Guitar Hero

Last week, I changed my New Year’s resolution. I originally wanted to start crocheting so I could make hats like this, but I just couldn’t get myself super excited at the prospect. (Maybe because I can BUY them with one lazy click of my mouse!) (Wait, I don’t have a mouse. Whatever, look at how cute Wito looks!)

I still wanted to do something with my hands, in order to help pull me away from my computer. (Internet BAD, Music GOOD!) So, I decided to learn to play the guitar.

Now, I’m not a total stranger to musical instruments, as I kicked SOME TRI-STATE ASS with my clarinet as a young lady.


Jealous much? 9 years old under the influence of something. (Most likely, Benny Goodman.)

I also started flute lessons in my late twenties, and let me tell you, there is nothing more humbling than showing up in your $500 J. Crew suit after selling a trillion dollars worth of pharmaceuticals that day, only to be sandwiched in between two eight-year-olds with braces. (Keep rocking the flute, Brittany and Jessica! Drugs BAD, Music GOOD!)

However, I have absolutely NO experience with string instruments. But I’m ready! Bring on the blistered fingers and utter frustration!

(I am hoping that having an extremely gifted guitarist as a father might give me an edge. GENES, DON’T FAIL ME NOW.)

To put it simply, I love music. My family loves music, and Wito LOVES music. In fact, he experienced his first jam with my father over the holidays.

Jam from whoorl on Vimeo.

The kid has an affinity for Hammond organs, no?

After much discussion and searching with my father (who will now be called GURU Stu Tu), my first guitar arrived today.


Isn’t he handsome?

So, I’m asking the internet a favor. Check in on my progress once in awhile. Keep me in line. Hold me accountable. And especially, expect a nothing short of a fabulous recital next December when I participate in Neil’s 3rd Annual Christmahanukwanzaakah Online Holiday Concert. I guess I better start practicing.

WAIT! What should I name him? (He was made in Spain, maybe something Spanish?) Oh help me, wise friends.

The Miracle Ham Adventure

Friday, December 28th, 2007. The day that altered my life forever.

Picture this. A chilly day spent on my grandmother’s ranch in Oklahoma. After a fairly uneventful drive from Oklahoma City, we arrive with gifts in tow. Why, here we are, relaxing on (read: breaking) my grandma’s Lazy Boy.


Christmas at my grandmother’s home is a very relaxed affair. A down home meal, homemade pies, sweetened tea and some football. Usually, I end up sitting on the above chair for most of the 5-hour visit.

Except for this particular day- I heard my father and grandmother talking about some fantastic, life-altering ham and how he just HAD to have one to take back to the city. Some shuffling and jingling of keys ensued, and before I knew it, my dad was heading out the door.

Normally, this wouldn’t have phased me- I mean, it takes a lot to get my ass out of that fine leather chair, but for some reason, I found myself yelling, “Dad! I wanna go! Hold up!” He inquired incredulously, “You want to go pick up a HAM with me?”


Thus began our adventure to secure The Miracle Ham. Through two small towns and a very desolate 2-lane highway, the entire time listening to my father boast about a damn ham. “It isn’t injected with ANYTHING! Such smoky flavor! Hung to dry! Natural! The best flavor you’ve ever tasted!”

Luckily, I had his new iPhone to play with, thus counterbalancing the ham sermon. However, I was very careful to interject a well-placed “uh-huh…you don’t say…mmm, smoky” along the way.

I guess, in my mind, I assumed we were heading to a retail operation, such as a Honeybaked Ham store (although, YOU HAVE NOTHING ON THE MIRACLE HAM, FOOLS!) Little did I know that we were going to spend some quality time here:


The iPhone came in quite handy, you see.

I looked at my father and asked, “Is this, like, a meat production plant-type establishment?”

To which he replied, “I do reckon, little lady, now git over yonder!”

(My extremely suave and well-spoken father hasn’t lived in a small town since 1967, yet transforms into Smiley Burnette within a 20-mile radius of his old stomping grounds.)

We walked up to the door, me skittishly standing in my father’s new-found cowboy shadow, and what I saw next was marvelous.

A smoky office about the size of an elevator with what looked to be a 113-year-old woman sitting at a desk, smoking some Kool Menthols. Across the cluttered desk sat her grandson and great-grandkids, looking at us as if we were just transported from Mars.

