Feel free to answer one or many of these questions.
1. How do you hold those suckers down? Suckers…Heh.
2. What kind of sports bra works best? Do you double up?
3. Do you wear breast pads? (Obviously you need to wear breast pads, right?)
4. Do you feed/pump right before a run?
5. Any wisdom you feel you need to share?
As you can see, I need answers. I’m about to construct a running bra made of overnight maxi pads and industrial duct tape.
DesignHER Momma
August 18, 2010 at 8:34 amoh yeah, you MUST either feed or pump right before you run, I learned that one the hard way.
.-= DesignHER Momma´s last blog ..7 hours 5 days a week Year round For the next 13 years =-.
August 18, 2010 at 8:37 amI would nurse pretty heavy right before they were as empty as I could get them. Then I would use 2 nursing pads on each side under 2 sports bras. I wore 2 with different supports so I was well held in. It worked out well for me. Good luck!
August 18, 2010 at 8:39 amI wear one of these: http://amzn.to/c94FXA under a supported running tanktop under a looser fitting regular tanktop and I feed him right before we leave. Atticus is older (9 months) so I don’t use pads anymore ever, and don’t have any trouble. And for as much as people complain about it, I actually prefer running with the stroller. It gives me the freedom to go whenever I want during the day because I can take him with me, plus a place to stash my water, keys & phone. Good luck!
August 18, 2010 at 8:42 amI used a sports bra by moving comfort because you could adjust the straps as well as the hooks in the back. I pumped/fed before heading out and did use breast pads because the one time I didn’t I leaked all over the place and had to hoof it back to the car totally embarrassed.
And of course, take it slow at first and stop if anything feels like it’s chaffing. The last thing you want is to cause yourself extra discomfort.
.-= regan´s last blog ..as an added bonus itll protect us from aliens =-.
August 18, 2010 at 8:44 amdefinitely nurse or pump to empty your breasts right before! not only for your comfort but also because the amount of lactic acid that builds up in your milk after could alter the taste of the milk. i found it decreased those embarassing let-downs during an intense workout. when my babies were small i did have to double up on my running bras but after 6 months or so i was fine with just one.
good luck!
.-= laura´s last blog ..cheer-tastic! =-.
Nicole @86n' It
August 18, 2010 at 8:52 amI was a 34A before breastfeeding and honestly, I’ve been having quite the time taming these new beasts. :)
As for running, I feed or pump right beforehand and then wear 2 sports bras. I don’t usually wear pads for running (although they are a must for me at all other times) mostly because I don’t care if my running clothes get milky.
I’d like to add also that Vaseline is your friend. Use it if you have any chafing. All my running shirts got really tight in the armpits with the new boobs, so I have to lube up my pit pre-run. Good times.
Good luck~!
August 18, 2010 at 8:54 amI am not a runner but I used this Natori bra http://bit.ly/9B28Fo
for pretty intense aerobics. I liked how it is cotton but doesn’t loose its shape. I also really like being able to buy my specific size and not just S-M-L. I also nursed right before working out and just used regular nursing pads.
.-= Danielle´s last blog ..Are You Ready to Declare Your Independence =-.
August 18, 2010 at 8:58 amI had to go up a size in sports bra, and frankly, I still don’t feel like they’re always contained! And, I learned the hard way to wear nursing pads. Yes, try to pump or feed right before you go, otherwise it’s just plain uncomfortable.
.-= Sarah´s last blog ..Fixodent- And Forget It =-.
August 18, 2010 at 8:59 amI had terrible luck with cotton nursing pads (they were visible under many shirts – a bulls-eye directly in the middle of my boobs!) & would like to sing the praises of LilyPadz. As long as you wash them every night with antibacterial soap, mind you. They catch ALL leaks (although since they are made of silicone they don’t absorb, so watch out when you take them off for a nursing session!). They also protected very sensitive areas from chafing. Good luck!
