My Thoughts on Infant Hair Accessories

From what I gather, some people don’t take too well to their offspring being identified as the opposite sex. I happen to think most infants look rather unisex, so this issue has never bothered me personally. Why, just a couple of weeks ago, a lady referred to Wito as a girl. HE IS FOUR. (What can I say? He’s purdy.) However, it seems that the baby-girl-being-called-a-boy thing is a much more prominent point of contention.

This must be why so many parents put horrific bow-type headbands on newborn girls. Look at meeee! I’m a girl! SEE MY PINK FLUFFY BOW??? Here’s what I’m thinking. If you don’t possess hair, you probably don’t need a hair accessory. Additionally, if a hair accessory needs to be attached with tape or velcro, you might want to reevaluate your decision-making process. Here, let me help you!

A headband to hold hair back and/or accentuate a hairstyle? GOOD.

A headband to cut off blood supply to a 3-month-old’s bald noggin? BAD.

(I feel strongly on the matter.)

(And don’t get me started on shooting stainless steel studs through a baby girl’s ears. GAH.)

  1. janeedalife

    August 31, 2010 at 11:13 pm

    Sorry to say,
    My toddler wears bows, not headbands, however they are obnoxiously large,
    She has had her ears pierced since she was 2 months old,
    And to top it off
    She does pageants (no fake stuff of course, just the attire) does this make me a bad mom? Nope. I really just think everyone should mind there own business, no one really cares about anyones opinion, they are gonna do what they want, and raise their kids how they want, and if people would stop complaining about other people (like people who hate babies in headbands/big bows) the world would be a little less stressful. And really, who takes the time to write a forum about what people are putting there kids in? Im sure there’s something better to do than bash on how people are dressing their kids. Bash on ppl who have their kids taken away by DHS, that’s actually a conversation to get mad about.

  2. Renee

    September 1, 2010 at 8:30 am

    I never dressed my daughter in bows/headbands, but I’m not mortally offended when other ppl do. The earrings I feel much more strongly about. I just think babies and young children are so perfect the way they are. I want to push off for as long as possible the feeling that girls get that they need to change something about their bodies (even something relatively minor likes holes in the ears) (though when you say it like that -eek! – it sounds horrible…) So I’m totally out for earrings until she is at least a pre-teen/teenager.

  3. Gia

    September 2, 2010 at 1:24 pm

    I am still just in shock that people came to a personal blog and told you not to express your personal opinion. I enjoy reading your thoughts and opinions regardless of whether I actually agree with you! How boring if everyone had the same thoughts and opinions, BLECH!! Curious side point: My first job as a 16 yo was piercing ears-8 week old babies all the way up to sweet old ladies (and men). Was I qualified? N-O-P-E. Now that is something alarming, ha ha!