Keep in mind, the Miracle Ham Establishment isn’t even located in a town. It is in the middle of nowhere, and I’m guessing the owner/operators of the MHE do not have daily run-ins with people donning winter white peacoats and iPhones. It was a little awkward on my part.

However, Smiley was having a ball.

“Well, HOWDY, Miss Jones! It’s me, Ronny! Arlene’s boy! How ya doing? I was hopin’ I could buy one of those deeelicious hams of yours. I’m fixin’ to head out to the big city, and I sure would like a taste!”

*insert overdramatic eye-rolling on my part*

However, my eye-rolling was cut short when I noticed the young great-grandson (10 years old, tops!) eyeing me like I was a juicy ham myself. People, he licked his lips and with great (and unnecessary) fervor.

Let’s see – Smiley Burnette in one corner, Kool Menthol Elder and 10-Year-Old Pervert in the other. Things couldn’t get much more uncomfortable when, all of the sudden, the front door busted open. As I peered through the thick smoke, I saw the silhouette of a Very Large Man yelling, “Give me my hooves! I need my hooves!”

Kool Menthol Elder – “Well, why on earth would you need some hooves?”

Very Large Man – “Because I’m building my GUN RACK! DO YA RECKON?”

10-Year-Old Pervert – *licking lips*

At this point, I was trying to silently delineate if pigs even had hooves, and if not, what kind of hooves did he mean? More importantly, WHY WAS I IN THIS SITUATION IN THE FIRST PLACE.

I quickly decided I was going to turn around and face the wall. Sure, it might look strange, but trust me, it was my best option.

I turned around, expecting a wall, when I realized it was a glass window. A glass window looking into the meat production “area”. Holy hell. May I just use a few words?

Pig. Parts. Blood. Rust. Raw. Machines.

I’ll let you take that for what it’s worth. I looked at my father and mouthed, “Halp.”

Thank God, at this point, a lovely lady (wearing the world’s bloodiest apron and a poorly-bandaged thumb) appeared with our Miracle Ham. Fantastic.

We said our goodbyes and made our way back to car, feeling much dirtier than before we left. (Well, at least on my part. Smiley was singing about billy goats or something.)

We returned to my grandmother’s house just in time for the big meal. And you know what? I ate two slices of The Miracle Ham.

Now, I’m not really a ham person, but that Miracle Ham? It was damn good.

Adventures With Hoagies

Adventures with hoagies – complete with visual and audio pleasure! (Tasty AND sexy!)

Multiple choice. Christmas day is approaching. It’s 32 degrees outside and snowing with wind gusts up to 35 miles an hour. Conditions are deteriorating rapidly, roadways are quite slushy and it’s colder than a witch’s tit. What do you do?

1) Make hot chocolate, wrap yourself in a cashmere throw and hunker down for the day.

2) Gather the family around the fireplace and sing Christmas carols.

3) Order pizza and watch some favorite DVDs.

4) Drive clear across town (and when I say across town, I mean across Oklahoma City, the SEVENTH LARGEST CITY IN AMERICA IN TERMS OF LAND AREA) to pick up a 4-foot hoagie.


Awwww, yeah. You know the answer to that.

Now, before I go any further, I must inform you that our family has a certain Griswold-esque charm. We’ve had some interesting situations in the past, therefore, we prefer to stay on the down low for our own safety, and the safety of those around us.

Like the time we were enjoying a family barbecue at my home. Dad was cooking steaks outside and the ladies were taking care of side dish duties in the kitchen. I remember washing fruit at the sink, when I suddenly noticed our extremely ancient and DRY pine tree bursting into flames in the backyard.

Turns out, my father had chucked a tiny, flaming piece of beef over his shoulder while grilling outside. That tiny, flaming piece of beef landed ever-so-softly in the ancient and DRY pine tree, and well, the rest is history.

Oh, how I long for you, Mr. Pine. Rest in Peace.

So, um yeah. The Griswolds.

After our gratuitous, smiley “I’m gonna blog this, heh” photo, we hunkered down and got serious. We had a toddler in the car, you know.


We decided it was best not to talk – we needed to focus on the task at hand. That was until Feliz Navidad came on the radio.

Game over. This was the result. (Little did my family know that I was utilizing the Voice Memo feature on my phone.) Notice how the chorus of Feliz Navidad quickly dissipates into “Blahdadaadablaaa”. The family that sings together stays together.

