Sleep Like a King in My (Psuedo) Guest Room

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Guest rooms are not really the norm in Newport Beach. Space is definitely at a premium, and I don’t know too many folks around here who have a room solely devoted to housing guests. So when folks come to stay with us, good ol’ Wito gets the boot and has to forfeit his room. (Sorry, bud! It sucks having the cool room!)

Unfortunately (for Wito and everyone involved, really), the mattress on his bed was kind of shoddy. I’m not going to lie – it was pretty cheap. I figured, heck, he’s a kid, it’s all good. Except for the fact that he is soooooo my child, and has been known to lie awake at night with the mental hamster wheel cranking. After my horrible run-in with insomnia last summer, I wouldn’t wish that on any soul. NO SIRREE BOB. (If you aren’t sleeping right now, I feel you. It’s the worst, and I’m sorry.) So, when Simmons reached out to me with the news of their new ComforPedic iQ™ mattress, I was all ears. (Especially when I learned that the mattress is the first and only mattress endorsed by Dr. Andrew Weil, my favorite bearded doctor. You seriously should watch this video if not just to marvel at his trimmed beard perfection. Also, True Food Forevah!)

“Getting sleep of sufficient quantity and quality is important,” says Dr. Weil. “We invest in nutritious foods and gym memberships, but too often neglect the importance of providing our bodies with an optimal environment for recuperation. The ComforPedic iQ™ is the only mattress I have ever endorsed. I believe in this product’s clinically tested technology and ComforPedic iQ™’s mission to help people achieve a better night’s sleep as part of a healthier lifestyle.”

So, what’s the deal with this mattress, you ask? Well, it’s self-adjusting, has patented, Smart Response™ Technology designed to help people fall asleep faster and experience increased REM sleep, and regulates body temperature with Ultra Cool™ Memory Foam. You know…just a few minor perks.

It’s a win-win – guests will sleep better, and Wito will sleep better. I’m all for good sleep, people. Take me to Snoozeville and take me fast.

The only problem with the mattress? It’s not on my bed. Suddenly, I’m not so quick to leave after stories have been read and lights are out. I might move into the “guest” room for good. I’m sure Wito wouldn’t mind a roommate, right? We could briefly ruminate together before conking out! You suddenly feel the need to visit us, don’t you? We can have a slumber party!

I am curious, though. How many of you have guest rooms in your house? Do you use them or are they wasted space?

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  1. Giselle

    July 11, 2014 at 11:56 am

    We live in midtown Tulsa so our house is tiny with only two bedrooms. We managed to fit a bed in the office, which was supposed to be for guests. Buy who was I kidding? No one visits us in Oklahoma, lol. So we’ve taken to sleeping on the guest bed for weeks at a time and then one night sleeping in our bedroom and sleeping there for weeks at a time until we sleep in the office again for some reason and it just keeps cycling. Each room has its perks and disadvantages, so it’s kind of nice to enjoy the ‘new’ benefits every few months. Lol.