Sometimes, Potty Training Requires ALL CAPS

I realize posts containing actual written content have been a little sparse around here over the past month, and I would love to tell you that I’m enjoying this lovely summer by lounging on the beach and listening to the waves crash onto the shore, BUT that’s not the case.

You see, I’m drowning in urine. Wito’s urine, to be exact. It seems Wito can deposit his urine anywhere in the house BUT THE TOILET.

It’s pretty much all I’m thinking about at this point in time, and I had a feeling many of you would rather NOT hear about our potty escapades. Hence, the relative whoorl silence, BUT NOT ANYMORE. I am embarking on six weeks of posts about NOTHING but potty training, and I CAN NOT WAIT TO GET THINGS OFF MY CHEST. (For instance, why are you telling me you don’t need to go potty when you are squirming on the floor, sweating and holding your crotch?! NEWSFLASH: YOU NEED TO GO POTTY.)

(Sometimes, potty training requires ALL CAPS. You were so right, Yvonne.)

Luckily for many of you, it won’t be here. However, if you are currently being sucked into the peepee potty black hole or wonder what a mind-numbing kind of place that is, you might enjoy these posts.

See that cute little green box at the top of my sidebar? (I made that, by the way. ALL BY MYSELF. Sometimes, newly-acquired mad Photoshop skillz require ALL CAPS.) Click on that sucker and you’ll be sent directly to my completely rational and loving (haaaaaa) posts about potty training Wito. I hope to see you there.

Now, back to our regularly-scheduled shopping/wine-guzzling/Polaroid-taking/all things non-potty whoorl posts. Phew.

  1. keri

    September 1, 2009 at 2:23 pm

    Seriously, the “Peter Potty” (urinal) saved my sanity. My just-turned 3 year old (at the time) was trained within 2 weeks of buying one. Not just the pee either. As soon as he was using that, the toilet was no longer his enemy. I worried at first about how I’d be able to lose the Peter Potty, but it just naturally happened. Really, like two weeks and all the worry was gone! (I am not affiliated with that company, I promise!!) :)

  2. Nancy R

    September 1, 2009 at 3:50 pm

    I had a very helpful book…”Mommy! I have to go potty!” was the title, I believe. It’s got a readiness checklist, and several suggested methods so you can choose the things that work for you and ignore the rest. The one thing that worked well with all three of my kids (girls) was “potty practice”. At certain times of the day (after breakfast, before naps, before bathtime/bedtime) they were exected to ‘practice’ going potty…which was just sitting bare-butt on the toilet/potty chair with NO expectation. As long as their cheeks hit the seat it counted. BUT (ha!) it got them in the habit of sitting before those events and often they would go while sitting…which helps, as you journey on the potty learning path. SO, when I noticed they seemed to need to GO, I would suggest it…and if they said they didn’t need to GO, I would say, “Let’s just practice then, just in case.” That one word, ‘practice’, takes away a hell of a lot of pressure apparently.

    To this day (the oldest is 11) they all still use the word ‘practice’, particularly when I say, “I’m going to the restroom. Does anyone else need to go?” “No, but I think I’ll practice.” Totally keeps me from making extra trips to the restroom with the little one when we’re out an about.

    Good Luck! Remember, it’s a long path with a lot of stepping stones on the way.
    .-= Nancy R´s last blog ..Stealing Recipes =-.

  3. Linda

    September 1, 2009 at 4:49 pm

    I feel your pain. Yesterday afternoon I had the pleasure of cleaning up a pile of poop on our living room floor. My 2 and a half year old son was watching Elmo’s Potty Time video and standing next to his potty when he decided he had to go. When I asked him why he didn’t go in his potty like Elmo, he said “Accidents happen and that’s ok.” That’s a song from the video. Thanks Elmo.

  4. Tina

    September 1, 2009 at 4:52 pm

    My sister told us to do “underpants bootcamp” and to ditch the pullups (sorry.) Though we still use them at nighttime and naptime. He had a few accidents in his underwear, but after about 3 days, he was DONE (with the peepee portion of the show.)

    This probably won’t work for you, given your association with Pull-Ups, but it worked for us!

    Good luck!

    We finished JUST in time for preschool.

  5. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    September 2, 2009 at 8:43 am

    Whew. Have fun.
    .-= Aimee Greeblemonkey´s last blog ..Watching Your Mouth Online =-.

  6. gorillabuns

    September 2, 2009 at 7:07 pm

    let me just say, BOTH of my chillin’s potty-trained exactly a week before pre-school. though, i have to admit, Moira still craps her pants and I am in constant worry that i will receive a call from the pre-k teacher screaming rabbit pellets have been strewn about the pre-k classroom. so far, so good.

    in other words, good luck!
    .-= gorillabuns´s last blog ..vindication =-.

  7. Lora

    September 3, 2009 at 9:57 am

    nothing in my life was as terrible as potty training. The no-pullups thing worked for peeing, but the pooping was a long and arduous process.

    I was reduced to tears every day for months.

    Good luck!
    .-= Lora´s last blog .. =-.

  8. Cheryl

    September 3, 2009 at 9:59 am

    My mother feels your pain. I was nearly five before I was potty trained because I was THAT stubborn. She tried doctors, books, divine intervention, etc.

    My dad figured out how to potty train me in two attempts. When I told him I had pottied in my pants, he made me clean my own underwear. I still vividly remember those poopy drawers, to this very day.

    What made it worse? He stood outside the bathroom, where I was cleaning my own crappy mess, and made these awful gagging noises. He then left me alone during cleanup because he said it was too disgusting to stick around.

    My mother did the same thing after my dad told her what happened. After two times of cleaning it myself, NEVER did it again. I once got diarrhea and cleaned it up before I even told my mom. It just stuck.

  9. Avoiceofmyown

    September 3, 2009 at 4:51 pm

    I CAN’T WAIT to embark on the same adventure with my guy sometime in the next year…
    .-= Avoiceofmyown´s last blog ..Frustrated =-.