Oh, My Beloved Turkey

Sorry, peeps. I have nothing to write about that would interest anyone in the least.

Unless you want to hear about the dangers of listeria because DAMN, I could fill you in for hours. and hours. and hours. Ask my husband.

The dilemma of whether or not to eat deli meat during pregnancy. That’s the crisis du jour over here. And what if I already did? And the listeria monoctyogenes are coursing through my body? Oh shit. Are pregnant women really NOT allowed to eat deli turkey during their entire pregnancy?

  1. chantel

    January 27, 2006 at 11:16 am

    When I was pregnant I had the hyper-sickness thing. I threw up everything, all the time for nine months. I could eat three things. Packaged deli sliced honey smoked turkey, string cheese and thousand island dressing.

    Weird I know. I gave birth to two healthy 8 lb. children, both times.

    Eat it!! You’ll be fine!!

  2. shannon

    January 27, 2006 at 8:16 am

    I warmed up deli meats in the micro. I also found out at the end of my pregnancy that I could have been eating all the soft cheeses I wanted as long as I stayed with the American pasteurized (of course, less tasty and expensive) varieties. Damn did I miss feta.

    Soon as I popped her out I had sushi, beer, a pedicure, and lots of smooshy cheese.

  3. Lyndsay

    January 27, 2006 at 8:19 am

    My dinners for the past week:
    1) Salads with FETA or BLUE CHEESE crumbles (I thought I was giving the baby much needed calcium!)
    2) Hot dogs drenched in mustard & cheddar (I think they were heated to steaming?!)

    I AM PROBABLY RIDDLED WITH LISTERIA. I have to stop reading your blog. You make me paranoid!!!

  4. reluctant housewife

    January 27, 2006 at 8:27 am

    I know the feeling. I’m a hypochondriac so I had to think nice and hard before eating anything. It was exhausting!

    You can eat the deli meat as long as it is heated enough to kill the bacteria. I couldn’t bring myself to microwave it, so I just toasted the sandwiches. Melted cheese – good.

    Pregnancy – “Nine months of eating dangerously”. Fun NY times story (but I’m too lazy to find the link)!

  5. cj4

    January 27, 2006 at 4:26 pm

    All I know is that K studiously avoided all potential baby-messer-uppers and my kid sleeps like a champ and never gets sick. Of course, she does wear a helmet to correct her Viet Nam War Memorial shaped noggin, but whatever. Details.

  6. Krisco

    January 27, 2006 at 10:14 pm

    No cold meats.

    Surely there’s something else you can have for lunch. Cold meats aren’t even good…. :)

    (try pb&j, to prep you for your life ahead anyway : )

  7. Sarcastic Journalist

    January 29, 2006 at 8:39 pm

    bunch. of. crap.

    eat away!

  8. thedoggydidit

    January 31, 2006 at 12:40 pm

    Yeah I am going to say bullshit, but hey better safe than sorry right…??

    I personally had a serious aversion to foul while I was pregnant…the smell or sight of any kind of edible bird totally grossed me out..

    I did however eat about 5 of those big bags of the individually wrapped peppermint life savers a day though…I can no longer stand the sight of them, but I chewed them non stop, with crushed ice..drove everyone crazy!!

    I say skip the turkey and go get yourself a double quarter pounder with cheese instead…:)