Hair Share — Pixie Perfection

Inspired by Susan’s perfect pixie, Kathy took the plunge and pixified herself.

Say goodbye to this:


And hello to this:


From Kathy’s email:

Susan’s excitement about this product was so strong I went and got myself a pixie cut so I could use it! Seriously, I’d wanted to take the leap for ages but seeing Susan’s great cut pushed me on over and I did it last week. Now I wish I had done it sooner since I’ve taken my hairstyling time down from 30+ minutes every morning to 1 minute. Thanks for liberating me, Susan! : )

Oh, and the American Crew Fiber is fabulous too!

Thanks for sending in your photo, Kathy. Your pixie is perfection!

Share the hair love! If you have a great hair tip or two, email me with the details.

  1. All Women Stalker

    August 10, 2009 at 9:45 am

    It looks great! Despite it being only a top photo. :D

    .-= All Women Stalker´s last blog ..10 Delicious Desserts with Least Calories … =-.

  2. Kathy

    August 10, 2009 at 5:20 pm

    I am enjoying this cut so much. It’s sick to be this in love with my own hair, LOL!


  3. Lindsay

    August 10, 2009 at 8:02 pm

    Oh and yay – Your comment has a front-facing pic. LOVE IT! You look great!! It so makes me wish I had the hair type (and face!) to pull this cut off. :)

  4. Kathy

    August 11, 2009 at 4:29 am

    Thank you!
    And sorry about the pic. I ended up with a decent front facing photo after emailing with Sarah. She didn’t have a great selection to choose from, I promise! So I used it for my gravatar. : )