1. 15 things to do when the world is shitty and terrifying.
2. If some of you recall, Wito was the chubbiest baby ever. Here are 10 things moms of chubby babies know.
3. This interview with Carrie Fisher is so fantastic. Tell it like it is, Carrie!
4. Technically, celebrating Christmas in February would be so much less stressful.
5. I would TOTALLY go to this step aerobic class.
6. “One should never have to ask anyone else why they are worthy of being seen. Every human is given a body and a face and then spends the rest of his or her life trying to feel at home there. Worthiness is part of the basic package.” A really interesting read regarding selfies.
7. “…you are probably going to run into this thing, this fear that you’re bumping up against the limits of your ability.” The Imposter Syndrome. Have you heard of it? I definitely struggle with it.
8. Parents embracing their inner child. Pretty funny.
9. A great little article on wine by a lovely French lass.
10. The 2015 Hater’s Guide to the Williams Sonoma catalog had me laughing. #barkyeah hahaaaa
11. Oh, you guys. Everlane now has a kids’ line? STOP IT. (Besides the mini stuff, wouldn’t mind the chunky wool crewneck for myself.)
12. And last, but certainly not least, 21 grandmas who have absolutely no filter. Enjoy.
Happy weekend!
image credit: robert motherwell