MAJOR help. I mean, you guys, it was pretty dang sad when we purchased it. (Remember this little video I shot of the demolition? It was the last room of the video.)


Am I right? Ouch.

We are much happier with it post-renovation. (HUGE UNDERSTATEMENT.)


We purchased the canopy bed prior to owning this house, so it wouldn’t have been our #1 choice for this particular space, but we still love the bed itself. (Room and Board, yo!)



We loved and wanted to keep the original cantilevered closet doors, even though they were the biggest pain in the arse to prime and paint. However, I love how they retain the original feel of the room.


The closet space itself isn’t massive, so it forced me to do a little refreshing and updating to my wardrobe. Not a bad thing, people.


We also love this red chair that was compliments of Fashion for Home. Adds a nice pop of color to the room.


Happy dance. The kids rooms are up next!

Home Tour: Living Room

I have to say, our home’s formal living room has been the most unexpected surprise for us. As you walk into the front door of the house, this room is directly to your right. It’s the only room in the main living area that isn’t a part of the great room, and we initially assumed it would be the least used room in the house. Well, I have to say that this room has become my favorite for many reasons. First off, it houses so many of our finds and treasures from the past decade – I could spend days telling stories about the objects residing in the room. Secondly, although I love that our kitchen, family and dining room are one bright, open space, it is nice to have one room separate from the others. (And I suspect it will be a welcome oasis as our children get older and want some space from each other…oh, who am I kidding…they are already bickering at the ripe old ages of 3 and 7.)

Truthfully, though, the #1 reason I adore this room is the fact that it’s the warmest during the winter months. I’m easy to please, what can I say?

whoorl home renovation

The room is rather large, so we created two sitting spaces. The true living space, and my “office.” That Eames chair serves as blog central, and I love that spot because I can look out the window to the left and see all the happenings on my street, which is crucial to me not feeling so isolation central while working.

whoorl home renovation

I am obsessed with this vintage brass light fixture that we found at Kerson in Palm Springs. It produces the coolest shadows at night.

whoorl home renovation

(And yes, we love this rug from West Elm so much that we have it in both living areas!)

We found this large display cabinet at HD Buttercup several years ago when we were planning to move into the mid-century mold disaster. (Remember that fun, homeless time? Ugh.) We weren’t sure if we would be able to use it again, but it fits nicely in the living room. Talk about a lot of books and set-abouts, people. The piece has 18 glass panes, and I could probably write a 18 blog posts about the items in each and every one.

whoorl home renovation

Our main renovation task in the living room was dealing with the fireplace. As you can see, it was quite a mish-mash of materials.


We simplified by using a gorgeous grey quartzite material called “London Fog,” and are super pleased with the result.

whoorl home renovation

That orange pillow was the very first gift I ever gave D…12 years ago. Time flies, whoah.

Overall, the room is light, bright, happy-making, and don’t forget, quite toasty during our brutal Southern California winters.

whoorl home renovation

whoorl home renovation

Thanks to Jessie Webster for the lovely photos.


Home Tour: Kitchen and Dining Room

It’s home tour time. Cue trumpet fanfare!

First up, the kitchen and dining room. Here’s the kitchen when we bought the house and after the renovation.

(psst – all of the previous nitty gritty renovation posts can be found here.)

whoorl kitchen remodel

Our new island is totally the command center of the house. (All kitchen appliances and fixture choices can be found here.)

whoorl kitchen remodel

And check out the dining room transformation. Sayonara, nasty wood paneling!

whoorl dining room remodel

Although, it’s funny – we thought we were done with this part of this house until we decided, well, we weren’t. We made a few more changes since photographing the house, namely, adding another window in the dining room.

dining room window

I’m telling you, that window is a game changer. The morning light is beyond. LOVE.

As for the other window in the dining room, we changed that as well. (Please take a look at that before photo. Not only were we dealing with the wood paneling, but the previous tenants purposely installed a carpet strip into the wall. WHAT THE WHUT.)

whoorl dining room remodel

Did I mention that the lovely and talented Jessie Webster shot these beautiful photos of our space? Here are some of my favorites.


