A Weekend In Boston – Observations

1. Warm, sunny weather is my life force.

2. A trench coat is not a coat.

3. People stare. At the airport, walking down Newbury Street, running errands, everywhere. (Booger? Spinach in the teeth?) While having lunch at Zaftigs, the woman seated next to us literally turned her chair towards us and stared the entire meal, completely ignoring her lunch companion. I’m going to hold a seminar on my next visit entitled, Quick Sideways Glance: learn it, live it, love it.

4. I met the lovely Miguelina for coffee. What is the DEAL with all of the East Coast soul sistahs I’ve encountered? Why aren’t these types of women living in Orange County? (Wait. Don’t answer that.)

5. I couldn’t help but pretend I was Ali McGraw while visiting my brother-in-law’s school. Of course, my superstition got the best of me and stopped thinking that, because um, she DIES in that movie.


6. The stoplights in Boston must not employ sensors, but use timers lengthy enough to allow drivers to take a quick snooze (and possibly prepare an omelet) before getting the green light.

7. Strong headwinds will make your flight home quite lengthy. As in, Very. Long. (6 1/2 hours, to be exact.)

8. While watching BBC on said flight, I encountered a show where a dietitian actually trifles through people’s poop. In tupperware. A family of four stood around while this woman dissected their poop IN FRONT OF THEM. This has crossed some sort of television-viewing boundary, and yet, I am intrigued.

9. Fresh baby head smells really good. Yet, not good enough to persuade me to have another baby right now.

10. I will enjoy the beach today with renewed fervor. Flip flops! Sand in my toes! Warm sun on my face! YES YES YES!

Boston, you and I will meet again, my bipolar friend. Preferably in the spring.

  1. Kate P

    March 19, 2008 at 5:26 am

    Looks like a chilly, but fun, trip.

    Completely off topic, what kind of stroller are you using? You seem to be taller (is that right?) and yet, completely comfortable standing behind that stroller. My husband and I are both tall (over 5’9″) and are still struggling to find a comfortable lightweight stroller. (Our son is about a month older than Wito. This has been a long process.) I am at the point where I am asking everyone over 5’7″ what their preference is, even people from the internet that I don’t know, so your input would be incredibly helpful. Thank you!

    That is a Maclaren Volo that I bought at Babystyle. I’m 5’7″ and my husband is 6′ and we both feel super comfortable pushing it around. Actually, I bought it as our “travel” stroller because it’s so light and easy to fold down, but now use it WAY more than our Bugaboo or BOB. (Which are both silently crying in the garage.)

  2. Moira

    March 19, 2008 at 6:46 am

    Heh, heh- I, too, am from Boston originally and was nodding my head and laughing as I read your post. When I first moved away in my 20s and people could always tell where I was from, I didn’t get it…so silly. Bostonians are definitely a breed apart!

  3. am'ti b

    March 19, 2008 at 7:25 am

    i forgot to mention that i watch “you are what you eat” and my favorite part is when she checks their pooh and when she feels all over their bodies and can tell what they lack from their tongues and the feel or their organs. the brits are fantastic! what would i do with out my bbc america?

  4. Heather B.

    March 19, 2008 at 3:05 pm

    You know you could move to the east coast. Just sayin’…

    Or we could all move to OKC and be happy people constantly full of tater tots and diet cherry limeade. Just think about it.

  5. BeachMama

    March 19, 2008 at 4:01 pm

    Aww, you guys look gorgeous. Sorry that you were chilled while visiting the East, but seriously if you wanted a little chill you should have veered a little further North. We could have made you love the beach just a little more as I sit here staring at snow, yes tomorrow is Spring and I still have two or three feet of snow in my yard if not more. Glad you enjoyed Boston!

  6. Must Be Motherhood

    March 20, 2008 at 7:51 am

    G-Damiit, girl! Now I am craving the carbfest that is the Zaftig’s Strawberry Pancake more than life itself.
    Sigh. I miss Coolidge Corner and Boston all around. But not the driving so much.

  7. Super Sarah

    March 21, 2008 at 4:10 am

    Good old Gillian on “You are what you eat”. Strangely I wasn’t as bothered by the poo so much as I was horrified by the scene where they lay out all the food that the person consumed in a week for the shock value. I just can’t help thinking of how much it costs to do that!

  8. Amy

    March 21, 2008 at 12:22 pm

    I want to see that show! It’s mentioned in this awesome post about poop:

  9. heather

    March 21, 2008 at 11:41 am

    people were staring because you’re such an incredibly handsome family. seriously. your husband? rowr. of course you know that because you married the dude. and he is one lucky man!

  10. amanda

    March 21, 2008 at 5:56 pm

    I find the more you enjoy yourself, the more people stare. Consider yourself lucky, and, as so many before me have said, gorgeous.

  11. Christy

    March 21, 2008 at 9:03 pm

    Wito is adorable all bundled up in that pic.

    But, seriously, do you realize how freakin’ HOT you and your husband are? I mean, you are each beautiful on your own but then you put the two of you together and it’s like, the kind of hotness that makes one want to stare. I know I would stare. I would try not to, but I know eventually I would just turn around and gape.

    Wito is going to be one beautiful adult.

  12. Mrs. Flinger

    March 22, 2008 at 2:14 pm

    Er, I was going to say she was staring at your hot family but maybe I’ll just say, DUDE you got great taste in HOT DADS. Go, Whoorl!

  13. Megan

    March 23, 2008 at 11:29 am

    Oh man, I love when people stare rudely. Whenever I visit New York I always find someone on the subway who will just gawk, and believe me, it’s not that I’m ever looking spectacular or wearing something nice. I’m usually the typical hot tranny mess, people are just WEIRD. So of course I have to talk to whoever I’m with, or get on the phone, and be like, “Well, I guess I should say something really interesting since someone is fascinated with watching me!” One day this will come back to get me when a hobo is like, “WHY YES I AM.”

  14. Mareshia

    April 3, 2008 at 12:47 pm

    I am an unwilling Californian cum Bostonian (at least until I slay that elusive dragon that is my PhD) that said, having dated a number of know it all New England men, I have learned (and you must know) that the timers are so the snow doesn’t trip the underground sensors. I have this great idea that headlights should trip the sensor. Too progressive for the New England Puritan mindset.