What I Want For My Birthday

November 6th is going to be a great day for two reasons. #1 – it’s my birthday (38! PARTAAAYYY, you know, if by “partying,” you mean staying up late to watch the poll results), and #2 – Americans will have the chance to vote for the next president.

Now, I have very strong beliefs about this election, but I’m not here to push my political views in your face. My political views are mine, for reasons personal to me. Just like your political beliefs are personal to you. I don’t feel the need to scream my political views across various social media platforms, hoping to elicit fist pumps and inevitably, some eye rolls.

What matters most is that I have educated myself on the presidential platforms, have made an informed decision, and I AM GOING TO ACT ON IT. I am going to drive to my polling location, wait in line, and make my voice heard by voting. It’s very simple. We live in a democracy. You are absolutely entitled to your opinion in regard to who should be the next president, but you can’t stop there. You need to vote. You have to vote.

Because apathy? I can’t deal with it. I can’t stand it. It’s an absolute deal breaker for me.

Educate yourself. Make your voice heard. Vote on November 6th. Consider it your birthday present to me.

  1. Dale Coykendall

    November 5, 2012 at 5:57 am

    Thanks for this post! If only everyone would vote !
    Happy Birthday

  2. Martha

    November 5, 2012 at 12:31 pm

    Thank you for this post. I followed a link on Design Mom to your site. I love that you said that it is important and personal! I think people are too quick to voice their opinions and cause a blind influence that harbors mis-information and a lack of true education. It is personal, and it is important. I love America, polls, here I come. Happy Birthday!

  3. Ashley // Our Little Apartment

    November 6, 2012 at 8:31 pm

    Happy birthday! I voted for your guy AND I’m in Ohio, so you’re welcome for that. ;)