It’s Going To Be a Mighty New Year

The past three months have been a bit unusual. Buying and renovating a house is obviously stressful. Joyful and exciting, but stressful. Until we moved last week, D had been leaving around 6am to meet with contractors at the new house, followed by a full day at work, followed by stopping by the house again to check up on things, and finally arriving back home around 7 or 8pm. In a nutshell, he wasn’t seeing the kids very much, if at all. I, on the other hand, took on a slew of extra writing assignments to help fund said renovation, and was up to my neck in deadlines while taking care of the kids from sun up to sun down (barring school, of course), and basically losing my mind just a little bit.

I feel like we both have been failing at the parenting gig for the past two months. I’m not proud to say that the kids have watched (way) too much television, played (way) too much on the iPad, and frankly, haven’t received the undivided attention a 2- and 6-year-old need. I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I’ve said (through a clenched jaw), “What? What do you want? Can’t you go play??” to little Wita while she whined incoherently. (How about some attention, mom? Maybe play with me for a minute or two instead of breezing past me, looking for your to-do list? HOW ABOUT THAT?)

(Mom guilt is in FULL FORCE over here.)

Well, the good news is that we have moved into the house, and although our house project list is still lengthy, we are at least together under the same roof in the mornings and evenings.

Last month, one of my favorite internet dynamos asked me to be one of the inaugural cast members of her new website, Go Mighty.  Go Mighty is all about life lists, and achieving your goals via connecting with people who can help and/or brands that will support you. I chose 10 ten things from my life list that I’d like to accomplish (listed here), and it wasn’t long before I heard the awesome news that Olay had decided to fund one of my goals.

You guys, this is the dickiest thing ever, but when I heard that the goal being funded was “discover 10 cool places in my town,” I was annoyed. At first, all I could think about was how much it would would pull us away from our weekend home projects, our daunting to-do lists, and in general, things that need to get done. How could those things be accomplished when I’m schlepping my family around Newport Beach for, like, 10 weekends in a row?

And then it dawned on me. We need this. As a family, we need this SO HARD. We need get out of the house, away from the to-do lists, and spend time together as a family. No paint stores, no rearranging furniture while the kids zone out to Nick Jr., no no no. Just real, quality time discovering new places and experiences as a family.

I’m so excited about this. The kids really deserve it, and I hope it makes up for our lame lameness over the past few months. I wrote my first post here, and will be posting updates on my Go Mighty page starting in January. (You should sign up too, by the way. You never know who’s out there, waiting to help you.)

Oh! Important part. Feel free to share some of your favorite spots around coastal Orange County…we’ve been here for 10 years, so we’ll need to dig deep for some new discoveries.

Family time. Ready, set, BREAK.


1. This post is a bit of a Whoorl-other-places onslaught today, so feel free to skip. To those of you who stick around, BFF. FOR EVAH AND EVAH.

2. I’m selling some jeans over at Whoorl’s Closet. Check ’em out, and email me if you are interested! Proceeds go to the Whoorl Kitchen Renovation Fund.

3. Andrea from For the Love Of is doing a great series called “In Anticipation of Fall,” and she featured my fall favorites this week. Thanks for having me, Andrea!

4. I have a new Save or Splurge article up at Women & Co. This time it’s all about skincare. (Hint: lose the expensive eye creams, ladies.)

5. Since we are still in drywall/floor finishing mania at the new house, I thought I would put together a collage of what products we are using for our kitchen for tomorrow’s renovation post. (Unless you want to see more photos of drywall. And wood planks. No? Okie dokie.) In the meantime, a little hardwood floor porn for you?

6. Oh! 8 best beauty apps that are free. (Do any of you use the Pose app? I’ve been on for awhile, but really want to start pos(t)ing again. Tell me what your username is so I can follow you! Mine is whoorl.)

Happy Thursday!