hair thursday makeover 27

This week’s first participant is Kerry Washington.

Uh, I mean Brittany.


Is it just me or do they bear an uncanny resemblance to one another? For crying out loud, they are EVEN WEARING THE SAME JACKET.

The above photo of Brittany was her original photo sent months ago, and I must admit, I took one look at her pretty face and decided the hair had to go. Don’t get me wrong, Brittany’s curls are super shiny and perfectly formed, but look at her eyes/cheekbones/lips/eyebrows! So beautiful! I thought, for sure, a super short haircut for summer (sssssss) was the way to go.

Since several months had passed, I asked Brittany to send me updated photos. I received these:



OH NOES! It’s so PRETTY! My short hair plans have been foiled!

I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s start from the beginning:

Brittany’s Hair:

Natural color
Thick, curly hair
Has experienced every length, from 1-inch to halfway down her back
Is open to any length
Uses Cristophe smoothing shampoo, conditioner and smoothing serum. Also uses Sebastian Laminates Sheer Curl

I’ve given some thought to the matter, and I think I Brittany should keep her hair longer for now. Why?

1. She has been in a “growing out phase” for quite some time, but it seems the awkward growth phases are behind her, so why not enjoy some length for awhile?

2. She can always go short again when she tires of the longer hair.

3. She’ll look HOT.


Option #1 is perfect for Brittany. Her curl pattern is almost identical, and with her glossiness, it will look amazing. Just a few more months of growth and she will be there. (Brittany, if you decide on this one, be sure and take the photo to your stylist at your appointment next week, so she can start to shape it accordingly.)

I personally think Brittany’s curls are much more lustrous than the woman in Option #2, but I included this photo because Brittany complained of her hair always “falling in her face”. As shown in the photo, just pulling back the very front of the hair into a small barrette or band at the crown will get the hair off the face and create a totally different look. (Fun for nights out and such.)

Long story short – #1 with an optional #2 style to change it up.

OR should I revert to my original plan for Brittany to cut it shorty short for summer?

Our next participant is Jennifer:


Jennifer’s hair:

Light brown with golden highlights
Thick and straight
Wants to keep her length
Has questions about her color

Jennifer’s situation is much more straight forward, as she is happy with her length and style. (So am I, by the way. Bravo!)

Looking back at past Hair Thursdays, I think you would agree that I am relatively conservative in my choices. I believe in enhancing what you’ve got, not creating a complete overhaul.

However, I’m a little more experimental when it comes to light brown and/or dishwater blonde hair. By all means, gals with these shades should embrace their color, BUT if they are considering a color change, I will always be a supporter. Really intensifying those shades can make the biggest difference.

With that being said, check out these color options:


Option #1 – Go for the gold! Summer will be here soon!

Option #2 – A shiny, medium brunette with warm, golden tones.

As always, 2-3 shades lighter or darker is about as far as you should go when coloring and/or highlighting. (If you want to keep a semi-natural look, that is.)

What color should Jennifer pick?

  1. Brittany

    March 27, 2008 at 7:40 am

    I am printing the picture of option #1 right now. Thanks for the great recommendation! LOVE IT!

  2. Jen

    March 27, 2008 at 7:48 am

    eee! I like them both… I can’t wait to see what everyone else says…

  3. janet

    March 27, 2008 at 8:04 am

    yay, I love Jen! I voted for going darker because I think it would make her eyes just pop.

    And I don’t know Brittany but man do I love her curls!

  4. Danielle

    March 27, 2008 at 8:55 am

    Love Brittany’s curls! She’s beautiful!

    Jennifer! I chose the blond! I did.

    The brown is stunning and would look fabulous on you! I love the brown…

    But ~ I figured, “hey, it’s summer! Lighten her up a bit!”

    Have fun! Thanks Whoorl!!

  5. Gia

    March 27, 2008 at 11:28 am

    Brittany has “commercial shiny” curls. Gorgeous! She does look like Kerry Washington, but did anyone notice how much Jennifer looks like Pam from The Office? Is this your celebrity look-alike edition of Hair Thursday?

  6. Cassandra

    March 27, 2008 at 12:56 pm

    You must be so honored to have Kerry Washington ask your advice. And Pam from The Office! Quite a star-studded event, this hair thursday.

  7. kat

    March 27, 2008 at 1:35 pm

    Brittany is stunning! Seriously. Am loving her curls. And I agree, barettes, headbands, fun girly hair accessorie can pull that hair back easy.

    Jennifer was tougher but i voted to go darker to compliment her skin tone!

  8. Lisa

    March 27, 2008 at 1:51 pm

    Brittany cannot go wrong either way, but I do love option #1. I also think that it was tougher with Jennifer, and I initially thought option #1 for summer. BUT, in looking back I think that the lighter color will be not as complimentary with the cooler undertones of her skin tone, and so the medium brown with golden tones will look beautiful!

  9. alison

    March 28, 2008 at 6:36 am

    i was going to say short, short, short for brittany until i saw how gorgeous she looks with her hair a little longer, too. i say go for length for a while and then go short maybe next year. if my curls were that gorgeous and shiny, i would want to show them off!

  10. emma

    March 28, 2008 at 12:35 pm

    actually, I want to know if you cut kids hair and can I send you a picture. I have (mostly) straight hair and my daughter has hair just like Brittany’s. Help! Right now its in a total jewfro – just getting longer and longer and refusing to fall down! Any advice?
    And yes, I will go vote now.

  11. Carrie

    March 28, 2008 at 9:06 pm

    My brother has the same blankie.

    It was almost tossed out because it too closely resembled a cleaning rag.

    I love that you hung on to as much of it as you could.