Odds and Ends

1. “But your concept of yourself makes no sense. You got it from a rom-com. Age 35 is not an expiration date on your beauty or your worth.” Love this.

2. Badass women spies from the Civil War.

3. How to be fulfilled at work according to your Enneagram type.

4. It’s time to stop coddling white teenage boys.

5. A parent’s guide to Instagram.

6. I don’t know what I was expecting from this video, but it wasn’t this.

7. Wow. Marie Kondo has gotten serious.

8. Speaking of Marie Kondo, this article really sums up the cultural insensitivity surrounding her show.

9. Are we overly worried about kids and screen time?

10. It’s dry as a bone out there. Here are some of my favorite dry skin saviors.

11. Grombre has definitely become one of my favorite Instagram accounts. Obsessed with silver hair!

12. Just when I thought I couldn’t love libraries more…this brilliance.

Happy Friday! Hope you have a fantastic weekend.

image credit: isabel

One thought on “Odds and Ends
  1. Meg

    January 25, 2019 at 10:25 am

    My friend is a librarian at Chicago Public Library and part of its STEAM outreach program. As part of that, she visits laundromats weekly to do story time for kids who are there while their parents do laundry. Libraries are the best. US News did a feature article on the program. <3 https://bit.ly/2TlWLmQ