Odds and Ends

1. I deflowered my 7-year-old virginal hair with highlights yesterday!

2. I am in love with a new, organic pressed powder. (It’s a DRUGSTORE brand, holla! I found it at Ulta, which upon walking into the store realized I had a $5 coupon back at my house so I turned around and drove back to the house just to get the damn coupon, most likely wasting that five dollars in gas. WHY DO I DO THESE THINGS? )

3. 5 days of hair product giveaways starting next Monday at Hair Thursday.

4. Because gross feet suck, 10 ways to beautify your toesies this summer.

5. As I mentioned on Twitter, I bought two more maxi dresses yesterday. Uh, I now own SEVEN maxi dresses. This needs to stop. (Are they really the new mom jean? TELL ME IT ISN’T SO. I think they are downright darling with the right accessories! I guess being tall helps too…what say you?)

6. I am BEYOND THRILLED to not have to write anything on the internet for two whole days.

7. Dude, it’s Friday! Enjoy your weekend!


My New (Subtle!) Summer Color

Yesterday, after 7 long years of follicular virginity, I jumped back into the world of hair color. Highlights, to be exact.

Okay, the verb “jump” might be a little too strong…let’s just say I dipped my toe into the proverbial water.

I am happy with my natural hair color, but MAN, it gets tough browsing through photos every week while writing these makeover posts. I was craving a little change. So I requested a few auburn highlights from my stylist. Actually, I think my exact words were, “Subtle. SUBTLE. I SWEAR TO JEBUS IF YOU GO OVERBOARD I WILL HURT YOU.”

(I’m so glad she puts up with my slight anxiety when it comes to these matters.)

She told me not to worry and re-introduced me to my old friend, the foil.

And voilá! Shiny, VERY subtle auburn highlights!

Yay! Let the summer games begin!


hair thursday makeover 66

Meet Alicia.

Alicia is about this close to being the next inductee into The Fishing Club, but I do have a few small suggestions for her royal beautifulness. (Although, really. She could shave her head and still look gorgeous.)

Alicia’s hair:

Naturally medium-dark brown that lightens considerably in the sun
Dry, wavy and thick
Preferred long hair in the past, but open to a shorter cut after her wedding next year
Usual daily styling includes using curling cream and Fekkai glossing cream
Not very comfortable using styling tools
Lives in a hot and dry environment

When Alicia mentioned that her hair lightened easily in the sun, I instantly knew the addition of warm, golden highlights would be perfect for this summer. Nothing too drastic, lord knows I hate a striped look, but something that would complement her complexion and beautiful eyes.

Something to the tune of this.

I also think the addition of bangs (similar to the above photo) would draw attention to Alicia’s blue eyes. That coupled with long layers and highlights would be the perfect summer look!

(Tip: For texturized beachy waves, try Frederic Fekkai Limited Edition Marine Summer Hair + Aquanutrients Beach Waves or Redken Layer Lift 07.)

I’ve got a question for you. Do you have a favorite drugstore hair product for creating a beachy look? Do tell!