Odds and Ends

1. Online-dating horror stories. These are painful, y’all.

2. Have you seen Delta’s new parallel reality flight info boards? WHAT IS THIS SORCERY

3. This is the best sweater of all sweaters and yes I will fight you on it.

4. Man, I’m going to miss David and Alexa when this last season ends. Also, this video is everything. #schittscreek4evah

5. What?! Not everyone has an internal monologue? I would like to join that team for a bit.

6. People are always asking me about the best clean unscented moisturizer without essential oils…Votary is incredible. (And it’s 75% off in this month’s Boxwalla box through tomorrow, 2/1!)

7. Please tell me you’ve heard the Dinosaur song. It’s sent me into an existintial crisis.

8. “You can’t be liked by everyone,” says therapist who hasn’t seen Jerry on Cheer. Also, best Cheer memes ever. I’m going to start using #3 ASAP.

9. David Sedaris is one of my favorites and I adored this essay about his sister, Amy.

10. In Denmark, empathy classes are part of school curriculum. Let’s follow suit!

11. I am now obsessed with this Brooklyn bakery.

Happy Friday! Hope you have a great weekend…it’s going to be 70 degrees here. #wtf #globalwarming

image credit: audrey bodisco

  1. Claire

    January 31, 2020 at 12:58 pm

    I’d love to know about the unscented moisturizer with any essential oils. The link goes to a Boxwalla box. Is it that moisturizer?

    • whoorl

      January 31, 2020 at 1:23 pm


  2. Chris

    February 3, 2020 at 11:38 am

    Hahaha you said Alexa instead of Alexis. That mashup was amazing. We’re late to the game and just finished season 1. It’s hilarious!