Monitoring The Situation

First off, are the “clever” entry titles really necessary?

Let’s see, I’m going to write about video monitors, so let’s name it, hmmm, MONITORING THE SITUATION! Yes, God, YES! I am fucking BRILLIANT. 2008 Blogger’s Choice Award, here I come.

16 months into this parenting gig, we JUST purchased a monitor for Wito.

You already know where this is going, don’t you? Oh, C’MON. Not every little thing written on this website has to do with my obsessive-compulsive issues.

Except. That it does. Peace be with you.

You see, we don’t need a monitor. We live in a 1950’s bungalow, people. Our bedrooms share a wall, which has a built-in floor furnace that heats both of the bedrooms. In other words, the only object dividing us from Wito is a contraption of heavy metal grating. We can hear everything. More specifically, I can hear everything. Rustling? Yes. Heavy breathing? Yes. Wito’s brain transitioning sleep cycles? I do believe so.

However, during the past two months, we have been wading in teething territory, or what I would like to call “Operation Holy Molars”.

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These son-of-a-bitch molars have caused some erratic night waking, but it’s difficult for us to assess the son-of-a-bitchdom because Wito’s crib sits right next the door. If we open that door, it’s all over. But what if the random moaning signals pain? What if his foot is stuck in the crib railing? What if some satanic looking Santa has crept into his room and is stab, stab, stabbing him?

The questions. My God, the questions.

Long story short. We bought a video monitor. And it rocks.

What’s Wito doing right now, you ask?


Why, he’s taking a nap! Thanks for asking.

What about now?


Oh, yes. Still sleeping.

5 minutes later?


Sawing logs, that kid.







This can’t possibly bode well for me.

  1. maliavale

    December 13, 2007 at 12:00 pm

    He looks like he’s sleeping in a laundry basket. Man, that is cute.

  2. Lisa

    December 13, 2007 at 12:01 pm

    a video monitor was one of the first things i purchased when i found out i was pregnant…and my love for it has no end. my little guy is almost one and i can honestly say it has more than paid for itself in the sheer piece-of-mind department. so yeah, i’m a crazy first-time mom alright… a warning: prepare yourself for random 3 a.m. episodes of monitor hovering, for no apparent reason.

  3. Lisa

    December 13, 2007 at 12:58 pm

    I am seriously laughing right now, because I am seriously addicted to the monitor….I am on my second one, because my lovely husband (who prides himself on his packing ability) packed it for Hawaii, and when we unpacked the antennae was broken. You can imagine the panic I felt, but we were able to tape it together. I also love it, because when he wakes up early from his nap I can get a couple of more things done knowing he is safe and just playing in his crib!

  4. Liss

    December 13, 2007 at 1:59 pm

    I have the same monitor and I love it so much it is possibly a sign of a mental imbalance. The best part is that my daughter has figured out that I can see her through the camera and can be found leeeeeaaaaning toward the camera with big huge eyes saying “Hi Mama? Mama dere? All done?” when she is done with her nap.

  5. Mary C

    December 13, 2007 at 2:36 pm

    They are addictive! I saw no use for them at all, and when we moved we got one and now I don’t know how we ever lived without it!

  6. lulu

    December 13, 2007 at 4:09 pm

    LOL! Too good

    I have been wanting one of those, but I don’t think we’ll end up getting one, since my husband’s favorite time spent with the baby is when he’s asleep. I.e. he enters the room every half hour after 7 pm (bedtime) just to “check”. “But it’s been so LOOOONG since we’ve seen him!” GRRRRRRR – NO IT HASN’T!
    Have fun!

  7. nita

    December 13, 2007 at 9:48 pm

    oh boy. i should have glued that thing to my head. i was nuts about the monitor! she’s three now. it’s still in there. now we can hear her ‘working’ through her day and it’s priceless.

    not so priceless? when i was in her room, 2am, trying to get her back to sleep by faking sleep myself, and seeing her lean over into the monitor and say, “Daddy! I need a drink!” like she was at a drive-up window :)

    i am so glad i didn’t get a video monitor. i would NEVER sleep! but, uh, can you upload video? i imagine watching that babe sleep would be very relaxing!!!

  8. am'ti b

    December 14, 2007 at 6:55 am

    leave it to you to find the perfect electronic! good gift idea……

  9. OMSH

    December 16, 2007 at 5:45 am

    OH MY WORD I’m totally putting that in my girls room to catch when they mouth obscenities at me after I leave.

  10. a happier girl

    December 16, 2007 at 1:33 pm

    My second kid is 23 months old and I seriously wish we had gotten one. Our son gets up from a nap and looks like he hasn’t slept only he didn’t make a sound for 2 hours. We’re dying to find out what he does in his crib all that time.

  11. Neptunebaby

    December 18, 2007 at 4:15 pm

    You are hilarious! I have been reading your blog for quite some time now and you never fail to make me laugh.

    It’s hard to believe that my daughter was so tiny when I started reading your blog (in fact, was she even born yet? hmmm, can’t remember now) and there seemed to be such a huge difference between your son and my daughter. Now, to think that he is 16 months and she is 13 months… not really so different anymore.

    I think my daughter is starting to get molars too because she has been super cranky lately and waking up in the middle of the night. Oh, wait.. she always wakes up in the middle of the night because she is 13 months old and STILL doesn’t sleep through the night! But I can see the little buds starting to poke through. Ouch!

    Ok.. ending the novel now.