Wita’s Words


One of my favorite things about being a parent is listening to my children’s mispronunciations and grammatical gaffes. I mean, COME ON. It’s adorable. Especially when you’re engaged in a serious convo. Wita is the master of these flubs, and I will never EVER correct her. Here are some of my favorites.

“toncats” (contacts)

“brickles” (pickles)

“anyfang” (anything)

“photocoffee” (photocopy)

“It’s bendy!” (It’s windy!)

“scaremony” (ceremony)

“stachios” (pistachios)

“olmans” (almonds)

“fooder” (waiter/restaurant worker)

“My tummy is wiggling.” (I’m hungry.)

All past tense verbs are pronounced with emphasis on “ed.” For example. touch-ED, eat-ED, sing-ED, work-ED

“chilada cheeses & lemon caders” – (cheese enchiladas & margaritas…I have no idea, people. And yes, we consume a lot of those.)

“rapartment” (apartment)

“unraser” (eraser)

“rustructions” (instructions)

“waps” (wasps)

“piggy bank ride” (piggy back ride)

“mingos” (mangos)

“extrasize” (exercise)

“You are SO dang it!” (You are so mad!)


What are some of your little ones’ mispronunciations? They sure make me smile!

photo credit: Aurelia D’Amore

  1. Laura J.

    October 13, 2014 at 4:02 pm

    My daughter is almost 4, so she’s losing some of these, but picking up others. The most confusing is that she still thinks it’s “target” instead of “guitar.” She is also coming up with hilarious new words for things, like she calls her pants legs “pant sleeves.” The baby monitor is a “permometor.” Almonds are “almits.” Laffy Taffy (her ‘special treat’) is “Lappy Tappy,” always said with glee. Gosh, I love this kid!

  2. Nikki

    October 13, 2014 at 4:14 pm

    My son says lawnmooer instead of lawn mower. And my favourite is ‘teacups’ instead of ‘hiccups’. “Mummy, I have the teacups”, makes me giggle every time.

  3. Alicia

    October 13, 2014 at 4:19 pm

    My oldest daughter used to say “heppercopper” for helicopter. She’s 14 now and we still say it and get a laugh out of it. Also, both my daughters used to say “movezie” when I was in their way. I didn’t know why until I realized that was their version of “move please” which is what I would say to them when they were in my way! It was so cute. Thanks for the memories today. :)

  4. Shari

    October 13, 2014 at 6:36 pm

    My daughter used to say hippoannapottowuss for hippopotamus. I was heartbroken when someone finally corrected her and she got it right. :)

  5. Karen

    October 13, 2014 at 6:37 pm

    Love this. Our daughter had some funny ones:

    “Old Maybe” – Old Navy
    “Dee-o-dee-ent” – Deodorant
    “Peenus” – Peanuts (Funniest when she used to ask for Daddy’s peanuts!)
    “Prent-cells” – Pretzels
    “Pup-takes” – Cupcakes
    “Soaking Tired” – Exhausted
    “Vi-Ems” – Vitamins

    She’s turning 11 tomorrow and I miss her mispronunciations all the time. They’ve now been replaced with major eye-rolling and “whatevers.”

    • whoorl

      October 13, 2014 at 7:19 pm

      Prent-cells! She says that too! One of my faves…

    • Giselle

      October 24, 2014 at 1:32 am

      Lol have you ever thought that soaking tired might come from having heard someone say fucking tired and the closest word she knew was soaking, so she thought that’s what was said? Lol

  6. whoorl

    October 13, 2014 at 7:19 pm

    You guys are killing me with all of this good stuff. I love it!

  7. fusilliamy

    October 13, 2014 at 8:20 pm

    My nephew is almost 7 and he still says “blank-lets” for blankets. And his favorite trash talking line is “So bad losers!” which we should probably be discouraging, but it makes me laugh every time.

  8. Stacey

    October 13, 2014 at 8:28 pm

    Could she be any cuter!? My son doesn’t have too many words yet, but his favorite is Bire Truck. He holds the Biii-rrrr forever. He’s obsessed with all trucks, but especially fire trucks:)

  9. Lori

    October 14, 2014 at 8:02 am

    I love it when they have their special way of saying things too! I never corrected my kids either! Our son always called lemons “Molins”. We still call them that to this day! And elephant was “efalent”

    He had a hard time saying Aluminum and Linoleum so of course we used to ask him to say it all the time. We were bad.

  10. Christina

    October 14, 2014 at 9:02 am

    My daughter says she is “drinky” when thirsty, and every time I die from the cuteness :)

  11. Brooke

    October 14, 2014 at 10:40 am

    “Mama, I have a hurt on my tinger” (finger)

    “I don’t like blueberry pancakes, I like the yelleger ones.” (regular)

    I die. Everytime.

  12. Katie

    October 14, 2014 at 11:54 am

    My five year old has two that kill me. Mines (as in, yours and mines). And Vampire=Umpire. Would certainly make baseball more exciting.

    My three year old mispronounces a LOT of words but my fave made up ones are rainbrella and crocogator. She also calls her friend Scarlett – terlet, and it always sounds like toilet when she says it.

  13. Julie

    October 15, 2014 at 10:46 am

    My daughter says “sur-val” for silver. She’s 5. My son when he was little used to call alligators “deck-o-wicks”. How in the world he got that, I don’t know. But we remind him of that and crack up. The “Surval” one is too cute. I don’t ever correct her. :D

  14. Susannah

    October 15, 2014 at 2:49 pm

    polka bots = polka dots
    packpack = backpack
    the beans = take me out for Mexican food now

  15. mom101

    October 15, 2014 at 5:43 pm

    I still remember my daughter at about two (if that) begging me for Grandma Crackers. I was frantically scouring my pantry for some sort of cracker my mother must have given her, but she rejected all of them. Finally I realized…she wanted Graham Crackers. D’oh.