1. First things first, a great Green Beauty Icons box just was announced by Aillea Beauty this week, and I detailed all the contents here. Great box for green beauty novices or experts.
2. You guys, teens are already bored by the internet. How is this even possible? I had, like, 4 TV channels to watch when I was a kid.
3. We started a Selfie Podcast Community on Facebook and the comments are already hilarious. If you want a dose of random self-care tidbits, join us!
4. Finally made the switch from body wash to bar soap. (Also a discussion in the Selfie community – how do you make a washcloth get all sudsy with bar soap?) This soap is soooooo good. And lasts forever and ever.
5. You guys saw this family just casually singing Les Mis, right? OMG.
6. Nope. Gross nope nope nope.
7. On the other hand, I want to eat this immediately.
8. It’s the most wonderful time of the yeeeeaaaaaaaar. Best sale ever is happening right now!
9. You guys, seriously. What is UP with the infantilization of white male adults? It’s absolutely ridiculous.
10. Allllll the things Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook will follow up on.
11. We are ending the second week of the Oklahoma Teacher Walkout. I spent some time there this week and it was unforgettable. If you are interested in just how bad Oklahoma’s education disaster is, here you go.
12. How to help a grieving friend. I don’t know if I’ve posted this before, but it is so helpful.
13. I got a new work tote/computer bag, and I love love love it.
14. Do you know the difference between natural and non-toxic? I love the idea of “MADE SAFE.”
15. Are helicopter parents ruining a generation? Interesting.
16. I bought this one-piece swimsuit and it’s really cute. (Be sure to use my code LIVELYREP_SARAH to get $10 off your order.)
17. Kitchen islands are ruining America’s kitchens. Do you agree?
18. This week’s Selfie podcast covers all things mom guilt. (Spoiler alert: I don’t feel it a lot. #minority)
Happy Friday to you all. I hope you have a great weekend!