hair thursday makeover 1

GAH. Somehow, I lost the first half of this post in my archives. Sorry, Courtney!





Voting is closed.

Moving along to Participant #2.

Meet Allison.



Allison’s Hair:

Very Fine
Unwanted hair flippage (especially her bangs)
Stubborn cowlick that drives her crazy
Willing to work with products and tools

Allison sent me a photo of her cowlick and what happens to her bangs by the end of the day, so my first suggestion is to lose the bangs. Bye bye. I know she loves the idea of bangs, but no amount of product will help a cowlick that stubborn.

Let’s work with what you’ve got, Allison! Shiny, straight hair! If I had super-straight hair, a bob (inverted or one-length) would be my hairstyle of choice. Looking at Allison’s 2nd photo, I would recommend growing out the bangs, so that her sides are one length and even, but keep the graduated layers in the back.

Option #1 is a great-looking inverted bob, with the front portion of hair being the longest (thus keeping the cowlick under control). It shouldn’t be too difficult to style, since Allison already knows how to work with graduated layers in the back and the front should only need a round brush, hair dryer and a tiny dab of shine serum.

Option #2 is a one-length bob, which Allison could totally pull off with her finely-textured, straight hair. Remember, the longer the top layer of hair, the less amount of flipping will occur during styling or throughout the day. This option definitely is more traditional, so I would recommend punching up her color a couple of notches.


What do you think? You know what to do!


Voting is closed.

And now for the Whoorl Hair Thursday disclaimer.

Whoorl is not a hair professional, although she plays one on the internet. Please consult with your stylist before making any of the suggested changes. If your hair stylist sucks and does a horrible job, please do not hunt Whoorl down and hurt her. It is not Whoorl’s fault, as she is only trying to spread the hair love. Any other issues may be directed to Whoorl’s customer service department.

This concludes the First Annual Hair Thursday. Please leave your wisdom in the comments section for these ladies! Have a great weekend!

I’m So Over This Heat

Do you want to hear about the heat? No. Do I want to write about the heat? No. Am I sick of the bang post staring me down? YES. (Although, the bangs? My love grows stronger every day. Highly recommend the bangs.) So, here I am, writing a post. About the heat that is slowly sucking the soul out of my body.

This weekend included a combination of two kiddie pools, one adult pool, several comfortable beach chairs in the shade, two consecutive Ping Pong competition days, cold Pacificos with lime, pizza and barbecue. Yet, I was pissy most of the time.

Trying to perform daily functions in a house that registers 90 degrees inside is just wrong. Your entire body is constantly covered in a slimy layer of sweat. You can forget about sleeping soundly. Or the baby napping. You are forced to spend the entire day outside, sharing your space with the masses of aggressive flies or at the mall with 49 million people. My entire block has eaten dinner outside on patios or lawns for the past couple of days. People everywhere.

My point is, that yes, YES, there is a small downside to living at the beach. And that downside is late-August through mid-September. Other than that, well, it is glorious. (Keep reminding yourself of that fact, Whoorl!)

*Wiping my brow and repeating, “It’s glorious. It’s glorious. Beaches are glorrrrrrrious.”*

The forecast predicts a cooling trend starting tomorrow, so we will keep our fingers crossed.

Oh, look! The bang post has officially been bumped out of sight.

Mission accomplished. Goodbye.

p.s. – Oh! How could I forget? A VERY wonderful thing happened yesterday. I found two pairs of my very favorite flats for 75% off. $150 flats for $37.50! Now, THAT is glorious.

The Early-Toddler Food List

Here it is, folks. Although, looking back, it probably would have been much easier to create a list of foods that younger toddlers SHOULDN’T eat. (1. Peanuts 2. Honey – and there you go! Thanks for visiting, Good Night and Good Luck!)

Fruit (almost all types were mentioned)
Steamed vegetables
Cheese, cheese and MORE CHEESE (Wito says HELL YEAH.)
Annie’s Mac & Cheese
Various Pastas
Chunks of Rotisserie chicken
Scrambled eggs
Frozen whole wheat waffles
Creamy peanut butter (no history of family food allergies)
Cream cheese/jelly on flat bread
Chicken nuggets
Sweet potato
Grilled cheese
Boca burgers
Hummus (all different kinds)
Cooked sushi rolls
Leftover stir-fries and curries
Earth’s Best Organic cheese crackers
YoBaby Yogurt (Wito loves the kind with fruit and cereal mixed in, but he requests that I sing, “Yo Baby Yo Baby YO!” every time. Or maybe it’s just me.)
Organic Greens With Envy from Trader Joes
Tater Tots
Pirate’s Booty
String cheese
Chef Boyardee microwaveables
Corn bran cereal (look out below!)
Thinly-sliced deli meat
Roasted veggies
Turkey burgers
Green beans
LEFTOVERS (from the night before! DUH.)

Please leave any other ideas in the comments section. Thanks for everyone’s input!

On to much more important stuff, like mah hair. According to my handy-dandy poll counter, I will be venturing into bang territory. Of course my hair stylist is in Mexico, so my appointment isn’t until next Thursday, giving me plenty of time to look through magazines and change my mind daily. However, this is a democracy people! You speak and I listen! Bangs, here I tentatively come! (Although, if they are ugly, it’s totally your fault.)

I Guess I Better Get To The Grocery Store

Good Lord! You people and your toddler food ideas! I feel as though a list needs to be created for all of you who don’t have time to pilfer through the comments.

Better get on that.

While I’m busy slaving away on said list, would you mind voting on whether or not I should get bangs over in my sidebar? I’ve been swaying back and forth for some time, so I just figured I’d let you make the decision. (That is, if you make the right decision. MAKE THE RIGHT DECISION.)

Here is a photo of the last time I had bangs:


(4 years ago.)

(p.s. – I hated my hair stylist back then.)

(p.p.s. -I adore my current one, who has great bangs herself.)

(p.p.p.s. – Not that I’m trying to sway you in a certain direction.)

(p.p.p.p.s. – Hey! That’s littlemissmel in the middle! Go say hello!)

However, if you feel SO STRONGLY one way or the other that a simple “yes” or “no” just won’t hack it, feel free to leave a comment. The future of mah hair is in your hands!