This is Love


Last night, as I was preparing dinner, Wita was working hard on a drawing at the dining table. So, when Wita gets into masterpiece mode, she makes it crystal clear to all family members that they are NOT allowed to view her work until she is completely finished. Okay, people? Don’t even so much as try to sneak a peek. As I was placing plates and glasses on the table, she clutched the drawing to her chest and exclaimed, “DO NOT LOOK! ARE YOU LOOKING, MOMMY? I’M NOT DONE.”

Usually, when she finishes her treasure, she remains just as passionate during her presentation to curious family onlookers…she quietly approaches with a long, quiet stride, eyes averted downward, and then, in the blink of an eye, thrusts said masterpiece within an inch of your face. “MY ART IS COMPLETE. LOOK AT IT.”

(I’m telling you, the dramatics run deep in this family. We’re like the Von Trapp family for monologues and interpretive dance.)

I have to say that this piece of artwork caught me off guard, though. First off, 98% of her drawings are of our family, our house, or her school. However, this lovely, colorful drawing had the the word “Peru” drawn on it, and being, well, me, I had to probe a little deeper. “Tell me about this drawing, I said.” Wita went on to tell me that this was what Peru meant to her – a place with lots of colors and “a whole bunch of love.”

I found myself in one of those parenting moments when you need to trace the steps back a bit – sure, Wita had been with me all week, listening to me respond to family and friends’ inquiries about my trip to Peru, but I would have imagined her describing Peru as “that place far away that gave mommy a bad tummy problem.” You know, maybe a drawing of a rainbow and a toilet, perhaps?

Alas, no. She was right. In fact, if I stripped away the minor details such travel logistics and tummy bugs and acclimating to a developing country, that is exactly what Peru demonstrated to me. Love, everywhere. Between mothers and children, between coworkers and friends, between many of the Krochet Kids intl. employees and interns who moved to Lima primarily to love and serve others.

These women?








These photos were taken during the weekly group meeting between Krochet Kids mentors and the beneficiaries, and they were celebrating Valentine’s Day by presenting handmade gifts and wonderful words to each other. Listen, solo entiendo un poco de espanol, but I was blubbering in the corner. So much love and respect in the room.

These women are experiencing profound changes during their tenure at Krochet Kids. So many of them came into the program from downtrodden, abusive situations…insecure and lacking confidence, but according to their mentors (and my own eyes), these women are gaining confidence and seeing the world from a truly different lens. A spark has been ignited, and the results are clear.

And how about this for love?


Blake and Sarah Goodfellow, who packed up their life (including four young children) in Southern California and moved to Lima four years ago to start the Peru Krochet Kids program. Neither of them spoke a lick of Spanish, and what they’ve accomplished in four years is remarkable. Now if that isn’t the epitome of love and service, I don’t know what is.

Listen, I don’t think I could write anything that hasn’t already been written about Krochet Kids Peru in the past week (these posts by Rebecca, Kristen, and Heather are must-reads), but I want to show you something.


In a little over a week, you have made sponsorships a reality for half of these women. The same women you’ve seen in the photos – who love fiercely and are making positive changes in their lives. I am so proud of this accomplishment, and I know we can make sponsorship a reality for the rest of these women, either by donating directly or purchasing an item from the Krochet Kids line. (Have you seen the new arrivals? I mean, hello, Ryan tee.)

If you feel inclined, please click here to donate or shop. I am so incredibly grateful to those of you who can help.


  1. Cheyanne

    February 25, 2015 at 12:37 pm

    Brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing. Can’t donate financially at this time BUT I WILL be sharing this where ever I can. :)

    • whoorl

      February 25, 2015 at 3:50 pm

      Thank you, Cheyanne!

  2. KateB

    February 26, 2015 at 9:47 am

    I am so glad you showed some pictures of non-hat pieces on Instagram. I had looked a few years ago when the Howertons went to visit and I am just not a hat person. Big Irish heads do NOT need extra width. But, after you posted your IG, I found all of the other items and was giddy. I just ordered the Ryan tank, another top, and a scarf. Not too expensive, but super cute and no one else in town will be wearing them. I am so excited to be able to help this amazing organization and to get some great clothes at the same time. Thanks to you and your friends for making this journey and telling us all about it and to the Goodfellows for their bravery (I’d be too anxious to move my family to the next state much less a different hemisphere!) and generous hearts!

    • whoorl

      February 26, 2015 at 9:55 am

      Yay! Yes, I was unaware of all the other items Krochet Kids made until I learned more about them. I really love the apparel, as well as the accessories!