Then, as we were cruising a cool 40mph and caroling in faux-Spanish, this came into our view.


Dear person,

Not really a good place to leave your trailer. OKTHXBAH.

Love, Whoorl


I’m pretty sure my mother was trying to explain how, in Oklahoma, people leave their rusty trailers filled with garbage wherever they please, even if that place is smack dab in the middle of a 45 mph roadway.

Wito was all, “That’s some crazy shit, Grandma! Holla!”


It was not the most optimal day to be on the roads, but the streets weren’t icy yet. We decided to press onwards.


When we finally arrived at our destination, it was quite shiteous outside.


However, Bishop Stu Tu procured our 4-foot hoagie with careful precision. FOR THE LOVE OF CHRIST, DON’T SLIP WITH THE HOAGIE! SECURE THE HOAGIE!


Did I mention this massively long hoagie (which almost didn’t fit into the SUV), was going to be consumed by a mere 5 people?

So, I ask of you. Was the 4-foot hoagie really necessary?


Someone, please save me from the crazy.

Stay tuned for Adventures In Rural Oklahoma: Whoorl’s Visit To A Meat-Packing Plant Straight Out Of Deliverance!

Updates – Part Five

Dudes, Wito has gone from bad to SHIT-TAY.

(He barely slept last night. BARELY SLEPT, I TELL YOU! I SHALL DIE!)

We’re heading to the doctor very soon. In the meantime, enjoy yourself some HT updates.

Have a looksie at Jill before:


Jill listened to HT readers, decided on a bob with highlights and lowlights, and look at her now!


Doesn’t she look fantastic? And ten years younger, might I add.

Jill sent this photo and a very nice email weeks ago, where it promptly disappeared into the sea of my Hair Thursday inbox. Sorry about the delay, Jill! You look lovely.

Now, talk about being on the ball- Miss Dani from last week’s HT already sent me her awesome update. Remember she was having issues with her dated bangs?


And the length?


Dani had 4-5 inches cut off the length, added some shorter layers and had her bangs cut into a sideswept shape. Take a gander at this.


Hello, hot mama! DAMN.

Hair Thursday updates are the best, so keep ’em coming, ladies.

I’m off to the doctor. Peace.

UPDATE – Croup AND a double ear infection. Sweet Jebus, please help my child. (And me.)

Happy New Year!

Thanks to Linda for creating such fabulous time suckage.

1. What did you do in 2007 that you’d never done before?

Completed the Couch to 5K running program, and I can’t sing its praises enough. AWESOME.

2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?

I don’t remember…I think I resolved to exercise more. So yes! Yes, I did! This year I am going to take up crocheting. Someone needs to hold me to this.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?

My sister Lala gave birth to her smooshable son.

4. Did anyone close to you die?

No, thank goodness.

5. What countries did you visit?

Zip, zero, nada.

6. What would you like to have in 2008 that you lacked in 2007?

A personal jet or a futuristic human transporter so I can see my family more often.

7. What dates from 2007 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?

November 28th – see #3.

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?

Being offered a paid writing job by one of my favorite writers.

9. What was your biggest failure?

Giving my laptop more attention than Wito on several occasions.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?

Nothing major, though I did drop trou for a tetanus shot administered by a hot male nurse.

11. What was the best thing you bought?

I know this seems rather shallow, but after two months of searching, I finally decided on a purse. I LOVE IT.

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?

My housekeeper – for never making a dig about the unbelievable amount of cheerios she has to pick up on a weekly basis.

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?

God, Britney Spears. I don’t know whether to laugh or bawl.

14. Where did most of your money go?

Hello, Southern California rent.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?

Every little thing Wito did for the first time.

16. What song will always remind you of 2007?

Cataracts by Andrew Bird

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:? a) happier or sadder? b) thinner or fatter? c) richer or poorer?

Happier, Thinner and Richer. SCORE.

18. What do you wish you’d done more of?

I wish we spent more time at the beach. I get so caught up in not wanting to deal with the effort that I forget how glorious listening to the waves can be.

19. What do you wish you’d done less of?

Staring vapidly at my Google Reader, Flickr and Twitter.

20. How did you spend Christmas?

In Oklahoma with my family. It was truly wonderful.

21. Did you fall in love in 2007?

Does Tim Riggins count?

