My Birthday Request

Today’s my birthday. Yesterday was my wedding anniversary.

I’m not telling you this because I want your adoring Birthversary wishes (although, I kind of do), I’m telling you because I want free reign to talk about something completely materialistic and shallow in peace.

(This coming from the girl who talks about hair all day.)

I’m sitting here, completely present-less and it’s all my fault. I know some lovely people (namely, my husband) who would very much like to bestow a gift or two, but I can’t make up my mind. Meh, meh and MEH.

I need a new purse. Okay, I want a new purse.

Here’s the deal. When it comes to handbags, I guess you could say I like classic ones. I’m not the type to switch out my bag on different days, so the bag I choose is relatively important due to the fact that it will be on my shoulder for the next couple of years. Plus, the KICKER. I want to be able to pull it out of a dustbag in ten years and still think it’s cute. (Updated to add: I also occasionally sell my bags on eBay, and LVs have a great resale value.)

This is my current bag:


Oh, my trusty Louis Vuitton bag. You have served me well, my friend. It’s not you, it’s me! I swear!

(Have I ever told you about my fabulous boss who called my Louis Vuitton a “Vicki Lawrence”? I would walk into a breakfast meeting and in his fiercest voice, he would croon, “Girrrls working her Vicki Lawrence today!” God, I miss him.)

Well, Vicki, it actually is you…you see, the wide strap falls off my shoulder when I bend over to pick up Wito, and considering I am constantly picking up Wito, this is a problem. I need straps that will stay put. So, I’ve been putting in some time at the local Louis Vuitton store. (And when I say “time”, I mean the sales associates run for cover when I walk in, whispering “the girl with the baby and ALL OF THE QUESTIONS is here. Again.”)

I’ve tried every single bag, pulling the stuff out, putting weight in it, bending over to pick up Wito, looking in the mirror, rinse and repeat. Like a hundred times, but I’m SORRY people! We’re talking a hefty amount of cash here- I want to make the right decision.

After much hemming and hawing, I decided on this style:


The straps stay put, it’s not too big, not too small. Yee haw. *yawning*

I thought my decision was made until I saw this yesterday:


Sure, it’s not the most “classic” style, but I think I’m in love. Plus, my adoration for gray leather knows no limits. And do you know what? I’m only 33 years old – I have the rest of my life to carry a Vicki Lawrence! Plus, did I mention my lovely parents gave me this bag for my birthday a couple of years ago? Do I really need another?

People, I’ve looked everywhere. I don’t like lots of hardware, grommets, etc. I don’t like black. I don’t like LOTS OF THINGS. I think this gray bag and I were meant to be together.

Do you like the gray bag? If not, do you have any other suggestions for me?

It’s my birthday, damn it. Halp!

  1. Meagan

    November 6, 2007 at 9:03 am

    Definitely, defintely the gray. Gray matches everything! Plus that bag is supple and lovely and calling your name. “Sarah! I love you! I will never fall off your shoulder or hold your cell phone hostage. You know you want me! Don’t fight the love!” Clearly it’s an amazing purse. How could you even question it?

  2. jen

    November 6, 2007 at 9:12 am

    Is this grey bag Orla Kiely? I have the exact same bag except in a white leather and I must caution you. While I love the bag, it isn’t the most practical. It is hard to open and close and it never sits quit right. I love it and can see why you think it is cute… cause grey leather is amazing…just be forewarned my friend. And if there is one thing I know, it is handbags!

    Yes! I’m so sad to hear this, but you might have just saved me from trouble. THANK YOU.


  3. LVGurl

    November 6, 2007 at 9:14 am

    Happy Birthday!!

  4. Moose in the Kitchen

    November 6, 2007 at 9:17 am

    Gray bag, all the way. When I scrolled down and it appeared on the monitor, my heart did a little happy dance in my chest cavity. If you had the same reaction, you should TOTALLY GET IT.

    You’re right, you have the rest of your life for Vicki.

  5. Gretchen

    November 6, 2007 at 9:18 am

    Happy Birthday! And Happy Anniversary!

    I would go with the gray bag. I wish >>I

  6. Flamenco Mom

    November 6, 2007 at 9:19 am

    Happy Anniversary to you and D, and Happy Birthday! My birthday is tomorrow, and I’m in a similar situation–I want a new bag for my birthday and have yet to pick the one I want. My husband has given up the notion of buying one for me by tomorrow.

    I really like the gray bag, but I must agree with the person who commented that you might not be as fond of the bag in six months (even though the gray is lovely). I’m not a huge fan of LV, but I love a well-constructed bag with classic styling.

    Okay, so I’m not doing so hot with the advice here. Sorry.

  7. Gretchen

    November 6, 2007 at 9:19 am

    Let me try that again, sorry.

    Happy Birthday! And Happy Anniversary!

    I would go with the gray bag. I wish I would have thought of gray. Goes with brown and black, no bag swapping (or more realistically, sheepish wrong color bag carrrying, c’mon I have 2 little kids…) required. Plus, it’s from Anthroplogie, so it’s automatically my fave. I confess I just don’t get the LV thing. No insult intended, but it kinda summons images of old ladies to me too. But what do I know – go with your gut. I should be taking style advice from you!

  8. mcgee

    November 6, 2007 at 9:30 am

    happy birthday! happy anniversary! get the gray bag!

    as many have said above me, the LV won’t go anywhere. they’ll still be carrying that style years and years from now.

  9. missie

    November 6, 2007 at 9:43 am

    HA! I am a dork! When I read “I’m sitting here, completely present-less and it’s all my fault” I thought you meant you had no present to give to your husband!! :) HA!

    About the bag… totally a non-purse-carrying-mom :) So, no opinion here! Sorry!

  10. Kathy

    November 6, 2007 at 10:00 am

    This is the one area I can actually speak with some authority as my handbag obsession is a bit out of hand. That said, I may be the last person you want to ask for help in this area… because my answer, without uncertainty, is…


    If you absolutely must choose…. I’ve always said (especially when justifying handbag purchases) is that if you think about the bag more than once a day (in my case 47 times a day) then you most certainly love it and need to own it. If you love it so much that you can’t stop thinking about it / doing that back and forth thing in your head… it should be yours because you will inevitably appreciate it and will therefore make it a worthy purchase.

    Or when in doubt, go with your first instinct and get the gray because thats a hot bag.

  11. Kelly

    November 6, 2007 at 11:01 am

    Happy b-day you old hag! I didn’t know you had me by a year and a half. Absolutely, 100%, get the gray bag, stop looking, just go with your gut, it is TERRIFIC!!!!

  12. slynnro

    November 6, 2007 at 10:03 am

    I just got a gray Marc Jacobs bag and I LOVE IT. The LV bag will always be around, the gray won’t.

  13. Kristabella

    November 6, 2007 at 10:04 am

    Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary! (Does anyone else think of that Happy Anniversary song from the Flintstones? Nope? Just me then.)

    I never thought I’d like a grey leather bag, but me likey! A lot!

  14. kat

    November 6, 2007 at 10:08 am

    happy birthday! happy anniversary! wow. that’s a lot of happiness.

  15. Twice Five Miles

    November 6, 2007 at 10:29 am

    I also don’t really get the LV love… sorry!

    So my vote is definitely for the grey. Although I am a color girl myself (red! gold! woohoo!) I like the style of the grey very much.