Why I Said Goodbye To Twitter

1. I read this.

2. I noticed my laptop was open. A LOT.

3. My whoorl posts were decreasing.

4. My ParentDish posts were decreasing.

5. I wasn’t reading any blogs.

6. Yet, I was spending twice as much time on the internet.

Doing what, you ask?

Twittering. Lots of twittering. I honestly had no idea how much cumulative time I was spending reading and writing on Twitter. So, I quit. Cold turkey.

(I really miss it.)

However, the instant decrease of LOP (Laptop Open Position) has been incredible. Thus, I am happy. The End.

(Although, my old Twitter pals! How are you? Have you had a good week? Any interesting tidbits? GOOD GOD, THE THINGS I WANT TO TELL YOU THAT I CAN’T WRITE HERE! THE EXCITEMENT!)

*shutting laptop*

  1. Michelle

    April 16, 2008 at 6:29 am

    We must be seriously behind in Cincinnati….what is Twitter? I’ve seen it on SAJ’s blog “Via Twitter Baby Bug is…..” and then it says what it is she’s up to. I guess that’s the idea…to tell others what you’re up to, quickly, but “live”? I guess I thought it was a way to leave word about what you were up to and then – done. Someone enlighten me? Gotta run…”There’s a party in my tummy!” is on Noggin – We must now “pop ‘n lock” with DJ Lance! Word.

  2. Catherine

    April 16, 2008 at 6:37 am

    Not to sound totally bitchy, but I am one of your loyal lurkers and I’m glad to read this. I miss the old Whoorl who posted absolutely HILARIOUS stories (like the one about the beach tent thing that kept popping open and I literally cried while reading it???). Maybe we’ll get the crazy whoorl back??? Please?

  3. Kim

    April 16, 2008 at 10:30 am

    I am frustrated with Twitter because we can’t get two people Twittering on the same blog. However, I have also found that everything is suffering since I have become obsessed with blogging, I might need an intervention.

  4. rebecca

    April 16, 2008 at 10:41 am

    Sweet! More time for lip gloss shopping with the peeps you know outside the internet. :)

  5. mommypie

    April 16, 2008 at 2:04 pm

    Hello. My name is Mommypie, and I’m an addict.

    I just found you Whoorl … because I WAS SURFING. At work, no less. I’ll be the first to admit … it’s outta control.

    I refuse to even look into Twitter. The dishes in the sink at home have piled high enough!

  6. Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah

    April 17, 2008 at 5:10 am

    Going over to close my twitter tab now.

  7. Heather

    April 18, 2008 at 1:39 am

    I was wondering why you hadn’t tweeted about your NYTimes article and I noticed you disappeared from my followers. “What’d I do? Did she discover that I’m really not cool? Downright nerdy? What’d I do?” Then I got *my* internet time and read this. Good for you. Good. For. You.

  8. Sheryl

    April 20, 2008 at 9:07 am

    We’re fine, and we miss you. Maybe I’ll just leave random twitters here, to ease the withdrawls.

  9. jess

    April 21, 2008 at 7:20 pm

    when i read this i had a total *zomg* i am a twitter junkie. i am going cold turkey – soon.