It’s a Girl!

We’re having a little girl! A LITTLE GIRL! Bring on the dresses, tights, pigtails and teenage hormonal rage! As you can see, I couldn’t help myself and bought this darling Imoga cross stitch dress for the little one on Gilt (they have a children’s section, sohelpmegod), but I PROMISE to keep my little girl clothing expenditures in check.


We are so incredibly thrilled to be given the chance to raise both a boy and a girl, and when we told Wito the exciting news, he clasped his hands together and exclaimed, “Oh, a girl! I’ve always wanted something soft to sleep with!” Cue heart explosion. He is going to be such a wonderful big brother.

Oh! And! We got the house and will be moving in three weeks. Hooray! There is much to do before we move in, so the remainder of January will be a bit crazy. D is spending his evenings and weekends at the new place, and it is going to be a race against time to get our changes complete before moving day. I’ve been trying to document the renovations with photos, though, so hopefully I can post some of the small improvements we are making to bring this 60s modern back to her original glory.

In the meantime, please feel free to bestow upon me your best baby girl-rearing advice. We’ve been solely about the penis ’round here for the past three years, so any and all advice is welcome!

  1. Abby

    January 19, 2010 at 1:58 pm

    yay!! on the house and the baby girl!!
    .-= Abby´s last blog ..i heart u Goodwill! =-.

  2. Jae

    January 19, 2010 at 2:11 pm

    Awww, how wonderful all around!

  3. Jen

    January 19, 2010 at 2:14 pm

    As a younger sister who has spent the last hour looking into “sister as best man” I can honestly say, older brothers are the best! So excited for your family to experience the best sibling pair ever!

  4. Mir

    January 19, 2010 at 2:14 pm

    Congratulations! You don’t need advice; you ARE a girl, you’ll figure it out.

    That is to say, enjoy the young years. They get more complicated, the older they get. They are more fun to dress, though.

    (Ignore me. I have a nearly-12-year-old daughter, so obviously I am drinking through it….) ;)
    .-= Mir´s last blog ..Sense of self =-.

  5. Suniverse

    January 19, 2010 at 2:15 pm


    And don’t even THINK about not spending on cute clothes. I would almost have another one if I were guaranteed I’d get another girl [and my child is 13]. There is just too damn much cute stuff.

  6. Amy

    January 19, 2010 at 2:16 pm

    Congratulations! There is no doubt that your daughter will be stunning, and so much fun! I have two boys, so my advice for girls is nil. Also, the house you found sounds amazing, hoping you have a chance to post some pictures.

  7. SAJ

    January 19, 2010 at 2:16 pm

    .-= SAJ´s last blog ..back to the routine… =-.

  8. To Kiss the Cook

    January 19, 2010 at 2:18 pm

    (Wo) Man alive…SO excited for your three. And selfishly for the amount of awesome coming the way of the internets. Let the girliest adventures begin!

    PS Per the other awesome project…I can’t wait to see the 60’s Reno shots. Further my MCM addiction at will.

  9. vahid

    January 19, 2010 at 2:23 pm

    Well! That is AWESOME news. Congratulations!
    .-= vahid´s last blog ..still vexed =-.

  10. Ally

    January 19, 2010 at 2:25 pm

    Yay! How fun to have a boy and a girl! :)
    .-= Ally´s last blog ..28 =-.

  11. Amy --- Just A Titch

    January 19, 2010 at 2:25 pm

    That little girl will have the prettiest hair ever! Ahhh! Congrats!

  12. jen

    January 19, 2010 at 2:26 pm

    Congratulations! Think about all of the great hair styles you will be able to do AND the wisdom you will be able to pass down to another generation.
    .-= jen´s last blog ..Ampersand love =-.

  13. Pamela Wright

    January 19, 2010 at 2:29 pm

    Congrats! We are happily raising two girls over here and the best bit of advice I can give is for D: Tell her over and over and over again how beautiful she is. Yes, she’s going to be beautiful on the inside and praise that too. But we were utterly shocked to find out how early our daughters wanted their Dad’s approval about their appearance. My husband does such a great job at this. He notices little details about their hair and outfits and you can tell it means a lot to the girls. He also buys them flowers and takes them out for special Daddy/daughter dates. The women I know in real life who are the most confident are the ones who had a great relationship with their Daddy. We figure that if our daughter grows up hearing that she is beautiful and is being treated as such, she is going to be less likely to put out for the first loser that hands her a wilted carnation and tells her she’s kinda cute.

  14. Julie

    January 19, 2010 at 2:29 pm

    Woo Hoo!!!!

    I’m with you – had a boy first, girl second. I originally (pre-kids) would have wanted the reverse, but this is A-OK, too. I fully expect to see my daughter’s friends wanting to date her brother and my son’s friends wanting to date my daughter. And then I will fall over dead.

    Girls are different from boys (duh), but I tell myself daily to just go with the flow. I’m sure you’ll do this beautifully. Congratulations.
    .-= Julie´s last blog ..A Frugal Gourmet =-.

  15. Amanda

    January 19, 2010 at 2:32 pm

    Congrats!! Wito=ADORABLE!!

    And I don’t think I would be able to contain the girly shopping if my next one was a girl. So I say go forth and SHOP :)