My Summer Must-Haves for Little Girls


Two things I can’t live without this summer. These barrettes. (You guys, we are deeeeep into Whoorlita’s bang-growing-out phase, and those clips stay put, don’t slide around the hair, and the bows are nice and simple and NOT TOO LARGE.)

The second thing? Denim shorts from Target. Not ashamed to admit that we have almost all of the below pairs, and Wita wears them to her summer camp every. single. day. The denim makes them a bit more rugged than traditional cotton shorts, and, well, look at them…so cute!

I’m telling you about them today because Target has a 30% off promotion on these shorts today only with the code FIREWORKS. Do it. You won’t regret it, and your daughter will thank you.

Happy Fourth of July to you all! We are road-tripping this week – can’t wait to head out.
