hair thursday makeover 63

Meet Amy.

I love this chick. Look at her rocking the whoorl curl!

Amy’s hair:

Super dark brown
Normal condition
Thick – tends to poof while drying
Minimal wave
Would love longer hair, but has had shorter styles most of her life
Enjoys the versatility of longer hair
Uses a flat iron when straightening
Uses FF Glossing Cream

Amy is a super stylish gal and I like her hair. Given her personal style, she really could pull off a lot of looks, and I really want her to take it to the next level. You know, something that complements her new birthday tattoo. In all honesty, I think this haircut would be fantastic, but it might be bit too much for her (or for YOU WEENIES).

First things first. I can tell from the straight hair photo that her hair needs to be texturized a little more. It’s still a little too heavy when she straightens it. Don’t get me wrong – Amy has really great hair, but it just needs to be cut into a little bit. She mentioned how it becomes the dreaded triangle during the grow-out process, and I promise that heavier texturizing would eradicate that issue.

I also like to see movement around Amy’s face. The wave looks very nice with her face and forehead shape, but she complained that her hair doesn’t hold curl very well.

So, what to do…

If Amy wants to keep longer hair, I would suggest heavy texturizing and piecey-er (wow, that is NOT a word) bangs. Just something to give her style a little more oomph, ya know? Like so:

Love the bangs, love the length, love the texturized layers. Yep. I like this one. Except I would like to see a little more volume/movement, which I think would be a breeze for Amy to achieve with her specific hair texture and thickness. (Especially after texturizing.)

Now, if Amy wants to go shorter, I would recommend something like this:

I chose this specific photo of Katie Holmes because I like how it’s not super straight and has a little movement throughout.

What do you think? Long or short?

  1. Kimberly Willis

    April 10, 2009 at 3:06 am

    I voted keep it longer with more bangs – but I really love it just as it is!

  2. Emily

    April 10, 2009 at 6:07 am

    I vote for short. I think with her small heart shaped face it would be adorable. I know people are afraid of shorter hair but it looks so cute on so many people. And the ones who are brave enough should DO IT!

  3. kat

    April 10, 2009 at 6:33 pm

    is it possible to vote for both? love the whoorl curl on her – seriously. i almost think this is a fishing post. b/c her hair looks fantastic already. ;)

  4. Suniverse

    April 16, 2009 at 5:06 pm

    I think a shorter bob would look cute – more movement than the longer hair.