The Biannual Whoorlito Update

Also known as the Whoorlito 15th month update.

Hmmm, where to begin. When I last updated you, Wito was 7 months old and looking like this:


Now, he more or less looks like this:


Unless I’m working on the laptop. Then, he looks like this:


Ack! The guilt! Stop with the eyes, kid!

Wito is no longer a baby. (sobbing all over my laptop) Physically, he’s still off the charts, towering over toddlers his age and eating their toys. Developmentally, he’s walking, dancing, faux-reading, babbling, throwing face-on-the-floor tantrums, you name it.

His two greatest loves (besides his glorious mother) are the outdoors and books. He never wants to be inside, always exploring and careening down the sidewalk at breakneck speeds. As SAJ has witnessed herself, if I put Wito down at the park, he will haul ass in the opposite direction without ever looking back. The kid would literally walk blocks without checking to see if I was still around. You know what this means, right? TODDLER LEASH TIME.

I kid, I kid.


However, when the time comes to return home, I have to wrangle his flailing appendages and muffle his blood-curdling screams in an attempt to get him inside the house. Just this morning while leaving the library, you would have thought I was ripping out his toenails while buckling him into his car seat. The child is one with nature.

As for books, well, books trump toys every damn time. It’s amazing. He has virtually no interest in toys right now, but give him a book or flashcards and he’s in heaven. (Hint hint, holiday shoppers.) And speaking of heaven, his most current quirk is just plain bizarro. When asked where the light is, he throws his palms to the sky, clenches his jaw, and slightly shakes his hands, as if he is channeling all of the energy in his body to turn the light on. It’s quite evangelical in nature. You might be reading about his popular cult in twenty years, is all I’m sayin’.

Wito’s hair:

Natural highlights

Oh. This isn’t supposed to be one of “those” posts.

Well, okay then! My work here is done!


All You Need Is Love. And a book. Preferably outside.

  1. BeachMama

    October 30, 2007 at 9:14 am

    How adorable. Wito is just so cute and he has grown so much since you last posted photos of him. I know what it is like to have a kid off the charts size wise. Just to let you know, everyone will always think he is older than he is. It still happens here.

  2. sar

    October 30, 2007 at 10:39 am

    He is a cutie that is for sure!
    You are a lucky mommy, and Wito is a lucky boy!

  3. Jora

    October 30, 2007 at 11:20 am

    Ahhhhhh! Wito is a little boy now! So precious!

  4. Isabel

    October 30, 2007 at 12:41 pm

    Hey…our kids look alike. Except my kid’s hair is longer then my own hair. AHHH!!

    Love the pictures. Thanks for sharing.

    (Oh, and don’t throw things at me, but my kid doesn’t know what to do with grass. City living will do that to a person.)

  5. Gina in SC

    October 30, 2007 at 4:28 pm

    kids in rockstar t-shirts=cutest thing ever!! my kid sports green day and weezer! LOL

  6. gorillabuns

    October 30, 2007 at 7:53 pm

    temper tantrums = so not fun!

    boo-boo is as handsome as ever.

  7. Tracey

    October 30, 2007 at 11:13 pm

    Oh, he is too cute! And it has been too long! It’s been said before, and it will be said again…those eyes!

  8. Kristin

    October 31, 2007 at 7:06 am

    OMG, he is precious! I don’t even like children that much, but I think Whoorlito and I would get along – he looks like a baby model!

  9. Sarah Brown

    October 31, 2007 at 11:13 am

    Aw, that last picture! Little buddy!

  10. Tara

    October 31, 2007 at 12:59 pm

    Wow. He is SO CUTE!

  11. Lara

    October 31, 2007 at 2:08 pm

    What a cutie pie! Also, can I move into that room? I feel like it would make me automatically cool just by virtue of being in it.

  12. Neil

    November 1, 2007 at 4:46 am

    The good looks are certainly going to help him when he starts that cult.

  13. kassie

    November 3, 2007 at 3:16 pm

    That is the cutest kid I’ve ever seen.