Losing the Baby Weight (The Second Time Around)

Two days before Whoorlita turned 3 months old, the local daily deal on Plum District was a month-long boot camp. I stared at the screen for all of 4 seconds before clicking the purchase button. I knew that if I allowed myself even a minute to stew over it, I would make 1,000 excuses as to why a boot camp would be all wrong for me. (New baby! Bad timing! Waking up at ungodly hours after an already sleepless night! Breastfeeding/pumping issues! The list goes on and on…)

It was too late now. The purchase had been made.

I really had no idea what to expect. After baby #1, I used the C25K program as my baby weight loss program, and it did the job. So why would I subject myself to an exercise program modeled after military conditioning? Had the postpartum hormones caused me to lose my mind? (Probably.)

I started boot camp (3x/week) in mid-October. Honestly, I felt like my lungs were going to implode on the first day. I was OUT O’ SHAPE. The day after was pretty brutal – in fact, I recall spending upwards of 10 minutes trying to walk down my stairs the next morning from muscle soreness. But guess what? I felt completely energized driving home from class (pretty impressive, considering the sun was just coming up), and I didn’t have my usual 2-3pm slump. By the end of week one, I felt pretty damn good. The end of week two? I was a convert. My energy levels were through the roof, and that was saying a lot for a mom of a newborn and a 4-year-old that NEVER STOPS MOVING AND/OR TALKING.

Some of you might be wondering exactly what a boot camp entails. Although every program is different, the gist is exercise through resistance and cardiovascular training. (Such as running short distances, push-ups, sprints, lunges, jumping jacks, jump rope, mat work, weight training, stability ball/medicine ball training, stretching, cone drills, and obstacle courses. Um, not all in the same session. I swear.) What I like best about boot camp is that my trainer completely switches up every class. I never know what she’s planning for us, which keeps it totally fresh. Keeping exercise interesting is a huge motivator for me, and is probably why videos like 30-Day Shred don’t work for me in the long run. I have videos practically memorized by the end of week 2, which bores me right back into indolence.

After completing my first month of boot camp, I had lost several pounds and several inches. My pre-pregnancy jeans that previously screamed for mercy upon reaching my thigh area were all the way up and buttoned. (Although, let’s be honest, not QUITE ready for public viewing.) Suddenly, all of those 4:50am breast pumping sessions in preparation for class (while the rest of my family slept soundly in the pitch dark) were beginning to pay off. I decided to sign up for another month, and after completing that session, I was within two pounds of my pre-pregnancy weight and wearing almost all of my pre-pregnancy clothing again. Two months, you guys. Two months! It was no cake walk, but so worth it.

The best part for me personally is that my body is morphing into a shape that I’ve never had before. (Even pre-babies!) When I was exclusively running after baby #1, I lost the weight, but I was just a smaller me, shape-wise. Now, all of the toning and weight training I’ve completed in boot camp has really changed the overall look and shape of my body. My muscles are leaner, and I actually don’t cringe when I look at my legs, which have ALWAYS been my least favorite body part. (I even busted out a mini-skirt recently, and that’s saying something.)

Before boot camp (this past August):

(Yes, that is cellulite on my upper arm. Oy.)

After completing 2 months of boot camp 3x/week (uh, as well as a 2-week holiday hiatus consisting of cookies, cake and pie…shhhhhhpleasedon’ttellmytrainer):

I still have a fair share of work ahead of me, but I couldn’t be happier about the progress I’ve made in the past two months. I love boot camp. Period. I started my third session this morning, and I couldn’t wait to get going after these past two weeks of food, beer, food, cocktails, and MORE FOOD.

If your New Year’s resolution is to drop some pounds and gain a ton of energy, definitely consider a boot camp. And if you are in the Orange County area, I can’t recommend Total Training by Tammy enough! (It’s really no wonder her program was voted Best Workout Program in Orange County by Citysearch. It is AWESOME. Tammy is Motivation, personified.)

Tammy is offering a free kick-off week (starting today, Jan 3, and going through Friday, Jan 7) of Boot Camp for the new year, so you have no reason not to try it out. Plus, she has 5 locations around the OC and several different times throughout the day that you can mix and match, so don’t be trying to make up excuses over there on your couch. DO IT. (And tell her I sent ya!) It might be the best thing you’ll do for yourself all year.

  1. sarahbeanne

    January 5, 2011 at 9:11 am

    Oh, hell. We had our babies within days of each other, and I worked out a LOT when I was pregnant (1/2 marathon @ 12 weeks, aquamoms every week, swimming whenever possible, videos, etc), and since getting the go ahead @ my six week check up.
    I look nothing like you do now. I need to step it up.

