Odds and Ends


1. These sunglasses are perfection. As is the hair and lips.

2. Finally got my act together and I’m posting daily outfit photos from my capsule wardrobe at a new Instagram account, whoorlscloset. The mirror shots I’m taking kind of make me want to puke, but a promise is a promise, folks. Maybe I’ll dust off my tripod next week, but hey, at least I’m documenting my steady commitment to the capsule wardrobe cause. #fistbumpemoji

3. You’ve probably already seen this, but Christina does a perfect impression of Britney. So good.

4. What did you think about Patricia Arquette’s comments at the Academy Awards? Here are two great posts on the subject.

5. I guess I’m glad I’m not watching The Bachelor this season. Too much saliva.

6. Did you feed your babies peanuts early on? I have always wondered about this.

7. This made me laugh. And send to my dad because I think his diet is quite similar.

8. WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?! If I see this happen at Target, I’ll cry.

9. Seriously gorgeous photos. The one with the starry sky? Unreal.

10. Acro yoga is insane. I want to do it in my next life.

11. I guess Oklahoma is really down with gift shops. What’s your state’s favorite?

12. Finally, what do you think about the dress? Blue and black or white and gold? I see blue and black, but D says white and gold. You guys, we argued about it for 30 minutes last night, for real. What in the hell is going on here? What color do you see? If that dress is white and gold, MY ENTIRE LIFE HAS BEEN A LIE. (update – here’s the science behind the discrepancy. And I was right, ahem.)

  1. Christina

    February 27, 2015 at 8:37 am

    I currently see white & gold, and I saw white & gold before I went to bed last night. At about 12:30am when my husband got home he asked me what colors I saw and I looked at the picture to make sure it was the same one I had seen earlier and I saw BLUE & BLACK!!! So, weird…..

  2. Melissa

    February 27, 2015 at 11:06 am

    i fed both my kids peanut butter (natural, nothing but ground nuts) before age one. I larger with the article you posted. When my older child was a baby (he’s now 2.5) I had heard that the allergies had gone up after they started recommending delayed introduction of high allergy foods. We don’t have allergies in my family, except my husband is allergic to sesame) so I introduced peanuts, strawberries, eggs, and sesame (in hummus) to my kids before a year to hopefully keep the allergies away! So far they are ok.

  3. Heidi

    February 27, 2015 at 12:45 pm

    I moved to Oklahoma from San Diego and wondered about all the gift shops! I guess people here really like tchotchkes. So many candles and Vera Bradley and figurine type gift shops here. There’s a gift shop in the car wash near my husband’s office, for crying out loud. (I bought a chapstick there once.)

  4. Lauren

    February 28, 2015 at 3:25 am

    I followed my ped’s advice and didn’t give peanuts until a year. He was very relaxed about everything else (strawberries, eggs, other common allergens we gave without a timetable) but said he’d prefer we wait on that one. No allergies at this point, but we don’t have a family history of it. If my kid was high risk and I knew… it think it would be downright terrifying to do so.

  5. Myndi

    March 9, 2015 at 2:38 pm

    Totally missing your Bachelor recaps this season!