Summer Smiles

I am a member of the Invisalign Advisory Board, and am receiving complimentary treatment. All opinions are fully my own.


I’m in total disbelief that summer is here. Oklahoma schools get out much earlier than California schools, and we’re wrapping up the school year this week. (Wita had her last day of class yesterday, and she’s just a tad bit excited, as you can see.)

Look at that smile, will ya? Summer or not, when it comes to year-round confidence, a glowing smile outshines everything. In a recent study of over 1,000 women*, nearly one in five said the most important feature to look the best at all times was their teeth. Women also ranked teeth as the #1 feature that most impacts a first impression, with one in four believing that straightening teeth could take five years off a woman’s appearance.

I know that I’ve gained more confidence in regards to my smile since I started Invisalign a year and a half ago. Virtually invisible braces are the way to go, folks. Especially if you are, you know, not 15 years old. I’m hoping to be completely done this fall, although I’ve recently switched orthodontists due to the move, and I’m waiting to hear if his plan meshes with the original one. Fingers crossed!

Thinking of straightening your teeth, but don’t want the hassle of metal brackets? Check out my Invisalign video and see if Invisalign could work for you!

*The Beauty Survey was conducted between March 11th and March 23rd among 1,038 nationally representative American women ages 18 and over, using an e-mail invitation and online survey. The survey was conducted by Kelton and commissioned by the makers of Invisalign clear aligners. 



Shooting a Selfie Has Never Been Better

I am a member of the Invisalign Advisory Board, and am receiving complimentary treatment. All opinions are fully my own. 


It’s official, 3 million patients have now started treatment with Invisalign, and to mark the milestone, Align Technology has teamed up with Operation Smile to help children across the globe born with cleft lip and cleft palate. Beginning this month, Align Technology will donate $1 for every public share of a photo of a person’s smile on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram with the hashtag #3millionsmiles – for a total donation of up to $1 million*.

You guys, I am so excited about this idea, and it’s super easy to achieve if we all snap a selfie with the hashtag #3millionsmiles. I’m planning on a little lipstick shopping today (I’ve become obsessed with finding the perfect pinkish red matte), and will be posting my smile later on Instagram! Care to join?

* Official terms for the charity project can be found here


I’m So Bershon

I am a member of the Invisalign Advisory Board, and am receiving complimentary treatment. All opinions are fully my own. 

I traveled to Newport Beach last month to visit my orthodontist and receive my remaining Invisalign aligners for refinements. I was feeling pretty confident that my Invisalign days were nearing an end…my teeth straight and all…yet when the dental assistant brought my first aligner pack over, I noticed this.



1 of 17. I quickly did the math in my head – each aligner lasts for two weeks…17 times 2…34 WEEKS?!

Yes, it’s true. I have 34 remaining weeks of treatment left including awesome thick rubberbands on both sides.

When my orthodontist walked over, I told him I hated him, to which he replied, “Now, Sarah. Hate is a very strong word, and I’m pretty sure Oklahoma girls wouldn’t say such a thing.” (Thank God for his sense of humor.) I agreed that I might have gone overboard with my verbiage, but that I was feeling a strong dislike, end of story.

He explained that although my teeth look straight, my bite still needs a lot of improvement, and I knew he was right. I agreed. And sulked. And sulked some more. (Like a teenager, but what can I say…the rubberbands transported me back to bershon instantaneously.)

Here’s the cool thing, though. This photo with my orthodontist? I have my aligners and rubberbands in place.


And that’s why I love Invisalign. Even though it might take more time to get my bite perfect, barely anyone even knows I have braces. I can live with that. To find out if Invisalign is right for you, check out this smile assessment.


Pucker Up (Winter Lip Tips)

I am a member of the Invisalign Advisory Board, and am receiving complimentary treatment. All opinions are fully my own. 


Okay, our move to a location with actual seasons is kind of killing me in the dry skin department. I’m not at all used to being so parched – the tips of my fingers are sooooooo dry, and my lips? So dry and peely and NOT COOL because I should be flashing my new, straight smile right about now. (I’m waiting for my new aligners to arrive, so I’ve had a little Invisalign break over the past month, only wearing while I sleep.)

I’ve definitely had to step up my lip care routine, and found the only way to stay on top of the dryness is two-fold. Exfoliating and Moisturizing. I put a call out on my Facebook page for winter lip tips and received so many great suggestions. Here are the most popular mentions, as well as what I’m using. (They all score super low on EWG Skin Deep, of course!)


1. Lush Mint Juleps Lip Scrub – I’m scared I might start eating this out of the pot, though.

2. Coconut Oil + Toothbrush – Total DIY and totally works. Mix a little sugar with some coconut oil, spread some on your lips and go at it with a toothbrush. Gets all the flaky skin off.

3. The Lip Scrub by Sara Happ – Highly recommended by friends. And have you seen all the flavors?


1. Bite Beauty Agave Lip Mask – I am obsessed with this lip mask. Fully and completely obsessed. I wrote about it here.

2. S.W. Basics Lip Balm – Love these balms as well – super creamy and moisturizing…not like the traditional hard and waxy roll-up balms.

