Your Favorite Color Combo


This is totally random, but did you have a favorite color combo back in your awkward middle school days? Pink and heather grey was a hot one during my middle school stint in the late eighties, but I preferred pink and royal blue. Because I was a REBEL, you see.

What about now? Oh, do tell. I love love love talking about colors. I’m quite partial to a red and turquoise combo myself.

  1. LauraL

    January 7, 2010 at 11:22 am

    Color combos weren’t in my vocabulary at the time. Everything went with denim – even different shades of denim :( Luckily I’m more aware now, and my latest fave is a bright, citron-y yellow with navy and white. Sailor-esque, yes, but very crisp and uplifting on gloomy Pacific NW days. :)

  2. Sarah

    January 7, 2010 at 2:49 pm

    Then? I think…hmmm…it wasn’t so much the colors as it was the pieces. (Champion sweatshirt-jeans-Keds or Sweater-Jeans-Flats).

    Now? J. Crew’s citron (kind of a lime green, very bright) looks really great with fuschia or eggplant. (I love my citron sweater with my fuschia suede heels. Sounds hideous, but it gets compliments, including “you look like you work at J. Crew, but cuter.”

    It’s a color combo I stumbled into, thanks to snapping up some final sale things without really thinking through how to wear them.

  3. Trinity(of haiku tofu)

    January 7, 2010 at 4:13 pm

    I was into hot pink and neon green in my middle school days. I actually owned a pair of neon green pants which cost me a lot of teasing (though today I notice that every middle schooler on earth has neon pants). Now that I’ve outlived my monotonous childhood tastes, I like some serious variety– though I am also a fan of the red and turquoise.
    .-= Trinity(of haiku tofu)´s last blog ..THE Sandwich. =-.

  4. Deanna

    January 7, 2010 at 5:06 pm

    I totally thought purple and red were the BEST. Any my sock color always matched my shirt color.

  5. Michelle

    January 7, 2010 at 7:11 pm

    Ha Ha! I’m with you except everything I owned was pink and white. I have this photo of my sister and I at dinner, I was probably in 6th grade and I am wearing a pink tank top with a white off the shoulder (of course!) shirt a la flashdance. Disturbing.

    Now I’m stuck on black, charcoal greys and orange
    .-= Michelle´s last blog ..Video Game & Board Game Cupcakes =-.

  6. Sarah, The Ohana Mama

    January 8, 2010 at 10:08 am

    Hot pink and turquois were totally tubular in my middle school days…I even wore double shirts and socks so I could have them together! lol

    Now, I love brown and a soft turquois or black and black…tha always seems to work ;)

    And for some reason with clothes, olive green always attracts me…olive green and brown. Sounds dull but it’s not, it’s earthy….earth tones are my fave year round…they can be brighter and crisp in the summer and then moody in the winter…even in Hawaii.
    .-= Sarah, The Ohana Mama´s last blog ..I’m SHORT…so of course I should be the 30-something E.L.F. model! =-.

  7. Tina

    January 8, 2010 at 12:43 pm

    Pink and Blue combo? Hmmmmm. Could that be a sign of things to come? Twins? It was the 1st thing I thought of when I read your post originally.

  8. Nate

    January 17, 2010 at 12:17 pm

    Then (c. 1997): Turquoise and Orange. Yikes.

    Now: Navy Blue and Purple, or lavender and olive.
    .-= Nate´s last blog ..#1 =-.