1. On Monday, Wito’s lunch consisted of some Cheerios and string cheese because I wanted to eat HIS beloved leftovers from a Mexican restaurant the night before.
2. I get secretly pissed when he announces that he doesn’t like the song playing in my car. I HAVE STELLAR TASTE IN MUSIC, KID. ONE DAY YOU WILL REALIZE THAT.
3. Wito calls cereal bars (Nutri-Grain bars and such) “handlebars”. I know I am supposed to correct him, but there is nothing cuter than a kid asking for a strawberry handlebar. Carry on, son!
4. If I’m looking like a disheveled mess and/or hobo and need to run errands, I prefer to take Wito so that strangers will assume I look this way from being an overworked parent. Truth is, I probably spent all of my primping time reading Harper’s Bazaar and rearranging my shoe collection.
May 21, 2009 at 1:03 pmha! i wouldn’t correct him either. handlebars, gahhh love it
holly’s last blog post..The big reveal! (It’s not really done, but I’m horrible at waiting)
May 21, 2009 at 2:08 pmHa! I do that last one too. I caught a glimpse of myself in the Target doors the other day and realized I looked like a hot mess. But then I quickly consoled myself with the notion that I had my kids with me so I was expected to look like that. At least their faces were clean. I’m always forgetting to clean their faces after they eat.
Jill’s last blog post..Shameless Promotion – Broccoli Cupcake
May 21, 2009 at 2:32 pmWhat’s worse is when you don’t have a kid as an excuse and look disheveled to boot.:)
Kaleigha’s last blog post..I have a crush…
hi kooky
May 21, 2009 at 2:51 pmHobo!
May 21, 2009 at 4:43 pmHandlebars! HA! That’s even funnier than the fact that Scott calls Nutrigrain bars Graitrinune bars.
Gretchen’s last blog post..Oh Sheet!
May 21, 2009 at 6:19 pmLove the handlebars! My little girl is close in age to Wito – love reading your posts about him :)
I don’t correct some things she says either – I figure eventually she’ll figure it out and then I’ll be sad that she doesn’t say it that way. For example: we have a grey remote for our TV and she calls it the ‘grass kah-mote.’ LOVE it!
May 21, 2009 at 6:41 pmI called appendages falling asleep being “dizzy” for years and no one corrected me (I also called risotto – Rosetta but I was a lot older…) Handlebars is adorable.
I had tater tots for breakfast because I wanted a vehicle for organic ketchup. Also, I’ve been hanging out in my PJs all day until about 5 when I have to go to class. It’s a pathetic existence.
Deidre’s last blog post..Me!me!
Robin Gedman
May 21, 2009 at 7:19 pmMy 4 year old daughter calls littering “glittering” and I think it is so cute. She talks about how bad it is to glitter and even lectures people on it. I don’t agree with her though, the world might be a much prettier place if people glittered. :)
Robin Gedman’s last blog post..You won Land Cruiser
May 21, 2009 at 7:59 pmI really love the new parent confessional posts. hilarious.
May 21, 2009 at 8:01 pmMy four year old son calls girls “grills”, and I can’t bring myself to correct him either!
May 21, 2009 at 8:15 pmI kind of can’t imagine you looking like a mess honestly. As if! :-)
Handlebars is so cute.
sizzle’s last blog post..Enter For a Chance To Win
May 21, 2009 at 8:56 pmDuuuude. Strawberry Handlebar could totally be a band. A great one, at that.
metalia’s last blog post..The Contest winner, a fake sneezing baby, bank complaint poetry, and Venn diagrams: Something for everyone.
May 21, 2009 at 9:01 pmThe handlebars thing reminds me that my best friends kid used to call yogurt ‘ogrit’ and how very sad I was when he learned to say the word correctly. Also sad? He no longer calls me “Annie Wee”, he can actually say Rhiannon.
Rhi’s last blog post..But on the other hand
May 22, 2009 at 9:31 amI’ve worn the same pair of pants for three or four days straight. No make-up. You can only guess what my hair looks like. Sadly, I HAVE BEEN GOING INTO PUBLIC LIKE THIS!
gorillabuns’s last blog post..Facebook isn’t all bad
May 22, 2009 at 10:47 amLike your number four, I find that I can get away with returning things without receipts if I have my kids with me– you know, harried mom with young kids, I’m sure she misplaced it!
Stephanie’s last blog post..More Polyvore Love