  2. Kate

    January 5, 2011 at 9:55 am

    I did the exact same thing…talked myself into it because of a Groupon, and now I’m obsessed with it! Such a great energy booster, and I’ve been in such a better mood the last month or two, which I’m sure everyone around me is happy about too!

  3. Deidre

    January 5, 2011 at 1:49 pm

    Whoorl, you like GREAT! seriously, well done. It takes a lot of motivation to get up early and work it…

  4. Kate

    January 5, 2011 at 5:48 pm

    Don’t think I’ve ever commented, but had to chime in here and echo everyone else…WOW!

    But I have to ask…how on earth do you function all day with two children if you’re getting up before 4:50 a.m.?! I really, really need to do something like this to lose my baby weight (I’m several months post-baby right now and my thighs/ab are majorly jigglicious), but I work full time and can’t imagine getting up that early every day. Do you go to bed super early? Squeeze in a nap every day? Function well on little sleep?

  5. whoorl

    January 5, 2011 at 6:01 pm

    Thanks, Kate! It’s lights out for me at 9pm, so I get almost 8 hours of sleep. Luckily, I’ve been able to go to an evening class on occasion, so the 5:00am wakeup call only happens about twice a week.

  6. Sad Abs Elizabeth

    January 5, 2011 at 9:28 pm

    If you have any examples of your power ab workout, and if you have the time to share them, please do send them my way! Not even Gwyneth Paltrow’s trainer’s post-baby major ab workout video has been able to melt the softness of my tummy. I would love any tips or new tricks!

    (And how funny is it that another Elizabeth posted a comment directly after mine? That made me do a double take when I first saw it.)

  7. Kristen

    January 6, 2011 at 5:26 pm

    You look amazing!! So my girl is almost 2 and I still haven’t gotten down . . . perhaps because I’m pretending that there is such a thing as “adoption weight”. This is very inspiring . . . ALMOST inspiring enough to make me join you. But 5am?? Whhyyyy? If you find a 9am class, I’m there. :)

  8. whoorl

    January 6, 2011 at 5:45 pm

    Kristen, Tammy has a 10am…right you your alley! I just emailed you. :)

  9. Iowamom

    January 6, 2011 at 7:30 pm

    WOW! I tried to comment the other day but the dang computer locked up. I am so impressed and happy for you!

    Keep up the good work. It’s so difficult but time after the babies definitely helps. I finally felt back to normal when my third child was 2. Looks like you’re on the right track!

  10. Cecilia

    January 8, 2011 at 4:02 am

    Wow! Good job, you look amazing! wish they had boot camp over here….

  11. mbbored

    January 8, 2011 at 4:28 pm

    OK, so I’ve read your blog forever, even if I don’t comment (sorry!) I admit to a lot of jealousy of your picture post 2nd baby,when I’ve got no kids and oh say 20 extra pounds in the last year (boo grad school.) My groupon just came up with my own boot camp deal so I bought it. So I’m saying thanks now, but I doubt I will in a week.

  12. giselle

    January 9, 2011 at 11:55 pm

    I signed up a for a boot camp from a groupon a couple of days ago and I am both excited and absolutely terrified. I look NOTHING like that you looked like before you started, so I’m so nervous that I won’t be able to do any of it or that everyone will laugh at me or that I’ll pass out. :( I want to lose weight so bad, I hope I can do it.

  13. Torrie @ a place to share...

    January 10, 2011 at 1:48 pm

    Wow. As so many others have shared, this post and that picture(!!) is incredibly inspiring. I have been extremely inactive (blogging hasn’t helped in this category!) and have given myself until my BIL’s wedding- which I am in- to get in shape.

    I could go on, and on about this, but I just wanted to say thank you for inspiring me. Because of this post, I searched “bootcamp in Glendora” thinking that I would find nothing, and found an amazing deal. I just signed up!! I am incredibly nervous because on the video, it shows them climbing over walls, in the mud, etc- Survivor-like!! I’ve never done anything like this before- nothing! But if I allowed myself to think about that, I wouldn’t have done it. So- thank you so very much.

  14. angie

    January 11, 2011 at 3:01 pm

    Looking good, girl! I totally get why you dig boot camp. If I were in the OC I’d be there!

  15. Courtney

    January 13, 2011 at 8:00 am

    Um, can I have your stomach? I’m post baby #2, with 6.5lbs to go, no exercise, but I’m BFing and off of soy and dairy. I know I need the exercise. Yet, I do nothing and baby isn’t sleeping through the night yet… After baby #1, I was off those and eggs and nuts–babies have an intolerance, or else I’d be eating everything. Not in your neck of the woods but I need some stomach help so I need to look into this bootcamp business. For starters, how does your belly button look so good? Mine looks like a crater got hit upside the head. JEALOUS. Good for you!