The Birthday Boy

Wito experienced a 5-day birthday bonanza complete with 2 parties and grandparental coddling beyond belief. The child was spoiled ROTTEN- trust me, I’m still paying for it 6 days later.

Our typical day since we’ve been back home:

“Mamamamammaaaaa, mamamamaamaa. MAMAAMAMAAAAAAAAAAAAA.”

He wants to be picked up, he wants down, no wait, he wants up, DAMMIT, HE WANTS DOWN. GAH. WHY CAN’T YOU READ MY MIND, WOMAN?


Thanks, mom and dad. Really.

I guess I’ll let them off the hook considering they hosted the greatest 1st birthday bash ever. Great food, people, and the Trinity of Sweets – cake, cupcakes AND cookies. Oh, and wine. LOTS of wine – 6 hours of wine consumption, to be exact.


First birthday parties usually don’t involve a terribly high level of alcohol consumption, but my parents were also hosting Blogher 2.0, Oklahoma-Style. I can’t tell you how surreal it was to open my parents’ front door and see Heather, Susan and Shana looking back at me. (Well, not so much Shana Banana. We’ve had our fair share of Okie vino.) All three were just lovely, especially standing in the midst of many, many strangers. I’m sure my mother put Heather at ease when she exclaimed, “Of course I know you! You’re from the Dunkin’ Donuts video!” However, the deal was sealed when they kept completely straight faces as I explained to my inlaws how we all met at a scrapbooking convention in Reno. It was true love from that point on.

The four of us laughed and sipped (okay, more like gulped) wine long after the last birthday guests trickled out of the door. 6 hours later, and less than 9 hours until Heather’s flight, we said our goodbyes. Such fun, those ladies!


Let’s get back to the man at hand, shall we? He had so much fun seeing all of his relatives and Okie friends. The best part was his birthday cake celebration – he just sat there staring at it for several minutes until my sister coaxed him into licking a little bit of icing. Then, it was ON. The boy ingested sinful amounts of frosting, but promptly gagged (in an extremely dramatic fashion, imagine that) when he tasted the actual chocolate cake. We’ll have to discuss that later, Wito.


I am still shocked that he didn’t experience much of a sugar high or have tummy troubles. What a little man.

A couple of days later, my aunts hosted a Sip-n-See party for 70 of my mother’s closest friends. These 2 photos tell the story better than I ever could.


Pssst. See those ladies over there? They are trying to hug me. They sure smell nice, but don’t they know I need my space? If you need me, I’ll be trying to escape out the window.


Dear God, when will this be OVER? I’M NOT A PUPPET, PEOPLE.

All in all, we had such a great time with all of our friends and family in Oklahoma. It’s hard to believe that Wito has graced us with his presence for an entire year. I truly can’t wait for all of the adventures to come.


You’ve come a long way, Wito. I love you more than you’ll ever know.

Oh, and I will never tire of hearing you say, “Mamamama”. Even if it is the 412th time that day.

  1. rebecca

    August 13, 2007 at 9:23 am

    Awww… happy birthday, Wito! And congrats to Whoorl and D for making it through a whirlwind year. :)

  2. LVGurl

    August 13, 2007 at 9:55 am

    Hooray for a wonderful first year! How amazing that Wito’s traumatic first days are far behind, and he’s a strong and healthy little (big?) boy!

    Happy Birthday!

  3. Emily

    August 13, 2007 at 11:14 am

    Happy Birthday Wito!!

  4. chirky

    August 13, 2007 at 11:35 am

    He’s a cute one, that Wito. Happy Birthday to him!

  5. Daisy

    August 13, 2007 at 1:07 pm

    Gagged on the chocolate cake? He’ll learn. Later, When he’s older and wiser. He’s adorable; I love the comparison of his hospital picture with him now.

  6. Courtney

    August 13, 2007 at 2:35 pm

    Am I the only one that forgot his name was Anders? Wito is CATCHY. That’s totally going to stick, and he’s going to have to explain to his frat brothers that his mom had a blog way back in the day. Will they even know what that is?…….

    Happy 1st Bday, whatever you’re called! ;)

  7. Susan

    August 13, 2007 at 2:49 pm

    You’re just lucky I had a small handbag that night, or you would have been out one cute little boy, Whoorl.

    I’m so glad I got to share your day, Wito. Many happy returns, and come back to Oklahoma to celebrate. Please.

  8. EmmaNadine

    August 13, 2007 at 3:14 pm

    What is a Sip-n-See party? Is it like a tea party or something? Is this one of those southern things? :)

  9. Heather B.

    August 13, 2007 at 3:29 pm

    Dear Wito,

    Don’t tell your mother I said this, but in College? You’re going to be the most popular kid in your fraternity, because you already know who call on to throw some kick ass parties.

    Keep it up and hopefully we’ll work on that whole chocolate thing.

    Thanks for letting me share your birthday with you even though it was really a rouse to touch your mother’s hair just one more time.

    Hope you had a very Happy Birthday.


  10. lini

    August 13, 2007 at 4:37 pm

    I laughed so hard at the sip n see pictures that I cried!

  11. BeachMama

    August 13, 2007 at 4:38 pm

    Well, that looks like a wonderful first birthday. And don’t be alarmed that Wito isn’t really into the cake. J here only had his first piece of cake this past Saturday at his cousins birthday. He will be four on Saturday himself and is only now eating cake. Shocking I know.

    I love that you got together with the ladies from Blogher. It makes it all that much more fun.

    After four years, I am still not tired of hearing Mommmmaaaaaaa…

  12. Kelly

    August 13, 2007 at 6:09 pm

    Great pictures, I could almost smell the alcohol and sugar emitting from my laptop. that could have been me eating chocolate and drinking while reading, but who is to say. The picture where he wants to go home, got a laugh out loud. Your caption was perfect. Can it be a year already when I was reading your blog praying you had a great birth experience so then I could rest assured 3 months later I would too? Time flies!

  13. angela

    August 13, 2007 at 5:41 pm

    Such sweet photos! So did he like the cake? We just had my little neice’s first birthday party a month or so ago, and she wouldn’t smear cake around for the life of her. We’d put it in her mouth and she’d make a terrible face and spit it right back out. Very anti-climactic.

  14. Amanda

    August 13, 2007 at 6:10 pm

    Where to begin?
    1. Happy Birthday, Anders! Avelyn has made it clear she’s fine with being the older woman and looks forward to your first date.
    2. Blue hydrageas are my favourite!
    3. Cookies, cake and cupcakes? BEST DAY EVER.
    4. That picture of all the ladies’ calves with hugh heels and classy skirts in the background is awesome. I love Anders’ wearied expression.
    5. Glad all is working out (mostly) with the living situation and that you were able to find out what you were entitled to. Yay for people who can help.
    6. And finally, congrats to you and D for making it through the first year!

  15. Cricket

    August 14, 2007 at 6:34 am

    Seriously, you’re little boy is so cute! I mean, really! You are so lucky to have such a sweet little boy.