August 18, 2010 at 8:59 amI only got into running when the baby was six or seven months. I run after a feeding, and I’ve never had an issue with leaking. I actually have found cross-over style racerback running bras to be more comfortable, even though they aren’t as supportive as the ones that really lock you down. Mine are from Lululemon, but they don’t make that style anymore. Anything compression-type was just too uncomfortable and binding. I have found that I actually need much less support than I thought I did, since my boobs post-feeding, and especially after two babies, are pretty light. Not even weaned yet, and already down to 32C, full cup size lost since pre-pregnancy, wah.
August 18, 2010 at 9:01 amI’ve never commented, but I guess its time. I had the same issues, and feeding/pumping before is a must!
Also, the boob pads would just get sweaty and move and be gross. So I vote no on those. Get something that’ll strap ya down and be prepared to feel like hell on your first few runs! :)
good luck!
August 18, 2010 at 9:14 amDEFINITELY feed or pump before.
I say wear the pads (i ALWAYS wore them for the first 6 months of breastfeeding) unless you dont care if someone sees big ole booby milk spots on your shirt. I recommend Medela disposable nursing pads over ALL OTHERS. they will soak up gallons of that liquid gold.
Also, double (even triple!) up the sports bra. I have always had teeny boobs but cant even THINK about runnning w/o doubling up.
if all else fails, do what i often did: walk instead.
good luck!
August 18, 2010 at 9:53 am– I strongly suggest you go to a running store and be properly fitted for a bra.
– Def. nurse before going (b/c OUCH).
– I always wore breast pads even though at the end of a good run they’re rendered useless (sweat, milk, who knows? who cares?)…at least you don’t START with two huge wet spots on the girls. Bad form, that. :)
August 18, 2010 at 10:18 am1. How do you hold those suckers down?
After my 6 weeks of waiting were up I got online and Googled “Sports bras for big boobs.” Oh yes I did. I went from a big a small b cup to a “My cups runneth over.” I found that the Moving Comfort sports bras got great ratings from other women so I bought one to try it out. It got kind of gross to rinse and re-wear it throughout the week so I bought another (I went from buying $16 sports bras at target to $50 so I wanted to make sure they worked!). I LOVE them.
I have the racer back style and the scoop back style.
You want a sports bra where there is no stretch in the straps. The bonus on these bad boys? The straps are adjustable with velcro so you can adjust them up or down as needed. Added bonus? It is super easy to nurse mid run because you can just undo the strap and pull the front of the bra down. Not like I’ve had to do that recently or anything…Let’s just say nursing your babe under a beach towel on the side of the bike trail after you’ve already been running 20 minutes is HOT. ZOMG.
2. What kind of sports bra works best? Do you double up?
There is no need to double up if you spend the money on a good bra. You’re not trying to smoosh them to your chest as much as you are trying to keep them in place (which you’ll get with the non stretch strap. Before I bought my MC bra I was wearing 3 Target Champion bras plus a workout tank. It was not working and I looked like 5 pounds of sugar in a 2 pound bag.
3. Do you wear breast pads? (Obviously you need to wear breast pads, right?) I don’t. I typically run in the morning after she’s been fed or if I need to pump I do that before going. But I’m also about 8 mos. in and am not as leaky as I was when she was little so maybe you might need to wear pads…
4. Do you feed/pump right before a run?
See above.
5. Any wisdom you feel you need to share?
I bought my first MC bra from Amazon and just guesstimated my size. I luckily got it right but I bought my second from Fleet Feet where I could try it on. I probably would have bought the racer back style first had I had a chance to try them on b/c I feel so much more supported in it. (both are great, i just prefer the racer style). They are also not much to look at. I LOVE the champion bras b/c they are super cute. These are more like post boob job compression bra looking things but they do the job and really, there’s nothing more uncomfortable than running and your boobs bouncing all over the place. ;)
.-= Amanda´s last blog ..Wait just a second… =-.
August 18, 2010 at 10:43 amI have to double up. Even when they’re older.
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