Short Hair Inspiration and Thoughts


I’m still stewing over the big chop, which really shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone since I don’t possess even a sliver of the “oh what the hell, just do it” gene in my body. Nope, I approach my hair decisions exactly like I approach every decision in my life — very methodically, looking at it from every perspective, and perhaps making a list or eight.

But hey! It seems you have plenty of questions and comments of your own regarding my hair, so I thought we could dive right in.

1. Why don’t you gradually transition to the pixie cut? Maybe cut a bob first?

Great question. The reason I am all or nothing about the cut is because I want to donate my hair to the Beautiful Lengths program, and you have to donate at least 8 continuous inches of hair. It’s as simple as that…if I go halfway, I can’t donate, and donation is a huge part of this.

2. A pixie can be a real shock to the system. Maybe keep it a bit longer than a true pixie?

I think you all had great advice about this – I am definitely thinking of a cut similar to most of the above photos — a little longer in the front and crown. A little more Ginnifer Goodwin, a little less Mia Farrow.

 3. You’ll need to use lots of product when it’s short. And it’s not truly “wash and go” – styling time is necessary.

Yes, I’ve heard this, and I am all ears for product recommendations. When it comes to shorter hairstyles, I have no clue, so bring it! As for doing it up, I willingly accept that I would be styling it in the morning, although I AM SO PUMPED that the styling time would decrease from about 45 minutes of blow-drying and styling to about 5. Wheeeeeeeeee.

4. You hated your hair when you cut it collarbone-length, remember?

I remember, but you know, my general displeasure regarding that haircut was less about the loss of length and more about feeling like the style itself was kind of boring on me. I just didn’t really see anything stylish or chic about it, and it felt very in-between to me. The short haircut seems like more of a definitive style to me, and not so mehhhhh.

5. Growing it out will be the biggest pain in the ass.

I’m sure it will be, and to be completely honest, this is a huge part of what’s holding me back. I really want a new look, and I’m psyched at the thought of having short hair, BUT I keep thinking about that day…whether it be in one or ten years, when I decide I don’t want short hair anymore and have to start the process of growing it out. It definitely seems daunting.

6. Most guys don’t like short hair.

You’re a douchebag. Well, my husband does, and he’s the only one that matters to me. (I also think many men would beg to differ with that statement.)

7. No more Pantene commercials for you.

TRUE THAT.  Sayonara, swishing.

8. It’s just hair. It will grow back. What’s the big deal?

You’re right. Yes, it will. I don’t know.

9. Please don’t cut your hair. It would be a shame. You will regret it. You will cry. You’ll look like a soccer mom. You seem like a long hair type. You are crazy. You’ll hate it. It’s too pretty to cut off. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

Well, thank you for all of the really lovely things you’ve said about my hair. Let’s all hug it out. It’s just lately I feel like my hair has its own online persona or something. I’m over it.

Also, thank you for leaving this in the comment section.


I probably shouldn’t have laughed as hard as I did.


You rock. (I did notice that all of my very favorite people told me to go for it. Coincidence?)

11. Um, are you really going to do it?

I would say I’m 50/50 right now. One day, I am in full-on chop it off mode, and the next, I can’t imagine it. Not to mention that my daughter loves touching/holding/using my hair as her security blanket. (That might be the hardest part for me.) I showed her photos of shorter hair on Pinterest, and she looked at me wide-eyed and said, “No, mama. No.”

Speaking of security blankets, let’s talk about what this really boils down to. Confidence.

First, it was Sizzle who commented, “as someone who has had short hair for most of her grown life, you have to know that it’s 75% attitude, 15% face, and 10% styling.” Then I read this by Leandra of Man Repeller, who recently chopped her locks.

Everything is always about confidence, isn’t it? If you feel good, you will look good, and if you look good, because you feel good, you will rule the fucking world. There really is something to stepping away from your comfort zone and recognizing that wherever you settle feels somehow…better than where you’d previously kicked up your feet.

