Shall We Chat About Kids Clothes?

Over the past year, as my kids continue to grow and develop their own “style” (I use that term quite loosely), their clothing choices have become interesting. Well, not so much my son…I mean, he doesn’t give a damn what goes on his body. He truly could not care less, people. So I buy a melange of tees and shorts and crazy patterned socks (these are a favorite) and hope for the best.

(I must note, though, that his combinations are laughable. I mean, how hard is it to pick TWO items that slightly coordinate? Apparently VERY hard for this boy, as he’ll come out of his room in a burgundy t-shirt, bright red shorts, and pink socks. I like to call his look “variations on one color,” coming to a town near you.)

My daughter? The one who is 6 going on 13? Hold me closer, tiny dancer. Long gone are the days when I could dress her in adorable European dresses with leggings and call it a day. (Seriously, how I MISS THESE DAYS.)

Now? We’re walking through the mall and she wants to go to Justice. OH MY GOD. It’s like she’s magnetically pulled to that storefront by a force that renders her powerless to “peace, love, and besties” tanks adorned with unicorn glitter. She might as well be standing on a conveyor belt catapulting her straight to the cash wrap of the tackiest stores in America. Pass me the smelling salts, please.

In addition to the “style” issue, we have two other major factors that come into play.

1. My kids are growing like weeds.
2. My kids are extremely hard on clothes.

My poor son and his neglectful mama. As I type this post, he just walked into the room wearing shorts that can only be described as “Leiderhosen chic.” THEY ARE SO SHORT AND TIGHT. BUT I JUST BOUGHT THEM LAST MONTH. HOW IS THIS HAPPENING?! My mother just pointed out that his toes are practically busting out from his shoes! She just accused me of trying to bind his feet, like the Geishas of yore!

Everything is covered in stains. And too small. And we can’t agree on anything.

Do you feel me?

Well, let me tell you about what we’ve been doing the past few months.


It’s the perfect middle ground for all of us. Each month we sit down and pick an outfit or two – my son always goes for simple shorts/pants and graphic tees, and my daughter and I usually spend a few (okay, many) minutes coming to a compromise. (Not gonna lie…there are some shiny fonts and things going on at Fabkids as well. These days, it’s pretty hard to escape entirely unless you’re dropping lots of cash on adorable smaller labels.  However, thankfully, there are plenty of items that meet my standards too.)

All our boxes are ticked with Fabkids. Clothing we all can agree on, items that actually fit, AND did I mention totally affordable? Because frankly, besides a few special items in their closets, I’m done with the fancier brands. I was that mom. I AM NOT THAT MOM ANYMORE. They just get trashed, end of story. Oh! And the shoes. Shoes do not last long in our house, and Fabkids has really cute styles that I don’t fret over when they get shredded from scootering around the neighborhood.

Cute, right?

Here are some the combinations we’ve come up with this summer.

His response when I asked him to look pleasant.

So how does Fabkids work?

Easy peasy. $29.95 a month. You pick outfits at the first of the month, unless you don’t want any outfits and just skip the month. (You have until the 5th to skip.)

We’ve really enjoyed it. Maybe you might too? Check out Fabkids here!

* This post was not sponsored, although Fabkids sent me a few outfits to try out.

  1. Jen

    June 26, 2017 at 3:30 pm

    What do they do to their shoes? My son’s feet grow like weeds, but he STILL manages to completely destroy every pair of sneakers he ever owns before he outgrows them.

    • whoorl

      June 26, 2017 at 4:19 pm

      Yes! It’s insane! And now, my son wears a men’s 8 so I’m paying an arm and leg. (Sadly, Fabkids doesn’t have shoes that fit his big ol’ feet.)

  2. Summer Green

    June 26, 2017 at 6:59 pm

    So true about Justice! The strange magical powers of the sequins and glitter overpowers my 8 year old everytime. I’ll give this a try. My 13 year old is surprisingly easy to dress-she doesn’t care what I buy for her as long as it’s not itchy. Go figure ?

    • whoorl

      June 27, 2017 at 3:46 pm

      Both my kids are so picky about the itch factor too!

  3. Mina

    June 27, 2017 at 8:02 am

    I wish this was around when my daughter was younger. The Justice pull is INSANE. She’s 14 now and while I haven’t checked the site yet, I’m guessing fabkids doesn’t go that old? These early teen years are rough as well. Luckily glitter is no longer involved, but things are short, and tight and UGH…….

  4. Angie M.

    June 27, 2017 at 11:26 am

    I’m totally with you. I am in the process of trying to teach my 7-going-on-17 year old about style and money. I took her to H&M the other day and walked around with her pointing out what I liked and what would make sense for her to buy at a place like H&M (neutral basics that can go with the other stuff she already has and maybe a couple of on-trend accessories). I gave her $20 and told her to figure out what she wanted and go buy it. She bought a rainbow tie-dye butterfly sleeve shirt with some sort of empowering statement in gold glitter in one size too small and a flower headband. UGH! you can lead a horse to water…
    She now knows that her style is important but I will have final say on the clothes she wears in public until she is at least 12.

    • whoorl

      June 27, 2017 at 3:47 pm

      This made me laugh. I so feel you. Solidarity in numbers, mama!

  5. Karen

    June 27, 2017 at 2:13 pm

    I was a Gap Kids and Crewcuts (on sale only) fan when my daughter was little and then Justice took over her closet and the whole family was covered in glitter for about 3 years. By the time she made it to middle school, she was done with it which was great. But now that she’s going into high school, she’s developed a taste for Lululemon workout wear and Patagonia fleeces. My son,who is going into middle school, is happy if you buy him 4 Under Armour shirts and shorts for the season. Good quality and reasonably priced. But I understand that middle school boys love Vineyard Vines around here so I’m bracing myself. And he’s also in a size 8 adult shoe. My mom says it’s payback for all the Esprit, Benetton and Guess jeans she had to buy me as a kid.

    • Mina

      June 27, 2017 at 6:38 pm

      Oh man, I loved Esprit and Bennetton! And Guess jeans :-)