A Very, Very Special Hair Thursday

This week, every single one of your votes count. SERIOUSLY.

Meet Rebecca, whose future hairstyle is completely in your hands.

Rebecca’s hair:

Dark blonde with lighter blonde highlights
Normal condition, thick and straight
Likes her hair somewhat long, but is open to a shorter bob style
Wears ponytails quite often
Spends about 10 minutes on hair – mostly blowdrying, but uses a flat iron if needed
Is very knowledgeable about products

Rebecca recently gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and is looking to freshen up her style. Not being interested in super short styles, I wanted to offer some options that could really change her overall look without chopping it all off.

Take a look.


Option #1 would be a new, sleek and modern look for Rebecca. This one-length, texturized bob with an extremely slight angle would be perfect for Rebecca’s straight hair type and face shape. Add some lighter blond highlights and Va Va Voom!

Option #2 would hit just above the collarbone, with sideswept bangs and layering around the face. This too would look fantastic on Rebecca, plus giving her more versatility with the addition of sideswept bangs. (And we all love ponytail bangs, am I right?)

Here’s where it gets interesting. Normally, I post the new styles, you vote and the participant has the option of going forward with the cut. No one is actually dragging the participant to his or her stylist.

Well, this time, your votes will determine the winning style and Miss Rebecca WILL be receiving that exact style in the very near future. WHICH WILL THEN BE REVEALED ON NATIONAL TELEVISION.


You heard me right. When I close Rebecca’s poll on Saturday at midnight, her new style will be all your doing. (Well, actually, a very experienced stylist’s doing, but you catch my drift.)

So, get to it, my friends. Make me proud!

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Holy crap, today was so amazing. I felt like a total celebrity for most of the afternoon, but now have returned to my Gap pajama pants, glasses and ponytail. Well, it was fun while it lasted. I’ll keep you posted, though….

Let’s get to it! Melissa is our first participant of the evening.


Melissa’s hair:

Naturally dark brown, with new caramel highlights
Slightly wavy, but only when it’s longer. Straight when shorter.
Daily time spent on hair: 30 seconds to brush and put in a ponytail
Melissa says, “I have had it short and long and everywhere in between, both straight and curly. I love my hair chin length or shorter (and so does my husband and everyone who knows me!), but I always end up growing it out so I can pull it back in a ponytail!”
She’s tired of the bob thing
Likes the idea of long hair, but it never looks “right”

Drum roll, please!


Say bye-bye to that ponytail, Melissa! Your beautiful face was meant for shorter hair!

I love Option #1- it is such a chic style and would fully complement Melissa’s texture, shine and face shape. (Not that you care, but THAT is the haircut I would go for if I went short.)

Option #2 is a bob. I’m sorry! I know Melissa is so over bobs, but the fact of the matter is, she looks great with that shape. Sometimes, you just gotta do what you gotta do. (And like I was going to suggest a mullet.) Chin-length would be beautiful.

What do you all think?



Marya’s hair:

Very fine and wavy
Doesn’t style it, just brushes it with a “crap nylon-bristle brush that I got at Wal-Mart”
Wants it to be better looking and more manageable
Likes it long
Doesn’t want to heat-style because she is “lazy”

Oh Marya, Marya, Marya. The bad news. Your hair needs assistance STAT.

The good news. Your hair has so much potential! I predict YOU are going to be the update that blows everyone away. When you start giving a little TLC, you are going to look unbelievable. TRUST ME, MARYA.

Just for you, I’ve created a little action plan.


1. Ditch your shampoo and conditioner. Buy this and this. (You can get it at any drugstore.)

2. Ditch your crap nylon Walmart brush and buy a round boar-bristle brush like this. While you are at the drugstore, buy one of these too. Oh, and this. (Don’t worry, it only lasts 28 shampoos and will make your hair shiny and lovely.) And one more product, I swear!

(I know this seems like a lot, but these things will last you for a very long time. Plus, it all costs under $40.)

3. Go to your stylist and get 4 inches cut off your hair.

4. For days when you are running out the door, wash your hair, towel-dry, and make an even part on the top of your head with a comb. (It can be a side part or a center part, whatever.) De-tangle with the wide-tooth comb. Spray Dream Curls throughout your hair and let air dry.

5. For days when you have more time, wash, towel-dry, and blow dry with your round brush for a smoother look.

We’re going for a smooth and wavy look, like this:


Alright, Marya. We’re counting on you. Get your tush to the store and make us proud!