How spot on is that? So spot on. Do I possess the confidence? Yes. (I think so? We’ll see? Here, have another question mark!) I will say this…I am so intrigued by the thought of not being able to hide behind my hair. I can pretty much use it like a scarf these days.

I want to do it. I just need a gentle nudge…okay, maybe a friendly shove.

One thing that gets me excited is the thought that maybe, just maybe, there could be a way to benefit others, beyond donating my hair. While pinning/googling pixie cuts (can you imagine how much of that is going on right now?), I came across a great project from last year. What an awesome concept. I’m thinking some sort of charitable component could be really fantastic. Plus, once I make a commitment to helping others out, there’s no turning back, right? Let’s make this about more than just a haircut. (Even though, wahhhhh, I’m still scared. #getoveritwhoorl)

And that concludes Deep Follicular Thoughts by Whoorl™ for the day. Peace be with you and your hair.

photo credits, clockwise 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

  1. jen

    January 31, 2013 at 1:10 pm

    When you mentioned you felt like your hair had a persona of it’s own, I could relate. For years I had long, long hair that I felt defined me. For a long time it was my security blanket because so many people commented on it. But one day, I was just fed up and needed a change. I went in and cut it all off (into a chin-length) bob. I had not one single regret (surprisingly). Somewhere inside of me this confidence just showed up and I didn’t need my long hair anymore. AND, I found I didn’t care if people complimented my new hair style or not (surprisingly) because I was confident about my choice and I loved it. I felt proud of being gutsy:) It was so new, light, refreshing and made me feel like I had redefined myself and my confidence. Growing it out has been a pain but it’s not that bad. I just keep getting cuts to freshen it up and now I’m looking for a new style. I contemplated chopping my hair off for about 2 months before I finally did it. I’ve always wanted a pixie cut but truly don’t have the face for it. I know this is your decision but I think you would rock it! It’s not an easy decision but in the end, we all know you’ll do what’s best for you and your hair and it will look amazing no matter what:)

  2. kat

    January 31, 2013 at 1:15 pm

    gal go for it! i echo the thick wavy, textured hair. looks divine me thinks short AND long. my asian very straight, very thick hair was no pretty short. it was like a bowl cut when it was growing out. but i tried it at least! since you are the style maven of hair, i think you need to do it!

  3. Carrie

    January 31, 2013 at 1:15 pm

    Definitely do it! And I recommend Grund Switch. Terrible name, awesome wet/dry styling paste.

  4. Alice

    January 31, 2013 at 1:17 pm

    I am now coveting all of the hairstyles you pictured, and will probably get one for myself. I’ve been growing out my hair for two years, only because the pixie cut I got was too short and it really did have a certain “Dumb and Dumber” je ne sais quoi. Now I’ve concluded (once again) that longer hair is the worst. Having to blow it dry is bullshit (esp. now that it’s 5 degrees out), it’s all sproingy and crazy (thanks, gray hair), impossible to make it look put together, and it’s that in-between, shoulder-length boring-as-hell stage. Nope. I’m done.

    But enough about me. I agree with what many of the above commenters have said: short hair is easy, it’s sexy, it’s face-framing, and you would get a good cut because you are an *expert.* In conclusion:
    you will look beautiful. Do it do it do it, the end.

  5. Julie // Bound

    January 31, 2013 at 2:19 pm

    If something is exciting AND it totally scares the bejesus out of you, that’s a sign you have to do it. The only requirement for having a pixie (if there is one) is that you have to have the bone structure to pull it off. You do. Hooray!

  6. ChrisB

    January 31, 2013 at 2:52 pm

    Just do it! I have had my hair at all length, from down to my waist to pixie. Now it’s cut in a short, layered bob and I love it. And the growing out part is actually not as horrible as you might think or others want you to believe. You have great hair and a lovely face, change will be good!

  7. Amti'b

    January 31, 2013 at 3:24 pm

    Your scarf collection will love you, how great will that look;)

  8. Cori

    January 31, 2013 at 4:03 pm

    Obviously you would look fabulous with a pixie cut! I’ve had a pixie a few times and loved it. I agree with the comments above that you might end up making some changes to your wardrobe and accessories, as well as your make-up routine.

