I Have Been Neglectful. Enjoy My Excuses!

Hi! I’m in Oklahoma!

Oklahoma is OK, thanks for asking. It’s hot. Very hot. Yesterday, I ran at 6:30 in the morning and died.

The end.


Currently, my brain will only assimilate sentences suitable for small children. And lists – I can deal with lists, so let’s go.

1. Remember our lovely beach bungalow up for sale for eleventy billion dollars? Remember the sadness at the thought of moving? Followed by the confident realization that NO ONE in their right mind would purchase such a bungalow for the unbelievably exorbitant price?

Well, I was right. No one would purchase our home for that much money.

But, they did purchase it for the unbelievably exorbitant price minus a large chunk of change.

In escrow. Inspections currently in process.

Hi! Did I mention we are in Oklahoma?

2. Let’s not dwell. Looks like the new owner might keep us in the property. Can everyone keep their fingers crossed?

3. It’s Wito’s 1st birthday! Big party this afternoon! With sugar and presents and a mini-Blogher conference. Shall we call it Blogher 0.5?

4. Many preparations are in order, so I must say goodbye for the time being. I’ll be back, post-sugar highs and wine headaches.

Happy Birthday, Wito!

  1. Amanda

    August 7, 2007 at 5:59 am

    Happy (belated) birthday, little man! Hope it was perfection.

  2. sunny

    August 7, 2007 at 9:50 am

    happy birthday, sausage toes!

    ps: pls tell your mom I’m going through new product/running update withdrawls. I am the freak in the stat counter that checks back so often that it’s no longer flattering, it’s creepy! hahaha (imagine crazy laugh here)

  3. Her Bad Mother

    August 8, 2007 at 6:42 am

    Happy birthday, Wito! Tell the crazy lady to stop running in the heat.

  4. Jen

    August 8, 2007 at 9:19 am

    Happy Birthday Wito!

  5. Sarah

    August 8, 2007 at 3:35 pm

    Happy belated birthday! Happy anniversary of becoming a mom! And happy having a good time in OK. I’m headed there in November and, having always been a bit terrified of the midwest, am a bit nervous already…although it could be that I’ll be meeting my boyfriend’s entire family and his trajillion friends (thought I’d throw in another enormous number!).