Odds and Ends


1. Teachers like this are so inspiring.

2. You can alter your brain by staring into someone’s eyes for 10 minutes. Trippy.

3. When is school going to start, pray tell? I am totally feeling this mom.

4. Um, this can’t be true. THIS CAN’T BE TRUE.

5. One of my favorites on self respect by Joan Didion.

6. My DIY honey mask is featured on Better Homes and Gardens. I love that mask.

7. How to talk to little girls. Great piece.

8. Red solo cups – did you know about this secret feature?

9. Are you a naked person? Can’t say that I am.

10. Would you wear this jumpsuit?

11. Your state’s favorite emoji. The ghost sticking his tongue out? What the hell, Oklahoma?

12. If you aren’t watching Matt Bellassai get drunk at his desk and complain, you are totally missing out.

13. Science rules.

Happy Friday! We had the most beautiful weather yesterday…I’m definitely ready for fall.

  1. Kate P

    August 21, 2015 at 12:35 pm

    So, that rat video will haunt my dreams forever. ;) Also, this is completely unrelated to this post, but I have been meaning to touch base and say thanks for even making me aware BeautyCounter existed. I connected with a gal in my town after your raves, and loved the products so much I went so far as to become a consultant. I am so excited about these products, and this company, and have you to thank! Happy weekend, Sarah!

  2. Amanda

    August 23, 2015 at 3:05 am

    OH MY GOD! I wish I had never watched that rat video! I will never want to sit on a toilet again! #hoverforlife

  3. Christina

    August 24, 2015 at 10:01 am

    #1 seriously gave me goosebumps. She is such an inspiring teacher…there needs to be more of her.

  4. Lori

    August 24, 2015 at 2:20 pm

    #4…OMG OMG OMG please tell me this video is just an April’s Fool’s Joke!!