I have a huge amount of respect for working moms. HUGE. Goodness gracious, it can be such a challenging gig. And how about the work-from-home situations? Where your attempts at multitasking make you simultaneously suck at your job AND being a parent? Makes you feel really effective, doesn’t it?
(Okay, this was supposed to be about the founder of LA Diaper Drive, although I see it’s taking a *ahem* personal turn. Really quick, though, to my fellow WAHMs, how hard is it to draw the line between work and child-rearing? For me, it’s SO HARD. We have a nanny who works for us twice a week from 8-5, but I STILL find myself wanting to run out of my office (also known as the desk in my bedroom) to parent my children on those days. Not to mention how Wito loves to bust in my room at any moment to tell me a random fact/ask for help finding a toy/want to hang out.)
Deep breaths.
My point is, being a mom is hard. DUH. And the ones that create inspiring businesses and organizations with little ones in tow are amazing, in my eyes. With that being said, meet Caroline Kunitz. She is the founder of the LA Diaper Drive, and her organization is who I will be working with this fall to raise money and provide diapers to those in need.
I’ve got some exciting plans in the works for an online diaper drive and raffle benefiting the LA Diaper Drive in October. (I’m digging realllllly deep into my PR contacts for some fun prizes…more to come on that very soon.)
In the meantime, here are some ways YOU can help those with diaper need. Learn more about how you can become involved in your community at EveryLittleBottom.com. Find out where you can donate diapers locally, attend a diaper drive event or even host your own diaper drive.
Disclosure: I have partnered with the Huggies® brand to help promote Huggies® Every Little Bottom program. I have been compensated for my time commitment to the program, which includes writing about my family’s own experiences from my son/daughter’s point of view, and/or their experiences with diapers. However, my opinions are entirely my own and I have not been paid to publish positive comments.
September 29, 2011 at 6:33 amOk, Whoorl, I’m sold on organizing a diaper drive here in Indianapolis. How do I get started? Words of advice??
September 29, 2011 at 6:34 amAaaannnd, I just saw the links above :) I’ll get started, but let me know if you have any words of advice!
September 29, 2011 at 4:56 pmdamn straight – the world definitely needs more winners. thanks for sharing this.