Hair Thursday ON THE WAY

Hair Thursday is going to be a little late. Oh, I KNOW what you’re thinking…she’s taking that damn kid to the beach again.

NO! I’m not taking sweet Wito to the beach. If you must know, I will be staring vapidly into my closet and wringing my sweaty palms because in a couple of hours, I will be sharing my home with a photographer from a Very (!) Prestigious (!) Publication (!). Who will be taking my photo. At my house. For a story that may or may not be including this here website. Specifically, HAIR THURSDAY.


I think I just blacked out.

Wish me luck! Be back soon!

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Hey, I’ve got three updates for you tomorrow so be sure to check back. (Also, if you have an update for me, send it over and I’ll add it in.)



Kristen’s hair:

Naturally dirty blonde, but colors it a reddish auburn
Chemically processed, a little bit on the dry side
Thick, fine and straight
Likes long hair, but thinks the length is too much for her 5’2″ frame
Shoulder-length is as short as she wants to go
Uses Frederic Fekkai products
Loves ponytails

I really love Kristen’s current color. That reddish auburn is well suited for her complexion, and I would never have guessed she didn’t have some sort of red undertone in her natural color. So keep on keeping on with the color. As for the length, I do agree that it’s definitely too long for her petite frame, but her hair is very healthy looking. I think she could work with several options to keep some length for ponytails and such.


Option #1 – Below shoulder length, with the top and side sections angle-layered to create a full shaped style. (Pretty.)

Option #2 – Above shoulder length, with soft face framing layers to add shape around the face. (Lots of length coming off, but would be a fun change.)

Both styles are easy to maintain with regular trims.



Sabrina’s hair:

Currently, hair is honey brown with 5 month old blond highlights
Colors her hair a lot, changes with the seasons
Thick, normal-condition and a bit of wave
Hair has never been shorter than just above the shoulders
Wash and go and uses no products
She prefers sleek and smooth cuts, not choppy and textured. She’d love to get
away with continuing to not use product, and keep it low maintenance.

Alrighty then! Let’s see- sleek and smooth, no products, no maintenance. Well, that leaves us with TONS OF OPTIONS, SABRINA.

I say, let’s get out of the in-between length and go either longer or shorter.


Option #1 – Sabrina would need to grow a few more inches (although her photos were sent last October – she could already be there). Then, add some face-framing layers around her front section to add shape and definition around her face. Very easy style to maintain.

Option #2 – Chin-length bob with a no severe angles. Very minimal texturizing keeps it smooth and sleek. Sabrina would probably need to use a blow dryer and/or flat iron to keep it smooth, though.

Option #3 – The kicker. If Sabrina wants to go shorter, but not THAT short, I also think the Sandra Bullock option in Kristen’s options (#2) would look cute.

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This week’s first participant is Kerry Washington.

Uh, I mean Brittany.


Is it just me or do they bear an uncanny resemblance to one another? For crying out loud, they are EVEN WEARING THE SAME JACKET.

The above photo of Brittany was her original photo sent months ago, and I must admit, I took one look at her pretty face and decided the hair had to go. Don’t get me wrong, Brittany’s curls are super shiny and perfectly formed, but look at her eyes/cheekbones/lips/eyebrows! So beautiful! I thought, for sure, a super short haircut for summer (sssssss) was the way to go.

Since several months had passed, I asked Brittany to send me updated photos. I received these:



OH NOES! It’s so PRETTY! My short hair plans have been foiled!

I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s start from the beginning:

Brittany’s Hair:

Natural color
Thick, curly hair
Has experienced every length, from 1-inch to halfway down her back
Is open to any length
Uses Cristophe smoothing shampoo, conditioner and smoothing serum. Also uses Sebastian Laminates Sheer Curl

I’ve given some thought to the matter, and I think I Brittany should keep her hair longer for now. Why?

1. She has been in a “growing out phase” for quite some time, but it seems the awkward growth phases are behind her, so why not enjoy some length for awhile?

2. She can always go short again when she tires of the longer hair.

3. She’ll look HOT.


Option #1 is perfect for Brittany. Her curl pattern is almost identical, and with her glossiness, it will look amazing. Just a few more months of growth and she will be there. (Brittany, if you decide on this one, be sure and take the photo to your stylist at your appointment next week, so she can start to shape it accordingly.)