    It really took my no time at all to style my hair when it was that short. I would just towel dry, add some product (Bumble+Bumble Grooming Creme) and style with my fingers. I found that all the time I saved from styling my hair was spent applying make-up though. Without make-up I felt I looked a bit too masculine.

  9. cyrie

    January 31, 2013 at 4:40 pm

    do it! you would look totally hot.

  10. Carrisa

    January 31, 2013 at 4:54 pm

    I am all for you doing this. Yes, your hair is a big part of who you have become online, but there are worse things to be known for. Plus, now the rest of us who don’t have long awesome hair can get a different perspective from you. Plus, I can just picture you with the short hair paired with your cute stripey wardrobe. I can’t wait to see it.

  11. brianne

    January 31, 2013 at 5:01 pm

    Sarah, do it! I cut my shoulder length hair to chin/bob length in December. While it was a change, i almost felt like it was MORE work. Letting it air dry made it look super crazy and also didn’t cut down much on my blow drying time. I started considering a pixie cut about the same time you did. I’m really ready for a change. But I’ve also waited for a while to make sure this is really what I want.
    Thank you for posting and pinning all these pics. They’re definitely what I’m looking to do. I don’t have an angular face, but I’ve got sass for days, so I think I could do the pixie.
    Can’t wait to see what you decide! And how lovely of you to donate your hair!

  12. Loa

    January 31, 2013 at 5:11 pm

    I always had long medium, wavy hair that became downright curly when really long, think Julia Roberts. I never had short hair, but when my daughter was 18 mos old I just wanted a pixie like jinnifer goodwin. I hadn’t lost all my baby weight yet, but always felt that I should if I went short because I am so tall 5″10. One day I decided, I went in for a consult to my most trusted hair dresser, and 2 days later I went back and cut it all off,while 2 apprentices watched. I always thought I would just die if I cut off all my hair, but it turned out to be so unemotional, and sort of an out of body experience. And afterwards it felt so good to know that I was just fine, and my hair that had always been what people loved was not my identity. I didn’t regret it once. The growing out was fine, it was fun to try each style that I always wanted. The only thing I will say, is that I needed to go every 4 weeks to have it re textured, otherwise the waviness took over too much, and eventually I just didn’t have the time to maintain it like that. Also, I had always had color on the ends of my hair, partial highlights and with it all cut off I got so many comments about how dark my hair was, so then I had to color all of my hair until it was at least shoulder length. After growing it out over 2 years my husband now has started asking me to cut it off again!

  13. Ginger

    January 31, 2013 at 5:12 pm

    I used to be in the NO category, but Lynn’s comment above convince me. Go for it! I also love the idea about adding a charity component. Love thst. Go for it!

  14. Jeanne

    January 31, 2013 at 5:19 pm

    I had super short pixie hair once. It was such a drastic change for me because I had hair down to the middle of my back. I worried to death about cutting it and with the support of my husband, I went in and did it. My one advice is to go all the way and don’t do a longer pixie or a bob first. They are totally different cuts than the pixie. When I chopped off all my locks, the hairdresser refused to go all out short saying it would be too much of a shock to my system. She cut it just longer than pixie. When it was done, the cut didn’t look right. Since I’d never had short hair, I couldn’t figure out if it was me or the cut. That same afternoon, I walked into a completely random salon and saw the first stylist who could see me. I asked him “What is wrong with my hair?”. He replied simply “It’s too long.” He cut it to pixie length and I loved it. Nowadays, I have a bob and I think I’ll have this length for many years to come. It’s just the length my hair was meant to be. But I have always loved having that pixie cut and my husband and I reminisce abou it. I think you’ll love your new cut. I hope you give it a shot.

  15. Shan

    January 31, 2013 at 6:42 pm

    You will be adorable with short hair! And as your grandmother, my vote is the most important!