Happy Fourth of July

Happy Fourth to everyone in America! To celebrate, we will discuss my hot, sweaty thighs!

Three weeks ago, I started the Couch to 5K running program. I love it. Well, I love it every hour of the day besides the hour in which I’m actually participating in the Couch to 5k running program. I wasn’t sure if I could logistically follow the program, considering it involves time and distance measurement, until I found this podcast on iTunes. This very nice man created weekly podcasts with music in which he tells you when to Stop and Go and Keep Loose and Run Through Your Heels and Good Job, You’re Almost There!

The music is a little techno-y, but if you don’t mind the thump-thump-thump and an occasional siren blowing during the songs, it’s all good. Oh, except this one song in the first week’s podcast, when this whiney bitch of a dude sings, “Leave me alone, leave me alone, I don’t waaaaaaaant to see yoooo”. Not “you”, but “yoooooo”, which always makes me laugh hysterically while running, scaring all of the mommies and small children in Bugaboos.

However, let us not discuss whiney bitchy dude techno today. Let’s discuss running attire. I usually wear a wife-beater and stretchy capri-type pants, which was all fine and dandy until my neighborhood suddenly became Planet Hellfire this week. Must I remind you of my rosacea and heat intolerance? Well, wearing stretchy black pants is not exactly helping the issue.

As much as it hurts me to say this, I think I need to purchase some running shorts.

*dry heave*

I need serious assistance with this matter. Does anyone have any good recommendations for running shorts that:

1) Do not ride up the inner thigh into the nether regions.

2) Are loose enough to not make thighs look like sausage casing.

3) Are not fugly.

Help me, oh wise ones!

  1. amy

    July 5, 2007 at 3:14 pm

    i think i have the answer to all your problems whoorl…bc i have done research in this area bc i have the same issues. i run about 3 times a week. i have not read your comments so these rec’d might have already been made. and if so, i will not seem like a lifesaver afterall.
    my favorite:
    in black. these do not ride up. the waist is sits at the exact right place and doesn’t move. i love this in black. even cute enough to wear elsewhere. love them.
    my 2nd favorite:
    lulelemon has the most fanatastic pants too!
    you might look at this at the store and say wooo weee bob that is short but it holds it all in and is flattering. although the only problem i have is the shorties under aren’t long enough. i just bought my sister one and she loves it.

    if you are on a budget i found a running skirt at target made by champion. bc well i like some variety in the running wardrobe. its a little long though.

    hope you find the running skirts as great as i do.

  2. PC

    July 5, 2007 at 4:24 pm

    My wife likes the stuff from Athleta:


    Also, I bought her a Nike+iPod Sport for her iPod Nano. That does a really good job of tracking your runs, pace, calories burned, managing goals, etc. I’d highly recommend it! The device is only $29 and I bought her a little holder so that she could use it on any shoe (not just Nikes).


  3. Cricket

    July 5, 2007 at 6:59 pm

    I do not like my thighs, so any shorts are my enemies… so I cannot help you But if you find the answer, let me know!!

    BTW, I tagged you here: http://thoughtsofcricket.blogspot.com/2007/07/eight-amazing-things.html

    One day I will know how to link with one word.. hmph.

  4. amy

    July 5, 2007 at 6:48 pm

    one more thing…you have to purchase lululemon at their fashion island store. go there!
    also, do you have the nike ipod? bc this little chip is so fantastic. i know exactly how long i have run, what pace, what my goals are, history of last runs, etc. invest in this!

  5. Vesper

    July 6, 2007 at 2:20 pm

    Well I’m not sure how you feel about Target since I am new to your blog, but they have these awesome non see through mesh capri pants that I LUV to run in. I being an anti short gal myself am kept cool and comfortable with out the worry of 1)are my shorts riding up? 2)Can anyone see up my shorts while I stretch? 3)do my legs look like they are bulging out of these shorts? They do have a short version of said capri pants, but b/c of the reasons listed, I opted for the capri pants.
    Good luck in your search!!