22. What was your favorite TV program?

Friday Night Lights. See #21.

23. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?


24. What was the best book you read?

The Kite Runner.

25. What was your greatest musical discovery?

Regina Spektor.

26. What did you want and get?

To stay in our house without dealing with toxic fumigation.

27. What did you want and not get?

Nothing comes to mind.

28. What was your favorite film of this year?

We don’t see movies. *GASP* D despises the movie theater. The last movie I saw was Charlie and The Chocolate Factory with Brenda.

29. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?

Unsuccessfully shopped for a purse, but laughed hysterically at the heinous options available to the masses. I turned 33.

30. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?

Living closer to my family.

31. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2007?

Ponytail bangs, bold glasses and Vans.

32. What kept you sane?

Wito’s early bedtime. My favorite blogs. Friends (both online and off.)

33. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?

Taylor Kitsch. (Um, HELLO.)

34. What political issue stirred you the most?

The war.

35. Who did you miss?

My family in Oklahoma. (Can you tell I just returned from a trip home?)

36. Who was the best new person you met?

I met some really fantastic people this year – most of them are in these photos.

37. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2007.

Children are insane, tiring, precious, heart-wrenching and beautiful. A glass of wine at 7pm is key. Bangs are like botox for your forehead. Don’t obsess over things you can’t change- focus on what you can.

38. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.

Simple Things, by Zero 7

It’s an easy ride to roam
You’ll never walk alone
Naturally we blew
Simple things we say
Everyday we find the way

Seems like we’ve opened up the door
Feels like we’ve walked this way before
Naturally we blew
Simple things you say
Everyday you’ll find the way
It amazes

hair thursday makeover 12

Thanks for all of the love, ladies. I’m telling you- your comments about my so-called young appearance could not come at a better time. I spent upwards of ten minutes this morning trying to brush a black “eyelash” off the corner of my eye, until I realized it was not an eyelash, but the deepest crow’s foot wrinkle in the history of the earth. Suckdom.

I love it when Hair Thursday participants do all of the work for me – especially after a rare night of martinis. Meet Veronique.


Veronique’s hair:

Naturally brunette with auburn highlights (doesn’t want to change and I agree)
Hair is a curly/straight hybrid that can’t make up it’s mind
Thinning in the front
Looks flat when it’s longer

Veronique is a kick-ass photographer with a fun sense of style and apparently, doesn’t need my help because she sent the absolute BEST photo of a possible hairstyle for herself.

Oh, I know what you’re thinking. I’m just saying that so I can wuss out on the work of finding a suitable style for her, right? WRONG. I’m prepared to defend my choice! With the 59 million reasons WHY this hairstyle would look great on Veronique.


Option #1 is the photo Veronique sent to me and #2 is a slightly more traditional variation of the same cut. They both are highly-layered and highly texturized, but #1 has more of an inverted shape and much heavier bangs.

Veronique seems to have the kind of hair that wants to be “in between”. In between lengths, in between curly and straight, in between thick and thin. Instead of forcing her hair one way or the other, she needs to spotlight what she’s got. Both of these style options would be great because a mussed look is the goal. (No one uses the word “muss” anymore. BRING BACK THE MUSS!)

Notice how the heavier bangs in Option #1 are coming from the middle of the crown forward. This type of cut would help give Veronique a thicker look, masking the thinness in front and the cowlick in the middle of her forehead. As for the sides and back, she wouldn’t have to do a thing. Just wash, towel-dry, put a dab of waxy pomade through the ends and let air dry. The way Veronique’s hair naturally dries (the in between thing) would look almost exactly like the photos.

Plus! The shorter cut and bangs would totally bring out her lovely eyes.

Which one do you like?

Our second participant is Lane. She is the 2nd official inductee into The Fishing Club.



Lane’s hair:

Naturally perfect color
Naturally shiny
Naturally everything
Prefers her hair longer

Oh, that’s too bad. I was going to tell Lane to shave it all off.

Oh, I kid. I totally know where she’s coming from with her hair boredom, but I do think she should leave it longer. However, she asked about the possibility of bangs for a new change. I think that could work- maybe starting out with longer ones at first to see if she is happy with the look, and then going shorter if she likes them. Maybe something like this.

What do you think?

p.s. – Totally unrelated to the participants at hand, but this is rocking my world right now.
