Levi’s Curve ID and Me

This series is brought to you by Levi’s® Curve ID. Find your custom fit at Levi’s® stores or Levi.com.


STOP RIGHT THERE. I know what you’re thinking…the Pantene announcement and now Levi’s®? In the same week? Give us a break! You guys, I know. I KNOW. Hear me out, though. I’ve been keeping Pantene a secret for 5 months, and the following video was shot in January, yet for some insane reason, both announcements happened this week. Thanks for plowing through the abundance of LOOK AT ME LOOK AT MEEEEEEE action this week, and I promise we’ll be back to regular scheduling next week. Ready? Break!


Earlier this year, I shot a video with Levi’s®, and I am so pumped to show you for two reasons. First off, I am a total jean freak. All kinds – skinny, straight, flare, ankle length, dark, light, black, brightly colored – you name it. I am not exaggerating when I say that I wear jeans almost every day of the year. I constantly see lovely women wearing skirts and dresses, and I might bust one out in a blue moon, but really, I’m a jeans girl through and through. Taking my kids to school, working on my laptop at home, evening cocktails with friends, date night with my husband…all perfectly acceptable times to wear jeans in my eyes.

However, one of my issues with jeans is the whole size/shape issue. Overall, I’m a slender person, but lots of jeans don’t work for me because although I wear a smaller size, I am not a stick figure. I have a very defined hip-to-waist ratio with a “perky” rear end, so when most jeans fit well on my backside, they usually gap at the waistband. I have spent my adult life searching for jeans that fit my body type, and they are few and far between.

When I was approached by Levi’s® to try out their new Curve ID line, I was skeptical. Levi’s® had not been a label I’d worn in the past, and I pretty much held a preconceived notion that you had to be more of a “straight” body type to wear them. However, the whole idea behind the Curve ID line is that jeans should be made to fit your shape, not just your size. They told me about the Levi.com Curve ID quiz that helps to classify your shape, whether it be no curve, a little curve, lots of curve or super duper curve. (Um, those are my designations, not Levi’s®.) I took the quiz…and well, you just need to watch the video because it explains it all. Levi’s® hit the nail on the head, though. My Curve ID jeans totally fit my waist, rear and hips simultaneously. Holla! I’m wearing two different pairs in the video, and if you are interested, the black skinny jeans can be found here (they run a size small, btw), and the jeans I’m wearing at the beach can be found here.

The OTHER reason I am so excited about this video is a much more personal one. You all, this video makes me so incredibly happy. As a family, except for a few random holiday snaps, we have never had photos taken of the four of us, much less a video documenting a day in our life. To watch my kids goofing off around the house and running around the beach fills me with such joy. I am so grateful to Scott Compton and the team at Remedy Editorial for putting together a lovely snippet of my family life that will be cherished for decades to come.

Without further ado, here’s the video!

  1. brianne

    March 2, 2012 at 9:42 am

    Love that little move you do when you get up from the desk. =) Those jeans looks great, congratulations on another great opportunity. I have the same shirt from Target, totally adore it!

    I have eyed the Pantene Aqua Light after seeing your commercial. I too have shied away from using Pantene beacuse of build-up horror stories. I’m anxiously awaiting your posts about it. I would love to hear if it helps preserve colored hair.

    Happy Friday, Sarah!

    • whoorl

      March 5, 2012 at 1:32 pm

      Brianne, I just had to tell you, that part makes me laugh because I didn’t know they were filming me at that point. It’s totally me being a goof, and I really love that they put it in!! :)

      • brianne

        March 5, 2012 at 3:35 pm

        Your reply totally brightened my Monday! Thank you! Even cuter you didn’t know you were being filmed! Love it!

  2. Delia

    March 5, 2012 at 12:52 pm

    Hi: Great video. Best of luck on all your new projects!
    The black flats in this video are great. Can you share where you got them?

    • whoorl

      March 5, 2012 at 1:30 pm

      Hi Delia! I bought the black flats from Zara last year.

  3. Sharri

    March 5, 2012 at 2:08 pm

    I’m just catching up on this – what a great video! I’ve been reading your blog since Wito was a baby. What a grown up family you have!

  4. TWL

    March 5, 2012 at 8:43 pm

    No apologies allowed! Be proud and smile gracefully! This is wonderful, wonderful stuff. Congratulations, Sarah!!!

  5. Kristen

    March 7, 2012 at 8:04 am

    Oh my gosh, I’m so, so, so excited for you! What a fun video, and what a great opportunity. So proud!

  6. Emily @ Peck Life

    March 8, 2012 at 4:06 pm

    I am so in love with this campaign – congrats to Levis for being smart! I sat down the other night and watched every single video, so wonderful!!!! You look amazing in your jeans by the way. :)