

Sweet baby Thalon. The fair, red-headed boy amidst the sea of princess tiaras and Barbie dolls. The perfect representation of Gorillabuns’ Irish roots. Rich’s future partner-in-crime.

Thalon passed away yesterday afternoon surrounded by his adoring family.

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention wanting to punch the universe in the mouth right now. Really hard.

For those of you who have had the pleasure of meeting Shana in real life, you know she is quite the Mama Bear. Long before she birthed her three beautiful children, she was the kind of friend that would fight dragons tooth and nail for you. Fiercely protective. Loyal. She might even throw a Cape Cod in the face of your nemesis. You know, the kind of person you always want on your side.

However, behind that boisterous Mama Bear exterior lies the most enormous, the most feeling heart you could ever encounter. In all honesty, she’s a total sap.

I distinctly remember shortly after Moira’s birth, beached out on her couch with my own pregnant belly, talking about what an independent spirit her firstborn was. “Little Miss Thing (as she would call Celia) sure isn’t into the whole cuddling and hugging bit”. I remember nodding, thinking that Celia was a smart little girl because, well, touchy-feely people are STRANGE. Just at that moment, Celia sauntered over to Shana and gave her a huge bear hug, and as I looked over at my favorite fierce Mama Bear, I saw tears welling up in her eyes.

I remember hoping I could be a mother like that one day. One who cares so deeply about her babies that the simple act of a day-to-day hug could fill them with so much love that the tears flow.

I can’t begin to fathom what Shana, Rich and the girls are going through right now. To be honest, I won’t even allow myself to envision losing my child. What I do know is that they need all the positive thoughts and prayers that you can give them right now. Shana is so thankful for all of your love and concern – it has lifted her spirits tremendously.

I’ve been trying to think of what I can do right now, 1,400 miles away, to help before heading to Oklahoma. I’ve set up a Paypal donation button for anyone who wants to help Shana’s family with the expenses of Thalon’s hospital stay and funeral services. Please feel free to use the button on your website to help spread the word.

Donations would be greatly appreciated, but your thoughts and prayers are just as welcome.

  1. libbey

    April 16, 2009 at 4:58 am

    for shana

    my thoughts are with you.

    whatever you feel, however you react, whatever you say and when whenever you say it, it’s right. go with it. wise woman gave me the same advice when my infant daughter died. it helped. it’s been a long time now – and she is with me. never forgotten. your son will be remembered and loved – always.

    sending support from a stranger in ohio who cares.


  2. Major Bedhead

    April 16, 2009 at 5:14 am

    Sam said it perfectly – I’m gutted. I’m so, so angry about all this senseless loss. It doesn’t make any sense and it makes me want to rage.

    I’ll add Thalon’s donation button under Maddie’s. And then I’m going to go have a cry and hug my kids again.

  3. Jenn

    April 16, 2009 at 12:27 pm

    My heart breaks for this family. I very much want to punch the Universe. Hard. So much loss lately. I just don’t have the words for something so tragic.

  4. Crabmommy

    April 16, 2009 at 12:33 pm

    This is absolutely awful, just awful. Those poor, poor people.

  5. Mommy Mishie

    April 18, 2009 at 8:46 pm

    I was horrified to read Shana’s post about finding Thalon – have been haunted ever since by the thought of going through that. My Mommy-Heart is just smashed to pieces this month. May Shana and her family find some peace in their memories at some point, and may they know they are not alone.

  6. Janice (5 Minutes for Mom)

    April 20, 2009 at 4:46 pm

    I have just been ripped apart by what Shana and her family must be feeling. The sheer agony. It is brutal!

    Thank you for your beautiful thoughts. I didn’t know Shana or her blog before this happened and I am just now hearing about the mother she was.

  7. noelle

    June 22, 2009 at 10:03 pm

    Hi, I’d like to add the Love for Thalon button to my blog and facebook account, how can I get the code? Also, is the PayPal account still open to accept donations? Based on Shana’s most recent post I think we should re-mobilize donation efforts. Please email me if you’d like to brainstorm. Thanks so much! Noelle