3. Burt’s Bees Lemon Butter Cuticle Cream – This one was a surprise to me, but mentioned a few times on the Facebook post. Apparently this cuticle cream is great for moisturizing lips too.

Dry, cracked lips be GONE because I’m all about the new smile these days. (Although please feel free to mention any other great lip products in the comments!)

As for the smile, if you have always wanted straighter teeth, I can’t recommend Invisalign enough. Check out the smile assessment to see if you are a candidate. You can also visit Invisalign’s doctor locator to find a practitioner near you.


Selfie Shenanigans

I am a member of the Invisalign Advisory Board, and am receiving complimentary treatment. All opinions are fully my own. 


Okay, that’s a lot of photos of my mug in one image. SELFIE OVEREXPOSURE. My apologies.

September is Self-Improvement Month, and I’m on a mission. I’m practicing yoga 3-4 times a week, eating well (despite moving to the land of fast food and big ass portions), and working on keeping a positive mindset despite the barrage of challenges this summer has presented. GO GO GADGET POSITIVE ATTITUDE.

I know a lot of you are taking steps to feel better about yourself because I witness it firsthand on Instagram via your photos, specifically your selfies. Listen, I’m a big fan of selfies. Why do they get such a bad rap? I love seeing YOUR selfies. Love it. I think it’s great to document where you are physically, emotionally, and mentally through a photo of your mug. (Now, I do think there is a fine line between Hey, It’s Me, What’s Up and Excessive Selfie Mode. If my Instagram feed looked similar to the above image, I would personally need to re-evaluate the sitch. I like to keep my Instagram photo feed about 15% selfie and 85% everything else.)

I’m by no means a Selfie master, but I do have a few rules. I shoot from my best angle (I’m certainly not symmetrical), find a good source of light, make sure the background is uncluttered, and frame it up/crop it to keep it visually interesting.

However, here are some tips from the masters:

How To Take a Selfie Like a Supermodel – So, um, okay – actual supermodels who look ridiculously gorgeous 24/7 are interviewed here…but still, good tips!

Five Tips To Becoming More Photogenic – Emily always has the best advice on looking your best and dressing the part.

How to Take a Good Selfie – Karen’s selfies are GORGEOUS. Love her tips.

One thing I’ve noticed in my selfies (and many others) is a closed-mouth smile. Why is that? (Could it be that I watched too many America’s Top Model epsiodes? Look at me! I’m SMIZING.) Since I’m in the home stretch of my Invisalign treatment, I think a wide, toothy smile should be busted out in the very near future. I mean, I need to celebrate this (almost-straight) grill.

Interested in straightening your teeth with Invisalign? Visit Invisalign’s doctor locator or check out the smile assessment. It’s been such a great experience for me!


We are Nomads Armed With Chia Pouches

This post is sponsored by Mamma Chia. Thanks for supporting this site!

Between moving, the housing fiasco, kids starting school, and acclimating to a new city, my family has essentially become nomadic. We are ALWAYS in the car – driving to school, racing to an appointment, getting lost (this city is not how I remembered!), or on the way to meet up with family and friends. (Also, let’s be honest, we aren’t that pumped about spending time on top of each other in our current living situation.)

I’ve become Queen of Snacks over the past few weeks (let’s be honest, aren’t all moms designated with this title?), but since I’m in the car all the livelong day and my children devour snacks with no regard to their surrounding environment, I’ve nixed the messier ones. Mamma Chia to the rescue!


These are the contents of my purse minus 8,230 receipts that I removed for the sake of prettiness. My wallet, my phone, my Invisalign bag, a small pouch of my must-have essential oils, lippies and lotion, and mah chia pouches.

Awwww yeahhhh, mama loves herself some chia seeds, and now I’ve got my entire family on the bandwagon, thanks to these yummy pouches. The organic Chia Squeezes are damn tasty, and my kids love them. Not to mention that we get half the recommended amount of brain-boosting Omega-3s (1200 mg) in a serving. I’ve tried several different types of fish oil supplements with my kids to no avail, so I can’t tell you how pumped I am that they love these. Plus, these pouches are perfect for school lunches!

Also, I have to say – I really love Mamma Chia’s founder Janie Hoffman’s personal story. She is passionate about what chia seeds have done for her in regards to her battle with longstanding autoimmune disorders. Once she incorporated chia into her daily diet, there was a very noticeable increase in her vitality, energy and strength.

Another favorite? The Mamma Chia Vitality Beverages that contain organic chia seeds infused with organic fruit juice. Perfect for pre and post workouts, they have tons of fiber and protein. These are yummy as well, but the pouches are the true apple of my eye. (Speaking of, the Apple Cinnamon pouch is a Whoorl family favorite.)


Have you tried them? I think you should – so it’s giveaway time! The lovely folks at Mamma Chia are giving away a great gift pack of chia goodness to one lucky winner:

· One week’s worth of Chia Squeezes (7)
· One week’s worth of beverage vouchers (7)
· The Chia Cookbook from Janie Hoffman
· Mamma Chia Camelbak water bottle

Enter below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

p.s. – If you are a Chia lover like yours truly, the cookbook by Janie Hoffman included in the giveaway is available in stores at the end of September. Enjoy!