I personally think Brittany’s curls are much more lustrous than the woman in Option #2, but I included this photo because Brittany complained of her hair always “falling in her face”. As shown in the photo, just pulling back the very front of the hair into a small barrette or band at the crown will get the hair off the face and create a totally different look. (Fun for nights out and such.)

Long story short – #1 with an optional #2 style to change it up.

OR should I revert to my original plan for Brittany to cut it shorty short for summer?

Our next participant is Jennifer:


Jennifer’s hair:

Light brown with golden highlights
Thick and straight
Wants to keep her length
Has questions about her color

Jennifer’s situation is much more straight forward, as she is happy with her length and style. (So am I, by the way. Bravo!)

Looking back at past Hair Thursdays, I think you would agree that I am relatively conservative in my choices. I believe in enhancing what you’ve got, not creating a complete overhaul.

However, I’m a little more experimental when it comes to light brown and/or dishwater blonde hair. By all means, gals with these shades should embrace their color, BUT if they are considering a color change, I will always be a supporter. Really intensifying those shades can make the biggest difference.

With that being said, check out these color options:


Option #1 – Go for the gold! Summer will be here soon!

Option #2 – A shiny, medium brunette with warm, golden tones.

As always, 2-3 shades lighter or darker is about as far as you should go when coloring and/or highlighting. (If you want to keep a semi-natural look, that is.)

What color should Jennifer pick?

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Meet Manda. She’s considering bangs.


Manda’s hair:

Naturally light ash brown with blonde highlights. Doesn’t want to dye her hair.
Healthy, thick and super straight
Wants long hair, is considering bangs but forehead has a tendency to get really oily
Likes ponytails
Is a sucker for cheap haircuts and wants to step it up

Manda would be a perfect candidate for the type of sideswept bangs shown in the photos below.


Since Manda has oily skin, I definitely would not recommend bluntly-cut or piecey bangs that hang forward on her forehead, but sideswept bangs that blend into the sides of her hair would give her a fresh look without the worry of “greasy-looking” hair.

Plus, sideswept bangs are a breeze to grow out. If Manda tires of the look, the bangs will look like face-framing layers as they grow (similar to the layers she already has). Might I mention how cute she would look with ponytail bangs?

Next up is Tracy:


Tracy’s hair:

Naturally medium brown and doesn’t want color
Straight, thick yet fine-textured and very oily
Open to different lengths
Uses a styling cream daily
Isn’t really happy with her stylist

Take a look at these options:


Tracy would really benefit from reducing the heaviness in her hair, as she is slightly approaching the dreaded triangle. A little more volume at her roots and crown would make the biggest difference in the overall shape of her hair. Both of these options would give Tracy’s hair so much more movement.

Option #1 is a simple, versatile style with layers around the front to add shape and keep the overall shape light and airy. I also think the collarbone length would complement Tracy’s features.

Option #2 is full of body and texture, thanks to the medium length layers cut throughout, as well as razored ends which eliminate any bulkiness. Also, she has some very minimal piecey bangs that easily could be blended into the hair.

What do you think?

Okay, let’s chat about stylists for a second.

I know all too well about dealing with mediocre stylists, having moved around several states in the past ten years.

Here’s the deal, if you aren’t happy with your stylist, DON’T GO BACK. Sure, they might wonder why you’ve disappeared, but who cares? This is your hair- the hair you have to look at every day of your life. You aren’t paying them to make your hair look decent, you are paying them to make you look and feel fantastic. When the time comes, you don’t need to “break up” with them, discuss the situation, etc. Just don’t make another appointment. End of Story.

Since moving to California, I’ve seen three stylists. The first was a recommendation (she sucked), the second was the result of tons of internet research (she sucked), and the third is my current stylist who I absolutely adore. How did I find her? I walked right up to a random stranger with amazing hair and asked who her stylist was. She gave me her number and that was that.

This is the best way to find a stylist. You see, talking about stylists on the internet is a tricky thing. Someone might think their stylist is the best ever, but their idea of a great stylist could be completely different than yours. (For instance, they might fully enjoy permed 80’s hair. You, however, might be interested in something less model-doing-the-splits-on-a-Jaguar in Whitesnake’s Here I Go Again video. Just an example.)

You need to see the merchandise for yourself, you know? Look around, check out hairstyles while running errands, having cocktails, eating out, etc. Don’t be afraid to ask! You aren’t going to offend anyone by paying them a great compliment, right? And if you love your stylist, carry some cards in your purse. When people ask about my hair, I just whip out her card. Easy as cheese.

Now, go forth and seek out great hair!