  6. holli

    July 6, 2007 at 4:59 pm

    I just bought some running shorts yesterday…Adidas Clima 365. Love ’em! They don’t ride up and they have a small pocket for a key or whatever on the backside…they were about $45 (canadian)…

    Ps-lululemon has some wonderful stuff as well…check out the bras, pants, well, just about everything!

  7. Bethany

    July 6, 2007 at 7:23 pm

    Very funny girl, per usual!

    I’m totally downloading that podcast RIGHT NOW!!!

    So you on a Jim Brickman kick right now or what? It’s alright, I dig it.

  8. Mrs. Flinger

    July 6, 2007 at 9:45 pm

    ohhh! Thanks for the podcast info! I’m finally able to join everyone for the run portion (I got a Nike + and oooh, oohhh! I love it!). Now I’ll actually have something to play when I run. :-)

  9. mar

    July 7, 2007 at 4:19 am

    Not so much with the running (knee reconstruction can do that to you!) but I agree w/everyone w/the built in undies – pick your pair, but definitely helps w/the ride up issue. Someone mentioned Body Glide – huge for the sweating thighs issues. If you don’t like that, my husband (who does the whole running/cycling thing) also occasionally uses a product called Brave Soldier – same thing, but does stay in place better if you are doing any triathlon type stuff – or maybe just running to the beach – it stays put in cold water!

  10. Schnozz

    July 7, 2007 at 6:40 am

    I was STOKED to use those podcasts, only to realize that, hey! I hate iPods and only have a Samsung mp3 player!

    After lots of pouting, I found a simple, free converter here:

    My gift to all you non-iPod users. Even though I think I may be the only one left. Despite batteries that don’t last and the annoying dictatorship that is iTunes. Not that I’m bitter.

  11. Schnozz

    July 7, 2007 at 6:48 am

    Oh, and thanks for asking for recommendations–I needed them too. I have yet to find a pair of shorts that does not climb into my Area. Bunchy fabric is not welcome in the Area, but for some reason no pair of shorts will respect that.

    But the skorts–those look perfect, and I had no idea they existed. Hooray for no longer flashing my derby leaguemates during embarrassing yogalike stretching!

  12. Pam

    July 8, 2007 at 8:56 am

    “my rosacea and heat intolerance”

    me freaking tooooooo, seriously, i might even be a little worse then you, i don’t/can’t really wear makeup bc of it, sometimes my face gets like that in the mall, and ppl come up to you and are like “hunny are you ok?” which is nice i guess but it totally pisses me off, i’m like I HAVE A SKIN CONDITION DON’T CALL AN AMBULANCE, i’m so happy that you understand, you should be my new bff

  13. janet

    July 8, 2007 at 7:30 pm

    I am more excited about those podcasts that I really should admit to. But I need a new kick in the rear, and I’m hoping this is it.

    And I buy all my workout clothes at the Tar-jhay. I usually don’t care if I look like crap because it’s 93% gay men at my local gym.

  14. undercover celebrity

    July 9, 2007 at 8:07 am

    Hey! I just started this same program. I have romantic notions of participating in the 5k Boot Camp run in San Diego in October. And Lord knows I’ve never run more than a mile in my life.

    I’ll have to check out the podcast because keeping track of all that timing is way too challenging.

  15. Amanda

    July 9, 2007 at 8:31 am

    A few months ago I picked up a pair of board short/bermuda short length shorts by Nike. I got them at Dicks (sporting goods store here in OH), but I’m sure you could find them at whatever SG store you have near you…

    They’re low rise black with tourquoise racing stripes that start at the hip and curve towards the front edge of the pant.

    I always go with a longer short for running (to avoid them riding up) or a spandex short short that won’t move. Shorts that hit mid thigh are a little dowdy, but, at the thinnest part of your leg are the most likely not to move or rub.